The man in the dark

Luck was never one to reject food, even if it was from strange people, food remined food. After picking up his backpack Luck followed him.

Luck was familiar with the part of the city he frequented but this area was completely foreign to him, the city was still largely awake, multiple food stalls as well as restaurants were still open but they passed every single one of them.

Even the very tempting restaurants…

After moving past another restaurant Luck could no longer hide his frustration.

"You are not actually planning on kidnap me under the guise of food are you? I'm not a kid that you can trick into a carriage with candy."

The man chuckled.

"But didn't you technically follow me, a stranger because of food?"

Luck was paused for a moment to think and then he paled.

"It's… it's different! I could take you down at any time if I wanted to."