Chapter 5 A Huge Miscarriage of Justice

Having no choice but to heed the threatening beautiful doctor, Ye Haochuan obediently closed his eyes.

Seeing this, Kou Jing earnestly began to examine his head, her delicate hands occasionally massaging him, making him so comfortable he nearly wanted to cry for his mom.

But little did she know, in secret, Ye Haochuan had already activated the Longevity True Qi in his Dantian, channeling the True Qi into his eyes...

The captivating and charming scenery soon became clear before his eyes.

From Ye Haochuan's perspective, Kou Jing's white coat gradually faded away, revealing a black bra underneath, and gradually...

"How do you feel now?" Kou Jing's voice suddenly entered his ears.

Ye Haochuan, comfortably enjoying the massage, muttered in a daze, "So big..."

"So big?" Kou Jing, who was gently massaging his head, paused.

Following his gaze...

She saw that his eyes were still closed, but a faint and mischievous smile played on his face, indescribably sleazy.

Clearly, although this pervert wasn't looking at her body with his eyes open, he was blissfully fantasizing at that very moment.

"Pervert, scumbag!" Kou Jing was so angry that her eyes almost scorch with fire.

Ye Haochuan, having taken advantage while playing the innocent, opened his eyes and said with a pitiable look, "Doctor Kou, what's wrong? I was just relaxing; why are you scolding me again?"

"Scumbag, you know exactly what you're thinking, Hmph!"

"What would I know in my heart?"

"Still pretending? When I asked you how you felt just now, what did you say... so big? What does that mean? Clearly, you were thinking something dirty in your mind again."

"Dirty thoughts?" Ye Haochuan started to protest vehemently, "That's a huge misunderstanding, a really big one! When I said 'so big,' I meant my head is big, as big as a fighting bull. How could that be any dirty thought?"

"This..." Kou Jing was left speechless, obviously not expecting this explanation.

Ye Haochuan looked at her with a cunning smile and said, "Doctor Kou, couldn't it be that you're the one who has been thinking dirty thoughts all along?"

"What nonsense are you spouting?"

Kou Jing could hardly tolerate his teasing and was about to explode when suddenly, Nurse Han Xue'er rushed in frantically and said, "Sister Jing, there's been a dispute with the school's soccer team. A boy got injured in the fight, and it's very serious. Director Wu specifically asked for you to take a look."

Kou Jing's eyebrows knitted slightly; although she was a surgeon, she didn't have the seniority or experience of a chief physician. If the injury was very serious, Director Wu should be responsible. His specifically asking for her seemed like he was trying to curry favor with her.

But just thinking about Director Wu's disgusting and corrupt private life made her feel repulsed.

In the entire Haishan School, who didn't know about Director Wu's bad reputation? Not to mention how he often went out to rent rooms with call girls, he also liked to harass the female students who came to the school hospital for treatment.

However, Director Wu was her superior. Since he had assigned her, if she were to refuse, it would reflect poorly on her if word got out.

So she said, "Alright, I've got it. I'll head there right away."

She was about to tell Ye Haochuan to stay in bed and rest properly, but Ye Haochuan jumped off the bed and said, "Doctor Kou, let's go, take me to see that boy."

Ye Haochuan, who studied clinical medicine, was immensely interested in treating the severely wounded, and now that he had inherited the medical skills of the Holy Hand, he was eager to witness their wondrous effects.

"What are you going to do? Isn't your headache still not fully healed?" Kou Jing said coldly, clearly not wanting him to follow.

Ye Haochuan knew perfectly well what was happening with his headache. Now that the memories transmitted from the Holy Hand had completely integrated within him, naturally, the headaches would not recur. He smiled and said, "Doctor Kou, although I start work tomorrow, I have studied clinical medicine. Now that there's an injured person, I want to go and see. Let me tell you, my internship grades were very good, and my medical skills are not bad either. Maybe later, if you can't save the person, you might have to rely on me."

"Big talker."

Kou Jing had experienced his shamelessness on top of his lecherousness and rolled her eyes. She was about to refuse when an anxious call came from outside the ward from another nurse: "Doctor Kou, hurry to the intensive care unit, the patient's condition is worsening."

Upon hearing this, Kou Jing couldn't care for anything else and hurried to the intensive care unit.

Ye Haochuan and the nurse, Han Xue'er, followed closely behind.

Once in the intensive care unit, they saw a young man in a soccer uniform lying on the emergency bed, covered in blood, his condition looking grim.

Having inherited the medical knowledge of the Holy Hand, Ye Haochuan could gauge most ailments with just a "look." The young man's life force was diminishing, hanging by a thread.

"Is the test report out yet?" Kou Jing asked the nurses in the intensive care unit anxiously upon seeing the patient's condition.

"It will take another fifteen minutes."

"Please hurry up as much as you can," Kou Jing urged.

Ye Haochuan shook his head. By the time the test report came out, the young man might have already breathed his last. He stepped forward and said, "Let me take a look."

After saying that, ignoring the surprised looks from those around him, he reached out to feel the patient's pulse and then activated his Perspective Eyes to carefully examine the patient's chest and legs. Before long, he had a conclusion: "Both legs are fractured, those are minor injuries. The key issue is that the liver is damaged from the shock and is at risk of rupturing at any moment. Immediate surgery is needed."

As soon as he finished speaking, Kou Jing was rendered speechless, pulling him aside and giving him an exasperated look, whispering, "Are you sick? The examination results aren't even out yet, and you're jumping to conclusions?"

Ye Haochuan chuckled: "Whether I'm jumping to conclusions or not, you'll know when the test results come out."

At this moment, a young man who had accompanied the injured person came up and asked urgently, "Are the results out? Hurry up and save him, you got that? If our Brother Feng doesn't make it through, you all won't be able to answer for it."

Kou Jing said displeased, "Who rushes people like that? Can't you see we're waiting for the test results? Step aside and calm down!"

The young man was about to get angry but upon seeing Kou Jing, known as the "Iceberg Goddess" of the Haishan School clinic, he instantly lost his temper.

Time ticked by, second by second, and ten minutes later, the test results for Brother Feng came out, exactly as Ye Haochuan had said.

Kou Jing was dumbstruck on the spot, wondering how on earth this guy could make such an accurate diagnosis.

Ye Haochuan said to Kou Jing with a smug look, "How about that? I was right, wasn't I?"

Kou Jing gave him a sidelong glance: "Boasting. You were just making a wild guess."

Ye Haochuan didn't counter, but said seriously, "Doctor Kou, the patient's condition is critical, we can't delay any longer, surgery must be done as soon as possible."

"But... I'm not confident about this surgery," Kou Jing said with a troubled look.

Just as Ye Haochuan was about to volunteer, a group of people rushed in hurriedly, led by a middle-aged couple that looked quite distinguished, followed by several black-clad bodyguards.

"How is my son doing?" the middle-aged woman called out anxiously.