Making Camp

One by one they all alighted the carriage to see the problem that had turned Amell's mood sour. The young man was not easily flustered so seeing him like this made Chari wonder how bad the situation really was.

They all walked to the front of the carriage, Chari lifted a brow as he watched the rather disturbing sight in front of him.

In the place where there was normally meant to be a road, a large fissure was now present, splitting the entire road in half.

But the damage to the road was probably not what put Amell on the edge, it was most likely the implication of what this meant.

What was powerful enough to split the road in half? And was the creature still close by?

Chari turned his attention to Lily who was watching the road with just as much surprise. He could tell from her facial reaction that she too was surprised but he still had to ask.

"I'm guessing this wasn't here when you passed through this road?"