Dungeon Diving (2)

The moment the stalwart blade left its scabbard Luck was awash with the blood of the devils.

The first to suffer from his wrath was the skrill that was reaching for his neck like an abusive husband. Luck split its arms before its very eyes causing the monster to howl in pain.

Not stopping the momentum of the blade he drove it into the shoulder of the skrill in front of him, severing flesh from bone.

Then with one simple leap Luck jumped into the air. He was now upside down, face to face with the two Skrills that were approaching from his back.

Their muscles tensed as they pointlessly tried to slow their approach but they were already too close.

Staring face to face at the two beasts, Luck lessened their burdens, separating their heavy heads from their spines.

Their hot pertrid blood spilled on his clothes, it was a nice relief from the chilling cold outside.