Chapter 6: No Transfer!


Seeing the middle-aged woman's inquiry, Kou Jing truthfully responded, "Ma'am, the condition of your son is not optimistic. The injuries to other parts of his body are relatively minor, but his liver has sustained a heavy blow and is at risk of rupturing at any moment. He must undergo surgery immediately."

"What? Is it that serious?" The middle-aged woman's complexion changed.

Nodding, Kou Jing said gravely, "The surgery carries an extremely high risk, so please be prepared mentally."

The middle-aged woman's face altered with anxiety, "Are you saying that my son might not survive the treatment?"

"Judging from your son's condition, the chances of success in surgery are very low. Moreover, although our university hospital's facilities are not poor, they do significantly fall short of a major hospital like Haishan People's Hospital," Kou Jing sighed.

"Then what are we waiting for? Transfer him to Haishan People's Hospital at once!" the middle-aged woman exclaimed loudly.

"But, it's already too late for that. Our Haishan University is located in the suburbs, while Haishan People's Hospital is in the city center. Even if there's no traffic, it would take at least an hour to transfer to Haishan People's Hospital," Kou Jing said with a frown.

At this moment, the middle-aged man interjected, "That's not a problem, we just arrived at the school by helicopter. The helicopter is outside; we can reach Haishan People's Hospital within twenty minutes."

Hearing this, everyone in the room marveled to themselves; this couple was so wealthy, they traveled by helicopter.

Ye Haochuan was even more intrigued, who exactly were they? So impressive!

Suddenly, the young nurse Han Xue'er whispered to him, "That man, I've seen him on TV. He's the most prominent tycoon in Haishan, the head of Heavenly Might Group, Li Tianwei. Our Haishan University's Heavenly Might Complex, Heavenly Might Library, Heavenly Might Laboratory, Heavenly Might Dormitory, were all fully funded and built by him. That woman is Tan Yuying, his wife..."

Ye Haochuan listened with a sense of awe; the assets of the Li family were substantial, their background profound.

Then, Kou Jing spoke up, "If you can transfer to Haishan People's Hospital within twenty minutes, then there might still be hope for your son."

"Alright, let's transfer him immediately!" Li Tianwei decisively stated.

However, at that moment, Ye Haochuan suddenly spoke in a grave tone, "We can't transfer him!"

All eyes in the room instantly turned towards him.

Kou Jing was taken aback on the spot, her gaze incredulous as she looked at him. Has this guy lost his mind? Without transferring, did he intend to let the patient's condition deteriorate and lead to death?

"What did you say? We can't transfer him?" Li Tianwei's oppressive gaze swept over.

Ye Haochuan nodded solemnly, "Yes, we can't transfer him. Your son's condition is critical, his liver has already started bleeding. In as short as three minutes, or at most five, he will choke on his blood and die."

"Choke on his blood and die?" Li Tianwei and Tan Yuying were both taken aback.

Kou Jing, beside them, was stunned once more. The liver has already started bleeding? How did he know that?

At first, she had her doubts and was ready to rebuke him, but then she remembered his diagnosis that matched the examination results precisely, and she did not dare to speak rashly.

Seeing him dressed casually and knowing he was young, Tan Yuying mistook him for a student and said with displeasure, "Who are you? You say my son will choke on his blood and die, are you cursing my son?"


Seeing the tension in the air, Kou Jing hastily explained, "He's a new doctor at our university hospital, Ye Haochuan, just graduated from college..."

Although she really disliked this lecher, he was still part of the same system and assigned to her team; naturally, she had to protect his image in front of outsiders.

"I thought you were some kind of expert," Tan Yuying snorted contemptuously, her expression full of scorn.

Li Tianwei also mocked on the spot, "Just graduated from college, and you think your medical skills are second to none? Young man, be more humble, it won't hurt your future career."

Ye Haochuan felt so frustrated, thinking to himself that he was just telling the truth; what does this have to do with being humble or not?

"Alright, hurry up and transfer to another hospital, we can't delay any longer," Li Tianwei said gravely.

Kou Jing quickly called over Han Xue'er and a few other nurses, ready to move the victim to another hospital on a stretcher.

However, at this moment, the patient lying in the bed suddenly started coughing violently and then spat out a pool of blood.

At the same time, the beeping of the heart rate monitor beside the bed indicated that the patient's condition was deteriorating.

Seeing this, both Li Tianwei and Tan Yuying's faces changed dramatically, while Kou Jing was thrown into a flurry, trying to resuscitate the patient, but to no avail, as he continued to cough up blood.

Ye Haochuan stepped forward, saying in a deep voice, "Doctor Kou, we must perform surgery right now, we really can't transfer him anymore. I'll be the lead surgeon, you assist."

At this point, Kou Jing was deeply impressed by Ye Haochuan's consecutive accurate diagnoses, she looked at him deeply, seeing the intense confidence shining from his compelling eyes, no longer hesitating, she said, "Okay."

However, at this time, Tan Yuying shouted, "What? You lead the surgery? Are you kidding me? You've just graduated from college, have you ever held a scalpel? If something goes wrong with my son, who will be responsible?"

Confronted with Tan Yuying's doubts, Ye Haochuan felt a bit aggrieved and said, "If there is a problem, I will take responsibility."

"You take responsibility? Can you bear the responsibility?" Li Tianwei also said angrily, "Doctor Kou, it's obvious that you're the chief physician, right? And you actually let a new college graduate be the lead surgeon, don't you think it's absurd?"

Kou Jing, with a troubled face, responded, "Both of you, although Doctor Ye has just graduated from college, his medical skills are excellent. As you've seen just now, without any instruments, he diagnosed your son's injuries. Now your son's condition is critical, we can't delay anymore."

"I admit, the young man has a knack for diagnosing, but he's just graduated from college, has he ever held a scalpel?" Saying this, Tan Yuying questioned harshly, "I'm asking you, have you ever held a scalpel?"

Growing increasingly impatient, Ye Haochuan, who had good intentions of saving a life yet faced such unwarranted suspicions, said coldly, "So what if I haven't held a scalpel before? Does that mean I can't save your son? Damn it, if it wasn't for the medical practitioner's parental heart, I couldn't care less about your son's life or death."

Seeing the patient growing weaker and death not far off, Ye Haochuan didn't want to talk any further and quickly approached, using the Acupoint Tapping Technique passed down by the Holy Hand, he channeled the Longevity True Qi from his Dantian, concentrating it at his fingertips. He then tapped rapidly at several acupoints on the patient's chest.

Strangely enough, the patient on the bed, who had been bleeding profusely, started to show signs of improvement following Ye Haochuan's rapid acupoint tapping.

Watching this scene, Kou Jing and the other nurses were all dumbfounded, their eyes reflecting admiration and thinking to themselves, he's so skilled.

Unfortunately, Ye Haochuan's earlier words had infuriated Tan Yuying, who screamed irrationally, "Bastard, what are you poking at my son for? Didn't you realize my son is seriously injured?"