014, she seems to have changed.

Gu Yibo made up his mind, "Anyway, this time I won't let Zhouzhou leave me again!"

Gu Xinfei was somewhat anxious, "Dad, Zhouzhou has her own life aspirations, why must you force her?

She was so young when she came back to our family.

From being frightened and uneasy to now finally daring to pursue her own dreams, how many changes, how much progress!

We should encourage her, support her.

Instead of repeatedly making her feel disappointed!"

"A gastric ulcer can't be healed in just a few days."

Song Zhen suddenly spoke up, his deep eyes landing on Gu Xinfei's face, with an unprecedented scrutiny, "Xinfei, the prerequisite for a person to pursue dreams is to have a healthy body.

You should understand this principle, shouldn't you?"

That year, that day.

He couldn't accept that his father brought another woman home less than 100 days after his mother's death.

And could not accept how the Song Family had fallen from grace overnight.

He even left home with the thought of suicide.

He hid in the attic, unwilling to see anyone.

That tender voice kept him company, talked to him through the long dark hours.

Her kindness and gentleness reignited his faith.

Knowing the discontent in his heart, she told him that the prerequisite for having dreams is to have a healthy body.

Because of this sentence, he finally opened the window a bit and accepted the half of the food she shared with him.

She refused to let him see her face.

She also refused to tell him her name.

Under his persistent questioning, she finally revealed that she was the young mistress of the Gu Family.

From that moment, he became silent.

He wanted to become strong and stand before her again, showing her his most perfect self.

He had always been striving.

But now...

Song Zhen looked solemnly at Gu Xinfei.

Why could a person change so much?

Gu Xinfei had always been pampered and spoiled by Song Zhen.

Suddenly being questioned like this, suddenly under his scrutinizing gaze, naturally, she felt uneasy.

She retorted stiffly, "That's your men's way of thinking!

To women, dreams are invaluable, they can surpass everything!

Zhouzhou is a girl, she has dreams in her heart that we shouldn't shatter!

I think the best solution right now is to hire a private doctor for Zhouzhou, who would take full responsibility for her health and accompany Zhouzhou to Italy!"

Song Zhen frowned.

Gu Xinfei guiltily averted her eyes, no longer making eye contact with Song Zhen.

She always felt that when Song Zhen stared at someone, that gaze was terrifying.

She looked at Gu Yibo, "Dad, we shouldn't presume to be doing good for Zhouzhou!

We need to consider what Zhouzhou wants, what makes her happy!


Gu Yibo suddenly teared up, his voice hoarse, "Stop talking."

Gu Xinfei: "..."

Gu Yibo looked at Gu Xinzhou's pale and frail appearance, feeling extremely distressed inside, "I couldn't take good care of her mother back then, leading to her young and early death—this is my greatest pain.

Now, with Zhouzhou drifting abroad in such poor health, it's also my folly!

I have already erred; how can I err again?

Song Zhen is right, even with dreams, one needs a strong body to achieve them!

I won't let Zhouzhou leave again, no matter what!

I have decided!"

Gu Xinfei tightly pursed her lips, holding back some emotion, and gently touched Gu Xinzhou's tender face, softly saying, "It's also good, Zhouzhou staying at home, I can take good care of her."

Song Zhen placed the tea on the windowsill.

He looked out at the bustling street from the window and then turned to Gu Yibo, "Uncle Gu, Zhouzhou is stubborn.

I think you might need to be a bit more ruthless."