A bet and a clash

Luck had not expected to see Elder anytime soon, although he knew that there was a slight possibility of finding him in the academy he was not completely sure. After all, just like him Elder didn't seem like the type to attend any kind of school.

If Elder did attend the academy he would probably be Luck's senior by now. The thought of it was amusing.

Before he could speak the man's mocking voice cut in.

"You… you call him Elder?"

Luck nervously coughed.

"That's besides the point."

Luck's voice had a mocking tone as he spoke next.

"Don't tell me you actually attend the academy?"

Elder remained silent for sometime, he probably had some sort of expression on his face right now but all Luck saw was the expressionless wooden mask.

"Academy?" He scoffed. "Do you really think there is anything those professors can teach me that I don't already know?"

Luck glanced at his acquaintance who was now staring intently at Elder.