Chapter 15 He Came Through the Storm for Her!

Can't he say something a bit nicer!?

Although she greatly resented his disdain, she was truly cold.

So, in the end, she chose to don his jacket.

The lingering scent of his body was on the clothes.

A light, faint smell of tobacco was exactly like the fragrance in her memories.

Sheng Qianxia was slightly startled, suddenly recalling that one year, on a rainy day just like today—

After attending a dance competition, she overslept and had become separated from the group.

When she awoke, she found that it was already deep into the night.

She was lost in this remote, unknown place.

Her phone had shut down automatically because of a dead battery.

She had only a little change left on her, not even enough to pay for the fare home.

So she could only look for a bus stop to make phone calls, dialing every number she could remember.

She didn't remember many numbers, and no one was available to pick up her calls.

After much hesitation, she finally used her remaining change to call Gong Beiyao's number.

This was the last number she could recall.

At that time, he really was the person she hated the most.

She couldn't explain why she hated him.

Perhaps it was because she liked him but felt that he didn't like her back in the same way.

In truth, she hadn't expected him to come at all.

She didn't even know the name of the place where she was.

There were no distinctive landmarks nearby.

She could only give him a rough description of her surroundings.

She had even prepared herself to spend the entire night there.

Probably even she thought it would be a fantasy for him to find her—

But, he had come for her through the storm, drenched!

She didn't even know how he had found her.

It only felt like, at that moment, beautiful fireworks had exploded at the tip of her heart, bursting into incredible, dazzling colors.

The rebellious teenager, not older than fifteen, had come driving an incredibly stylish racecar, handing her the only helmet and forcibly stuffing her into his raincoat.

After that day, she suddenly didn't hate him so much anymore.

What Sheng Qianxia didn't know was that Gong Beiyao had been racing against others that day.

Upon receiving her call, he drove his racecar straight off the track.

That raincoat was one he had casually bought from a roadside store as he was coming.

He had intentionally bought only one because he wanted to share the same raincoat with her.

That day did not disappoint him.

Even after many years had passed, he could still clearly remember the scene of her sitting behind him on his racecar.

Her cheeks were nearly touching the clothes on his back.

Warm breaths occasionally passed through the cloth, spraying onto his back.

Raindrops hit the raincoat, making ringing sounds like his wildly pounding heartbeat at that time.

The weather was clearly cold, yet he felt his body was burning hot.

It had taken him only twenty minutes to get there.

Yet, the return trip had taken two hours.

How did you find me?

She asked him from behind as she sat on his bike.

As long as I want to, I can find you no matter where you are in the world.

He answered arrogantly and unrestrained.

How could she know that he had always been keeping track of all her small matters, knowing her itinerary like the back of his hand?

Knowing the approximate location where she was and through the description she gave, he had easily locked onto a few potential sites.

He found her by choosing the first path his intuition led him to.

Maybe because he was just lucky.

Or maybe, because places she had been to still carried a special fragrance in the air.

—As long as I want to, I can find you no matter where you are in the world.

Because he didn't want to, she hadn't encountered him for three years, not even once.

Just as Sheng Qianxia was immersed in her memories, her phone's ringtone brought her back to reality.

It was a call from the hospital.

The voice coming through the phone reached Sheng Qianxia's ears:

"Hello, are you Sheng Qingxue's sister? Sheng Qingxue has just been brought to our hospital after a heart attack. Please come to First Hospital as soon as possible to complete the admission procedures."