chapter 1

When I woke up, I was feeling light headed my head was banging so hard, it felt like I got hit with a stick the previous night. Why, why today of all day's I wondered.

Today is my first day in Korea and I'm going to start school. Today is going to be my first day at Hankuk law school, I will be studying law at Hankuk law school.

I arrived last night and It was really late, the person who brought me to my dorm told me to be at the University by 8:00am sharp.

Looking at the time right now it's 7:30am.

I quickly rushed to the bathroom, took my bath and prepared for my first day at the law school and I can't wait to see how I will spend my day.

I would have woken up earlier if my roommate was around, but she went home for some reasons. The receptionist at our dorm told me that she'd be back by the weekend.

My roommate is a slim tall and white girl, her skin is smooth and spotless. You may be wondering how I knew this. Well the receptionist showed me her picture on his phone.

When I finished dressing up, I packed my braid into a pony tail, applied some make up, I carried my bag and a big textbook that I could not manage to carry in my bag. When I checked the time it was already 7:55am so I hurried out of my form and ran along.

On the way, the other students were staring at me some even smiled at me, I bet some cute guys were also smiling at me but I had to time to notice them, I was already late for my first class at a Korean law school, what if the teacher wasn't friendly.

I entered the law school by 8:00am sharp, my dorm is that close to the school.

I ran to the elevator, when I entered I met two guys, they were both staring at me. One of them even smiled at me and I smiled back. The trip to the 1st floor was a long one. Then one of the guys decided to talk.

Hi pretty, am Lee Man ju and this is my friend Oh Bu Sung, we are in our second year. Then Oh Bu Sung interrupted. You're a new student right.

Yes I am.

Are you going to the first floor.

Yes, I quickly answered him.

What's your name, Lee Man ju asked.

Oh so sorry, where are my manners. Am Victory Jane.

Nice to meet you Jane, they both said.

I'd prefer it if you called me Victory, Jane is my surname.

Do you speak Korea, Lee Man ju asked.

Yes I can, I learn it before coming but am kinda shy to speak.

That's nice, oh bu sung said.

So I'll call you both sunbae since you're in your second year and I'm still in my first.

Yes we have no problem with that Lee answered.

Okay, so guys am late for class see you later

잘가요 (meaning good bye in Korea) 또봐요 (see you again). I ran off to class while some other students kept staring at me.

Well good for me class was delayed so when I got to class I wasn't late. I sat next to a girl whose name was Dang sol .

Hi am Dang sol but you can call me sol, nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you too sol, am Victory Jane but if like it if you call me Victory.

That's a cool name, what country are you from.

Am from Nigeria.

Wow Jane I've heard a lot about Nigerians and you guys are so cool.

Awww thanks Sol.



After all the classes today, I'll introduce you to our study group. That's if you're interested.

Offcourse am interested. Sol that's so much you're a life saver.

You're welcome.

Then our teacher came into the class and we did civil civil procedure act. You see, there something about me you should know. Me winning the scholarship was thanks to God my creator because am a panic disorder patient, I've lost everything I've built from kindergarten when I was years old, I mean my ability to focus, study and be on top of the class it all got lost because of my panic disorder.

And this was all because of my parents divorce. Before the divorce I was a bright student always on top of the class, didn't need to read much before aceing my exams but my life took a drastic turn when i was 7 year old. My dad suddenly turned into an abusive husband, he became a monster and my mum because his only prey.

After sometimes mum couldn't take it anymore so she ran away one night while he was preying on her. My life took a turn after that night. I missed mummy so much that I dropped iny academic performance.

Any time I asked daddy when mummy was going to come back to us, he would always say that mummy eloped with a rich fellow. I never believed this story so I kept asking him but he kept telling me the same story. But I never still believed this story and missed my mummy so much. I always cried anytime I was alone because I couldn't cry in the presence of my little sister, I was the only one who could take care of her, I was her rock to lie on, after me she couldn't depend on anyone else.

Dad took us to the village to stay with his eldest sister who hate my mum like a piece of shit. Her hatred for my mum drive her to maltreat my sister and I. She didn't stop maltreating us, she would always find a reason to hit me or punish me, I never allowed anyone punish my sister so anytime my sister did something wrong , I always took the blame and I would always get beaten like a slave from the 19th century.

During the 2017 Easter holiday, a woman with my mums face cake to visit with my dad. Age looked different from the mum I used to know.

She was healthy, and looked like a hottie from the UK .

When I asked Dad about who she was, he said she was out mum. I was speechlees for a while in a state of trans, but I quickly snapped out of it and and both my sister and I ran up to her and we both gave her atge tightest hug, she hugged us back with lots of love and affection.

After Easter, mum and Dad took us to the city of our birth(Ibadan) where we stayed in a one room apartment. The next day after Dad left for work mum took us to her home town(ilara mokin in ondo state) we were to stay with her elder sister. Mom was hoping her sister would take care of us but her sister was no different from. Our dad's sister. Anytime mum sent food, clothing's, money, and goodies, she won't let us enjoy any of it. She would share them amongst her peers, she gave the prettiest cloths to her daughter who was two years older than me, and gave my sister and I the ones that looked out of fashion.

When mum heard about how her sister treated us, she made up an excuse to come take us back to Lagos where she stays. She took us to Lagos on the 27th of September 2017, during that period I still never know that I was already suffering from panic disorder due to all the emotional trauma I was experiencing as a child. After four years in Lagos I realized I was different from the people around me and sometimes in a fucking bad way. I started making researches and found out that all the signs and symptoms was similar to that of a panic disorder patient. I still didn't believe I was suffering from panic disorder until I had a panic attack on the assembly ground at school.

After that day I sat down and thought about my life. I realized I had wasted seven good years of my life . But I swore to make things better for myself, I became closer to God and he sent me a good friend whom people sometimes said looks like me, she introduced me to kpop and I also started watching kdramas. I became a BTS fan and I was fascinated by Koreans culture.if you saw me then, you'll say am obsessed but I was not.

Tgen I found dream and inspiration through BTS Kim seok Jin, and a kdrama star Lee jae wook who is actually my month mate. He was born on the 10th of May while I was born in the 6th.He awoke my desire to become successful, to become brilliant, intelligent and smarter. Through this process I wrote a fully funded scholarship exam to study law in Hankuk university as an undergraduate and I passed.

After class ended Sol came to me and said.

Well Tory, it's time, let's go meet my study buds.