Chapter 008 Out of Oil

After leaving the residential area, the car sped along the main road.

Although it was the peak time for commuting, the road was not very crowded due to its distance from the downtown area, providing Ye Chen with a great opportunity to weave through the traffic using various driving skills.

As he passed a Ferrari, Ye Chen glanced over and noticed the Ferrari's window rolling down, revealing a long-haired beauty wearing sunglasses.

Adhering to the principle that not flirting with a chick is a jerk move, and considering she was a beautiful one, Ye Chen decided to make a move. After all, he was already running late, so a little later wouldn't make much difference.

"Hey, beauty," Ye Chen whistled at the woman across the way.

The beauty turned her head slightly, gave Ye Chen a disgusted look, flipped him off with a contemptuous gesture, and then the Ferrari suddenly accelerated, leaving Ye Chen behind.

What the heck, what's this?

To be despised by a chick? This really is something I cannot tolerate.

Ye Chen slammed on the gas pedal, and the BMW roared as it chased after the Ferrari.

The Ferrari beauty, seeing Ye Chen's relentless pursuit, furrowed her brows, turned the steering wheel sharply, and swerved into his lane, simultaneously slowing down as if about to stop in front of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was so scared that he quickly decelerated. Was it really necessary to go to such lengths just for striking up a conversation?

Has this woman gone mad?

Just as Ye Chen was about to overtake her and argue, the Ferrari slowly moved ahead and then shifted back in front of Ye Chen, proceeding slowly.

"You want to compete with me in driving skills? Sister, you think you can stop me with that? No way."

Ye Chen smiled slightly, slammed the accelerator, and with both hands jerked the steering wheel to the right, preparing to overtake. The Ferrari swiftly turned right, blocking Ye Chen's way again.

"Fine, let's have a good time," Ye Chen said with a cold laugh, constantly maneuvering the steering wheel, zigzagging in an S pattern between two lanes, all the while looking for a chance to pass.

By this time, Ye Chen had reached the downtown area, and the number of vehicles on the road had exploded dramatically. The already slightly congested traffic became even more jammed due to the antics of the two drivers.

"When did the traffic in Zhonghai City get so bad?"

Not to mention the snail-like speed of the Ferrari in front, the compressed lanes on either side prevented Ye Chen from showcasing any of his driving skills. No matter how strong the skills, in the downtown area of Zhonghai, they were useless; the traffic was just that capricious.

"Beep beep beep!"

The blaring of horns around signaled the annoyance of the other drivers at Ye Chen and the Ferrari. The traffic was congested enough without them adding to it.

Early in the morning, everyone was rushing to work, wondering if they could stop causing such a ruckus.

Drivers in other lanes overtaking them, rolled down their windows, flipped Ye Chen the bird, "Idiot."

"Stop right there, who are you calling an idiot?" Ye Chen got angry. Whose fault was the traffic jam? It was because of the Ferrari beauty in front. She was trying to make it his problem, but he refused to take the blame.

Now he had only one goal, to catch up to the Ferrari in front and overtake it. Whether he was late or not was no longer within the scope of his concern.

"Good opportunity."

While constantly looking for an opportunity, Ye Chen saw his chance and slammed on the gas pedal. Before the Ferrari could react, he followed right behind another car and overtook it.

"Little miss, you think you're so arrogant! Still, you got passed by me. Haha."

A wild grin spread across Ye Chen's face as his eyes locked onto the nearby Ferrari.

Just as his BMW was about to catch up with the Ferrari, as he was preparing to taunt the beauty driving it, the car emitted a strange noise.

The smile on Ye Chen's face instantly froze, as the BMW's speed slowly decreased and finally sputtered to a stop on the side of the road.

"Can it be any more screwed up? Running out of gas at a time like this."

Watching the departing Ferrari, a pair of hands reached out from within, waving at him, Ye Chen couldn't help but smack the steering wheel hard.

Being looked down upon by a girl, and a pretty one at that, really hurt Ye Chen's feelings.

The script wasn't supposed to go like this. He was supposed to overtake her, impress her with his superior driving skills, and then have her kneeling before his mighty...pants.

All of this was ruined by the crappy car, all thanks to that woman Su Xiyue. Who leaves a car without fuel in the garage?

Ye Chen morosely took out his phone and called the towing service, explaining everything in detail. After that, he decided to go for breakfast since he was already late. Being a little more late wouldn't hurt.

Just as he was about to open the door and get out, a female traffic police officer in uniform approached him.

"Hello, please show me your driver's license."

Ye Chen looked up and couldn't help but have his interest piqued. The female officer before him had a tall figure that immediately caught his eye.

He slowly rolled down the window and finally got a clear view of the beautiful policewoman. Her delicate features made him pause for a moment. He didn't expect Zhonghai City to have such a beautiful traffic policewoman.

Probably because she had been spending a lot of time outside on duty, her skin wasn't as pale as Su Xiyue's, but its healthy wheat color gave her a different kind of wild beauty.

Ye Chen's heated gaze made Fang Yuqi feel very uncomfortable, and her already cold face instantly became even more sullen.

"Where are your eyes looking?" Fang Yuqi said coldly.

"The place where I was born and raised," Ye Chen replied subconsciously.

"The place where you were born and raised?" Fang Yuqi repeated to herself, then suddenly snapped back to reality and angrily said, "I think you're asking for trouble."

"It's human nature, a subconscious instinct deeply embedded in our genes, so you can't blame me," Ye Chen said earnestly.

Fang Yuqi felt like she was about to explode with anger; she had never encountered someone who dared to make a fool of her. Usually, she was the one who taught others a lesson, but today, she was toyed with by a scoundrel.

As the captain of Zhonghai City's Criminal Investigation Team, she was reassigned to be a traffic cop to reflect on her mistake after being too harsh on a criminal. Already furious, she couldn't hold back any longer after Ye Chen's mockery.

"So you're saying it's my fault?" Fang Yuqi narrowed her eyes, her voice turning sultry and tender, which made Ye Chen raise an eyebrow, completely missing the murderous look in her eyes.

"Since you're brave enough to admit your mistake, I can't really blame you. Just be more careful next time," he said righteously, his eyes unconsciously taking another two peeks.

"Bang!" A loud noise came from under the car. Angry women are the scariest, especially beautiful ones. Before Ye Chen could worry about his beloved BMW, he saw Fang Yuqi pointing at his head, "You, get out of the car."