Chapter 13: To be entrusted by others, be loyal to their affairs.

Ye Haochuan found it amusing; the beautiful chairwoman really was too interesting, couldn't she take even a small joke?

He blinked and chuckled, "Sister Mei, I need you to look up a girl named Lin Qingxuan for me. She's also a student at Haishan University. What does this have to do with any indecent thoughts I might have towards you?

Dragon Roar tasked him with protecting this Lin Qingxuan, but he provided no information regarding the girl.

Dragon Roar had said he couldn't initiate contact, so the search was up to him alone.


Hearing Ye Haochuan's words left Xiao Haimie feeling extremely embarrassed. This Casanova was too wicked, utterly shameless, and she had fallen right into his trap.

"Sister Mei? The favor I'm asking for isn't too much trouble, is it?" Ye Haochuan said with a smile.

With a hand to her chest to calm her racing heart, Xiao Haimie shot him a sideways glance and said, "It's not exactly difficult. But I'm a little curious—who is this Lin Qingxuan to you? Your... new girlfriend?"

By the end, her smile was both mocking and amused.

It must be said, her smile was really captivating and very elegant. The shallow dimples revealed at the corners of her mouth added further charm to her allure.

In fact, Xiao Haimie lived up to her name, naturally enchanting. Her every word wielded immense power over men. Watching her smile so bewitchingly, Ye Haochuan felt his bones turning to jelly.

"Don't think so poorly of me. I've only just broken up with He Yun and haven't even gotten over the last relationship. How could I possibly be looking for someone new already?" Ye Haochuan said earnestly.

Trust this big Casanova? As if!

Xiao Haimie sneered inwardly and asked, "Which faculty is she from, then? And what's her major?"

"I'm not sure about that; I only know her name is Lin Qingxuan, and she's a freshman."

"If you know so little about her, why are you looking for her?"

"It's a task entrusted to me, and I'm just being loyal to the person who asked for help."

At this point, Ye Haochuan internally scoffed at Dragon Roar. Damn, if you ask me to protect someone, couldn't you at least give me their full details?

"All right, I'll have the administrator in charge of student records to check it out. I'll give you an answer by tomorrow."

"Thank you then, Sister Mei," he said.

"What is there to thank me for?" Xiao Haimie asked, suddenly furrowing her brows.

Ye Haochuan found that odd, seeing her gently massage the back of her neck. A thought occurred to him, and with Perspective, he saw her cervical vertebra slightly misaligned, causing her discomfort.

"Ah, um... Sister Mei, your neck seems a bit uncomfortable, doesn't it?" Ye Haochuan inquired.

"How did you know?" Xiao Haimie was startled.

Without answering directly, Ye Haochuan chuckled and said, "Actually, it's not just your neck, your lumbar spine has issues too, right?"

"You noticed that too?" Xiao Haimie said in surprise.

Ye Haochuan chuckled, "I am a doctor, after all. If I couldn't see that, I wouldn't deserve to practice medicine."

"Hehe, I'd almost forgotten you were a doctor," Xiao Haimie moved her neck, exhaling a long sigh. "Due to work, there will always be some occupational hazards; it can't be helped."

"Sister Mei, you should really take more care of yourself. Health is the capital of the revolution. Oh, I have some expertise in massage and physiotherapy. How about I give you a massage? Don't worry; it's on the house, hehe."

Xiao Haimie, however, looked at him warily. On the house? Sounds nicer than singing. Aren't you just trying to take advantage of this lady?

"Forget about it, the school health clinic has a massage therapy department, and Doctor Kou is very skilled at it. She often does massages for me," Xiao Haimei said.

"Sister Mei, I know Doctor Kou's massage therapy is good, but can she compare with me? Without any false modesty, when she gives you a massage, it simply eases the pain in your neck and lower back. I, on the other hand, can completely cure your ailments," he claimed boldly.

Looking at how earnest he was, Xiao Haimei was somewhat skeptical, "Really?"

If her pain could be completely cured, she'd rather give Ye Haochuan a try, but this guy was too lecherous.

"If I can't cure it, you can ride me for a lifetime," Ye Haochuan said with a sly chuckle.

Xiao Haimei didn't catch the filthy insinuation in his words. Unsure whether to believe him or not, she suddenly felt her neck and lower back begin to ache again, and it seemed to get worse by the minute.

"Fine, let's go to the massage therapy department," Xiao Haimei managed through the pain.

At the massage therapy department, Xiao Haimei asked a nurse to unlock the door, then she closed it behind them, and as per Ye Haochuan's instructions, laid herself down on the specialized massage table.

It must be said, the way she laid down, the curves of her body undulating under the silk dress, was incredibly enticing.

Damn, that figure is simply too hot!

Ye Haochuan swallowed hard, reached out his hand, and gently placed it on her most painful spinal acupoints.

Though separated by clothing, the smoothness at his fingertips stoked a hint of heat in Ye Haoxuan's chest.

His hands moved with gentle force while he secretly concentrated the Longevity True Qi at his fingertips, slowly transferring it through...

The next twenty minutes were spent amidst pleasurable moans, the bliss of which was unspeakable.

And Xiao Haimei too experienced unprecedented relief; the pain in her neck and lower back seemed to truly vanish. But the thought of the uncontainable moans she made just now left her feeling embarrassed.

After getting off the massage table, Xiao Haimei blushed as she straightened her clothes without speaking.

"How was it, Sister Mei? My massage skills are good, right? Did it give you a feeling of wave after wave of climax?" he teased.

Bloody hell!

Xiao Haimei inwardly cursed, her face growing redder, not even sparing the fair skin at the base of her neck, too ashamed to look at him, she whispered, "Thank you, I feel much better. I'll get back to you tomorrow with the information about Lin Qingxuan."

After saying so, she grabbed her handbag, pulled open the door, and ran off as if fleeing the scene.

Watching the executive director dash away in a panic, Ye Haochuan genuinely wanted to laugh; this Sister Mei was truly a natural charmer.

Leaving the school health clinic, Ye Haochuan had intended to go to his rented apartment to move his belongings, but it was late, past ten at night, so he had to give it up.

Early the next morning, Ye Haochuan started his work at the school clinic and received two white lab coats from Doctor Kou, who had recently been promoted to head of surgery, as his uniform.

After the events of the previous evening, he had become the talk of the school clinic, with everyone treating him with utmost respect.

During the lunch break, he received a call from Xiao Haimei.

"Sister Mei, what is it? Is it a recurrence of the old problem? Do you need me to give you another massage therapy session?" Ye Haochuan teased.

Thinking back to the embarrassment and awkwardness of being massaged by him the night before, Xiao Haimei's cheeks reddened, and she spat at him, "Drop dead!"

Ye Haochuan chuckled softly; if he could do it all over again like last night, even dying would be worth it.

Seeing he was acting more seriously, Xiao Haimei then said, "Alright, let's get back to the point. I've found the Lin Qingxuan you asked me to look up. She's at..."