Chapter 007: Thinking of Running Away After Eating Your Fill?

Ye Chen was stunned, "What kind of joke is this? If I don't leave, could I possibly stay here?"

Qin Shiyao tugged at Ye Chen's hand with great force. After pondering for a moment, he sighed and lay down beside Qin Shiyao.

After all, leaving a drunk girl alone here could undoubtedly lead to some trouble.

Ye Chen glanced at Qin Shiyao next to him and couldn't help but smile bitterly to himself. What on earth was this?

He had just gone to the bar for a drink to ease his boredom and, on top of that, played the good Samaritan by rescuing a future flower of the nation. How had things turned out this way?

Ye Chen's thoughts were in disarray as he dozed off.

He didn't know how much time had passed when he felt an itch on his nose; reaching out, he grabbed a handful of hair.

Where did this hair come from? Ye Chen opened his bleary eyes and instantly got a fright.

How come there was a girl?

As he came back to his senses, Ye Chen remembered the events of last night. Looking at his watch, it was already seven o'clock. He was supposed to go to work at the company today. If he were late, Su Xiyue might very well make him wear 'small shoes'.

Qin Shiyao beside him was hugging the pillow tightly, with an extremely unsightly sleeping posture.

"Hey, girl, wake up,"

To avoid making the situation worse, Ye Chen gently shook Qin Shiyao next to him.

Qin Shiyao hummed unconsciously, squinted her eyes open, and locked eyes with Ye Chen for a few seconds. She was startled, then screamed.

"Who… who are you?" Qin Shiyao's face was filled with terror. She wriggled out of Ye Chen's embrace, hiding on one side with the blanket, crying out, "What… what did you do to me?"

Ye Chen looked frustrated. Last night she had clung to me so affectionately, refusing to let me leave, and today she's acting like I'm a stranger. This change is just too fast.

"Girl, think carefully about what you did last night," Ye Chen said, feeling helpless.

Qin Shiyao slowly recalled the events of the previous night, then lifted the blanket to peek underneath and said furiously, "Even so, you can't do this to me. I'm still so young, how could you… you bastard."

"How have I treated you? You should have a conscience when you speak. Besides, as a young girl alone at a bar, if you hadn't met me, who knows what might have happened? Just consider this a lesson to prevent you from daring to loiter in bars again," Ye Chen said with a cold expression.

Qin Shiyao was beside herself with rage and shouted, subconsciously trying to kick Ye Chen with one foot.

Ye Chen casually caught the incoming foot, frowned slightly, and with a bit of force, pushed Qin Shiyao away.

Qin Shiyao calmed down, quickly hid under the blanket, and bit her lip, not knowing what to do.

Seeing Qin Shiyao calm down, Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief. If she started to make a fuss, it wouldn't matter if he was in the right; his words would fall on deaf ears. It was wiser to make an early exit.

With that thought, Ye Chen went into the bathroom to put on his clothes, then walked over to the bed and dropped Qin Shiyao's clothing onto it, "Here are your clothes, and your bag is on the nightstand. Check to see if anything is missing because when I'm gone, it'll be no use looking for me."

"What are you trying to do? I'm telling you, if you dare leave, I won't let this go. Believe it or not, I'll go out and scream harassment."

Seeing Ye Chen ready to leave after taking advantage, Qin Shiyao hurriedly put on her clothes, not caring about anything else.

"What exactly do you want, Miss? Last night, I saved you. You can't repay kindness with ingratitude now," Ye Chen said.

"We've already done everything, you've hugged and done what needed to be done, you've had all the benefits, now you just want to eat and run."

Qin Shiyao glared at Ye Chen, stepped forward to embrace Ye Chen's hand, and said with grievance.

Ye Chen was taken aback, then said with a wry smile, "What do you mean by eat and run? Look, whatever you say, I can't just go home and divorce my wife and then marry you, right?"

"Ah." Qin Shiyao couldn't help but let out a light gasp, surprise showing in her eyes, "What, you're married?"

"Qin Shiyao, everything between us was a misunderstanding. Now, we're even. You have your life, and I have mine. That's it, bye."

Ye Chen said to Qin Shiyao earnestly as he looked at her.

Qin Shiyao frowned slightly, then suddenly reached into Ye Chen's pocket.

"Hey, what are you doing? Although I took a small advantage of you, that's no reason to get back at me like this. Wait, if you keep this up, I'm going to get mad at you."

Ye Chen was shocked. Girls nowadays were just too bold, ready to take action after just a few words.

"Uncle, shut up, what are you talking about?"

Qin Shiyao rolled her eyes, reached into Ye Chen's pocket, took out his phone, and after a few presses, a pleasant ringtone came from the bag on the bedside table.

"There, your phone's back to you."

Ye Chen took his phone back from Qin Shiyao's hand, said bye, and hurriedly turned to leave the room, leaving the hotel immediately, fearing more trouble if he stayed.

He took a taxi straight back to Haitian Residential Area, knocked on the door, and Wang Ma opened it. Seeing Ye Chen return, she smiled and said, "Son-in-law is back."

Ye Chen responded with a bit of guilt, entered the house, and asked, "Wang Ma, where is Xiyue?"

"Miss, she has already gone to the company." Hesitating for a moment, Wang Ma continued, "Son-in-law, the miss looked very upset when she left; you just arrived and stayed out all night. Miss waited up late last night before going to sleep."

Ye Chen was startled, not expecting that Su Xiyue had waited for him the previous night, and said apologetically to Wang Ma, "I'm sorry, Wang Ma, I was negligent. Next time there's an issue, I'll make sure to call and let you know."

Wang Ma waved her hand and smiled, "You've come back early in the morning, you probably haven't eaten breakfast yet, I'll make you some right now."

"No need to trouble Wang Ma, I'm about to be late, I'll just eat at the company." Ye Chen waved his hand and said, "Wang Ma, do you know where the car keys are at home?"

"They are in that cabinet over there."

Wang Ma pointed to a cabinet not far away.

Ye Chen walked over, casually grabbed a set of keys, and left the house.

Outside the villa, Ye Chen opened the parking lot, and the variety of luxury cars made Ye Chen's eyes pop.

Ferrari sports cars, limited edition Lamborghinis, the latest model Jaguars, Maserati Presidents, top-of-the-line Porsches, the total value of the cars parked in the garage was conservatively estimated to be upwards of fifty million.

Ye Chen pressed the key fob, and one of the red BMW cars honked.

Damn it, can't believe my luck, I just picked a key and it turns out to be the second cheapest BMW.

Whatever, let's just go with this. Ye Chen didn't bother going back to exchange for another key. He opened the car door, sat down inside, drove out of the garage, and headed towards Su Xiyue's company.