chapter 2

Dang sol took me to the school's copy room, where 5 students were sitted, they are also law students at Hankuk university.

Everyone, this is Victory Jane and she is one of the new foreign students.

Nice to meet you Victory; you're welcome to our study group and jang sul.

Am ye seul, Am Choi yeong, Am Hang hwi, Am Park Kim and Am Kang Dan and it's really nice to meet you Victory. He stood up and shook my hand.

Nice to meet you too Kang Dan. Nice to meet you guys.

Then jang sul stood up, everyone you know this is our first year in the law school different students; including foreign students ye seul added with a smile aimed at me, I smiled back at her.

Okay like I was saying different students including foreign students will be here and they all have eyes on one award. They want to be among the best students because when you're among the best students here in this university, law firms will be begging to intern you at their firm. So my point is, it's not going to be that easy, we need to work really hard on our studies here.

Oh God, we faced so much in highschool and we are still going to face more here in university, help us lord, Dang Sol lamented.

Ye seul sat up and threw her hair to the back, then she said; well as for me am ready for any challenge. Let's get ready to work hard. Park Kim smiled at her and he playfully slapped her back. Everyone was laughing except me.

Kang Dan brought me back to reality by calling my name. Victory, are you alright? Why aren't you saying anything. I shaked a little. Oh sorry guys, am fine am just a little....

Shy? You don't need to be shy when you're with us, we are all your friends and friends don't get shy around each other he said stroking my braids. Also I love your hairstyle.

Thanks Kang Dan.

You're welcome princess.

What.... Did he just call me princess? I looked up and found myself looking straight into kang Dan's eyes. Wow, I didn't see this earlier but Kang Dan is a real handsome fellow, his brown eyes, small pink and kissable lips, his baby looking face, his smooth white spotless face, his pointed chin, and pointed nose plus his curly hair that is at his neck level. Dawn, I couldn't help but gaze at this perfect description of a demon boyfriend before me. I snapped out of it when I heard ye seul saying

Ooh Kang Dan, when will you learn to stop charming girls.

What do you mean am not charming anyone.

Really, Choi yeong screamed, you're actually charming Victory.

I sat upright when I heard my name.

Sorry about that guys, I had an hallucination. Oh, no worries you're actually not the first.

I wanted to go crazy when I heard that I'm actually not the first but Dang sol didn't give me a chance.

Hey girls why don't we all come together tonight at my dorm to do all girls stuff together, let's call it a girls only night.

Okay Dang sol but one problem though.

What is it.

Is Victory gonna come Choi yeong asked.

Are you gonna come Victory, you seem shy around us ye seul asked.

Offcourse I'll come, I've never had or been to a girls only night before. Dang sol nodded with a big smile on her face.

Excuse me guys I need to go to the cafeteria, am really starving. I stood up and left with Dang Sol following suite claiming that she's also hungry. On the way she looked at me in a sis kinda way so I asked her why the look.


Yes Sol.

Be honest with me and don't lie to me, do you like Kang Dan.

What! What makes you think I like him, was it because of the way I looked at him.

No, but because you didn't react when he was really close to you.

That! That's normal to me, when I was in Nigeria, I usually hangout with my male friends than I do with my female friends.

Oh, did you have a boyfriend in Nigeria before coming here?

No I stopped my relationship life at the age of fifteen.


Yeah crazy right .

Hmmn. Have you ever kissed a guy before.

Offcourse! Not

You haven't been romantically involved with a Guy before.

No, not yet I haven't.

God you are so innocent.

Don't keep that in mind am not as innocent as you think .

If I may ask, how old are you.

Am 17 years old.

Wow, you're pretty young, you're going to be the Maknae(youngest person in Korean) in the study group followed by Choi yeong she's 19.

When we entered the cafeteria, I saw my two first friends Man ju and Bu sung, then I called out to them. Seungbae, seungbae, they both looked up from their meals and saw me then they motioned for me to come sit with them. Dang sol and I went to sit with them after we got our meals.

Seungbae 안녕하세요(hello) 잘치니서(how have you been)

We are fine.

Who is this damsel you brought with you, Man ju asked pointing at Dang Sol.

Oh sorry my manners got lost again, This is Dang Sol and she is my friend.

You seem to make friends easily Vic, Bu sung stated.

I do, it runs in my blood to always be friendly.

We all laughed. They both shook Dang sols hand , so nice to meet you pretty, Bu Sung said while he shook her hand.

Nice to meet you guys too.

Sorry damsels but we have to go now, we are having a class so bye girls Man ju said and they both waved at us.

Bye guys, we both answered back.

Wow you are so crazy girl, how did you know those two hotties.

We met in the elevator this morning.

And they were nice to you.

Yes, why do you ask

Nothing, let's just finish our meal.

Next chapter sneak peak: if you're done applying the ointment you can go now. You won't even give me a hug.

I'll hug you.

I gave him a hug but it turned out to be more than a hug, after I pulled away from his arm, his hand touched my lips and I felt my stomach full with butterflies, he brought his face closer to mine and he pressed his lips against mine and started kissing me. It's started out softly but turned into a more passionate kiss....

Watch out for episode three.

One thing you should know about me, Cho Ha Yoon is that I'm obsessed with characters that have kissable lips, imaginaru but amazing physique, brown, black, blue and green eyes are my thing in my stories, I also enjoy writing about demons too.