Chapter 16: What Can You Ask of Me?

Sheng Qianxia's mind went blank—

Just now, Sheng Qianxia had rushed into the garden in a flurry, while Sheng Qingxue was denied entry.

Because of her eagerness, compounded by consecutive blows.

Qingxue's heart condition flared up all of a sudden due to the overwhelming burden.

Sheng Qianxia's cell phone dropped to the ground with a thud, and she murmured with a pale face, "Something's happened to my sister—"

Sheng Qingxue's heart disease had not recurred for many years.

If it hadn't been for this phone call, she might have even forgotten about her heart condition—

Sheng Qianxia was instantly at a loss.

Gong Beiyao swiftly pushed her into the car, started the engine, and drove off.

"Address," his cold voice oddly provided a sense of comfort at the moment.

"First Hospital," she replied.

Gong Beiyao didn't say a word and took her straight to the destination.

By the time she arrived at the hospital, Sheng Qingxue had already awakened.