Chapter 14 Hellfire

At this point, Xiao Haimei seemed to find the narration too cumbersome and changed tack, saying, "Let's do this, I'll just forward Lin Qingxuan's electronic profile to you via email."

"Okay," Ye Haochuan immediately gave Xiao Haimei his Penguin email address.

Ten seconds later, Xiao Haimei said the email had been successfully forwarded, but before hanging up the phone, she teasingly asked, "From the photo, that Lin Qingxuan girl looks pretty. She couldn't possibly be the new girlfriend you've just found, could she?"

"Sister Mei, there you go again, I've just been dumped, how could I find someone new so quickly? Don't think of me so poorly!" Ye Haochuan said with all seriousness.

"Come off it, with all the tricks up your sleeve, do you think I don't know you? You've had dozens of girlfriends, if not a hundred," Xiao Haimei said, followed by a giggle.

Listening to the enticing laughter on the phone, Ye Haochuan felt an itch in his heart and couldn't resist teasing back, "If I really had fifty girlfriends, I wouldn't brag about anything else, but one thing I'm sure of—Sister Mei, you'd definitely be at the top of the list."

"Drop dead! There you go being improper again!"

Xiao Haimei on the other end spat out in jest, but for some reason, recalling last night's awkwardness, she felt her face heat up and quickly hung up the phone.

"A couple of jokes and I'm accused of being improper? My really improper side hasn't even shown itself yet."

Ye Haochuan sighed to himself with a self-deprecating laugh, put away his phone, opened up his office computer, accessed his Penguin email, and a new email popped up.

It was an electronic academic record!

The first thing that caught his eye was a passport-sized photo of a girl.

The girl looked very delicate, with long hair over her shoulders and a cute little flower braid on the left front, which seemed very refreshing no matter how one looked at it.

Under the long bangs that obscured her eyebrows was a skinny baby face, with a pair of sparkling big eyes that exuded innocence, but upon closer inspection, there was also a deep and poignant sorrow hidden within.

Her skin was very delicate, like it would break at the slightest touch. But the paleness of her complexion seemed abnormal, and through Ye Haochuan's professional eyes, it appeared the girl might be riddled with sickness.

Seeing this, one could not help but notice a pathological beauty about her, and no wonder her eyes held a taste of deep sorrow and wistfulness.

She struck a chord of sympathy in me!

"This chick, actually plagued by illness, looking at her makes me heartbroken. Good, this has successfully roused my protective instincts," Ye Haochuan nodded to himself.

After committing the girl's features firmly to memory, Ye Haochuan began to browse through her detailed information…

Five minutes later, Ye Haochuan had finished reading the profile, leaned back in his chair to rest with his eyes closed, pondering how he could get close to this Lin Qingxuan.

Unwittingly, he dozed off.

But after an indeterminate amount of time, his mobile phone rang, startling Ye Haochuan awake. He looked at it and saw an unfamiliar number.

"Who is it?"

"It's me." The voice on the other end was deep and magnetic.

Ye Haochuan immediately recognized who it was but still wouldn't let up, "Please, 'It's me'? Who is that? Don't you have a name?"

"Brat, it's Long Xiaotian!" The person on the other end was getting slightly annoyed.

Hearing the irritation in his voice, Ye Haochuan decided to play nice and chuckled, "Ah, Brother Long, what can I do for you?"

Long Xiaotian seemed to have no other choice at the moment, and said in a deep voice, "I'm asking you, have you made contact with that Lin Qingxuan yet?"

"Please, besides her name and year, you gave me no other information about her. How could I have made contact with her so quickly?" Ye Haochuan replied, frustrated.

"In the entire freshman class, she's the only one named Lin Qingxuan. And you say I didn't give you information?" Long Xiaotian rebuked.

Ye Haochuan curled his lip and said, "Cut it out. How am I supposed to know if she's the only Lin Qingxuan among all the freshman students? Besides, she doesn't know me. If I just approach her out of the blue, won't she think I have some unsavory motives?"

"Enough with the complaints, kid," Long Xiaotian interrupted directly. "Listen to me, this Lin Qingxuan is extremely valuable to me for discreetly investigating the Long Group's casualty incident. You must find a way to protect her for me. As for how you'll approach her, don't worry about that. I'll use some connections to speak with your school's administration. She is plagued by a strange illness, and I'll strive to have you live with her under the guise of her personal doctor..."

"Live together?" Ye Haochuan's eyes lit up, "That sounds good, really good..."

And why wouldn't it be good? Living with such a pitiable, youthful beauty — just thinking about it was a temptation!

Moreover, according to the information obtained by Xiao Haimei, Lin Qingxuan lived in Haishan University's Dormitory No. 7 for girls.

This Dormitory No. 7 was no ordinary girls' dorm!

It housed all the rich and beautiful girls from Haishan University and was dubbed the "Princess Dormitory" by countless male students.

As the top private noble school in the Huaxia region, the families of students who could enter Haishan University all had certain economic strength and profound backgrounds. Yet the girls living in this dorm were undoubtedly the cream of the crop.

So, if he were to live with this Lin Qingxuan, it would be like moving into the Pansi Cave surrounded by beauties. Tsk tsk, how exciting!

However, recalling what Long Xiaotian said about her strange illness, he couldn't help but feel puzzled again. What kind of illness did this lovable girl have? Could he, having inherited the "Holy Hand's" medical skills, cure her?

Just as he was pondering this, Long Xiaotian suddenly cursed, "Good for nothing! I warn you, boy, the reason I'm letting you live with Lin Qingxuan is to more conveniently look after her and care for her illness, not for you to hit on her. If I hear you so much as lay a hand on her, I'll make sure you'll never be a man again, got it?"

"No way, Brother Long?" Ye Haochuan jumped at Long Xiaotian's threatening tone.

"Don't believe me? Just try it."

"Alright, alright, I'm scared of you," Ye Haochuan capitulated.

Ye Haochuan felt incredibly frustrated, but then he thought, damn, if he really did move into Dormitory No. 7, with all its beauties, even if he couldn't touch Lin Qingxuan, the pretty young girl, wasn't there a whole forest to explore?

With that thought, his excitement began to rise again, and the frustration quickly evaporated.

"Brother Long, when do you plan on arranging for me to move in with her?" Ye Haochuan asked.

"Right now, outside of Haishan University, I have reliable people secretly monitoring and protecting. It's difficult for Hellfire's experts to get close, but what worries me is that Hellfire might bribe some ordinary people to harm her. So, I'm going to arrange for you to live with her starting tonight..."


Ye Haochuan's curiosity was piqued. What was this Hellfire? An organization with mysterious powers like Long Group?

He was about to ask for clarification when suddenly, Long Xiaotian said, "Alright, I can't talk any more about it now. Get ready to move in with Lin Qingxuan tonight."

With a snap, the call ended.

"Hello, hello..." Ye Haochuan muttered to himself helplessly, "Please, moving in so suddenly, I haven't even prepared for any harassment yet."