013, blinded by lard

"Song Zhen!"

Gu Xinfei called out instinctively!

But Song Zhen did not turn back!

Gu Xinfei stood rigidly in place, her gentle little face instantly cracking with boundless resentment!

Song Zhen rushed upstairs and saw Gu Yibo already carrying Gu Xinzhou across to the second-floor staircase.

Gu Xinzhou, without a touch of make-up, looked haggard and deathly pale, her forehead covered with beads of sweat from weakness!

She bit her lip, pain crumpling her features together!

Song Zhen rushed over, reaching out without a word to take her, but Gu Yibo wouldn't let him!

Gu Yibo said, "Hurry and drive! To the hospital!"

Song Zhen reacted, racing ahead out of the villa; he got into his car and immediately started the engine.

He then got out, opening the backseat door, and shouted to the advancing Gu Yibo, "Uncle Gu! Get in quickly!"

Gu Yibo gritted his teeth and carried his daughter into the car.

Song Zhen also quickly got in, hastily buckling up his seatbelt, only to see someone had joined him in the passenger seat.

He looked surprised.

Gu Xinfei anxiously said, "Hurry up! Zhouzhou's condition can't be delayed, we must get to the hospital now!"

Song Zhen immediately stepped on the gas pedal!

An hour later.

Gu Xinzhou lay on the emergency room bed, still unconscious.

The doctor had just performed an endoscopy and said she had a mild gastric ulcer, caused by consuming a large amount of cold and irritating food that triggered acute gastroenteritis, leading to her current condition.

The gastric ulcer was also the result of long-term hardship, irregular eating habits, and chronic gastritis left untreated.

Currently, Gu Xinzhou had an IV drip attached to the back of her hand.

Her little face was so pale it lacked any trace of color.

Gu Yibo sat anxiously beside the bed, like a statue, staring unblinkingly at his precious daughter.

Gu Xinfei brought back hot drinks for everyone, and also brought a bowl of millet porridge for Gu Xinzhou, as recommended by the doctor for her stomach.

After setting down the items, she handed a cup to Song Zhen.

Song Zhen took it: "Thank you."

He stood at the foot of Gu Xinzhou's bed, his tall figure gazing intently at the person on the bed.

Gu Xinfei brought a cup over to Gu Yibo.

Gu Yibo, without even looking, said, "Just put it there!"

Gu Xinfei thought for a moment and then said softly, "Dad, don't worry.

In the next few days, I'll make sure Zhouzhou takes her medicine every day and eats her meals on time. I'll nourish her back to health.

I promise I'll have her healthy again before she returns to Italy."

Song Zhen frowned slightly, "With her being like this, why is she even thinking of going back to Italy?"

Gu Xinfei looked at him in astonishment, "But Zhouzhou still has work over there."

This time, Song Zhen directly addressed Gu Yibo, "She can work anywhere, news translation jobs exist in our own country too.

Uncle Gu, Zhouzhou has never suffered like this since she was young; she's not accustomed to the food abroad.

She's only been out there for five years, and her health has already declined so much; who knows what else might happen if it continues.

Forgive me for being blunt, but rather than let Zhouzhou struggle abroad, wouldn't it be better if you arranged a position for her at Gu's group?"

Gu Xinfei's pupils shrank!

Her return this time was to take up a position at Gu's.

Zhuang Xiuya had told her that the CEO of one of the most influential companies under Gu's had recently resigned.

There was only one position available!

"Song Zhen is right!" lamented Gu Yibo, looking at Gu Xinzhou, "I must have been blinded by lard to have agreed to let her go to Italy.

I don't care; I won't let Zhouzhou go back anymore!"

Gu Xinfei's fists tightened behind her back and then relaxed.

She laughed softly, "Dad is just joking. Zhouzhou won't listen to you; she'll definitely want to go back to work."