Ellie's Cooking

Chari had been the unsuspecting taste taster at the time. The two girls had looked so innocent when they presented him with the meal so he had no choice but to take a bite.

By the time Ayase arrived to warn him it had been too late… he had forced himself to swallow it in order not to look bad in front of them.

And the result? He spent the rest of the day in close proximity to the toilet.

Raven let out a light chuckle as she turned to face the stars.

"It's good to see you still have that humorous side of yours. I was beginning to think that side of you was gone as well."

There was a slight pause before Chari spoke.

"How so?"

Raven tilted her head to the side a little, her gaze still locked on the starry sky above.

"It's as though the more time passes by the more you change. It is understandable, everyone will have to change at some point but it's also worrying."

Raven continued.