He sets out of the temple making a vow to the Gods. His father senses his extraordinary presence and he establishes his motive to become the greatest. He went to his house after the confrontation with his father to meet his mother and his sisters to inform his farewell to them. When he arrived home his mother welcomed him as usual and his sisters came running and gave the usual extreme hug that would always make him fall to the ground. His mother went to prepare food for him. He approached his mother while she was in the kitchen and he attempted to say about his goals. However, he hesitated. But his mother understood everything and she said," Say what you are thinking my son. I won't be an obstacle to it." With a tint of sorrow in his face, he explains everything to his mother. His mother hugged him after hearing all of that. And his mother revealed something that he didn't know. She revealed that her mother was also a Galna. He was amazed by hearing that and asked about his Grandmother. His mother said that it was not your Grandmother that you should hear about but your Grandfather. Your grandfather, Rajgopal Meharbaan was a warrior who fought the Licchavi warriors. He was a splendid warrior who went to the edge of the Licchavi kingdom before he had your father. She said that your father is a spitting image of your Grandfather. She also said that it is not necessary for a mother to be related to his son by blood. Anyone who is committed to caring for children they have under them is a mother. His foster mother was aware of the fact that Yadav knew his real parents. Yadav said while tears were rolling from his eyes," It is true that I had a real mother. However, that is just the position of the person who gave birth to me. But for me, my mother has always been you". They hugged each other and saw that his brothers and sisters although they didn't know anything accompanied them. His mother Mahardevi Meharbaan declared from today onwards my son is going to change this era and going to make it the greatest one. The next day began, Yadav woke up early morning, prayed to the Gods, and went to the main city. The merchants and their children were waiting there. He gifted them the gold his mother gave him to show their gratitude. Although they were hesitant at first they accepted it as a token of gratitude. Thus they started their journey. Yadav was given a horse to ride and there were four adults and three children of his age. All the children came from China to help their fathers with the trade. Including him, there were 8 of them on this journey. It would take 2 years to reach China through the route they always travel. Of course, there were shorter routes but these routes were the trade routes. They wanted to buy and sell things along the way as well as to obtain information about the current situation of their land. There were informers all over the cities in these routes who would pass on the intel to the trader by giving the required sum of money. Traders were always in the threat of being attacked by foreign nations. In order to evade them, the intel was beyond precious. They reached the Bhagirathi river also known as the Ganga. They crossed the river and came to the other side. Yadav had never seen the other side of the river and it was really a pleasant sight for him. However, it was not too different from the latter side. The shops were selling the same things and kids were running all over the settlements. Cows roam around the place and merchants from several countries rest there. They stopped by a nearby shop. The shop was ran by a fellow Chinese merchant and they asked about the status of the trade routes and their country. They introduced Yadav to the merchant. The merchant's name was Renan Qi. He sold artworks as well as spices. In that store, Yadav stumbled upon a beautiful picture of a man with a Chinese hat. He asked his friends about that, but despite their Chinese nationality, they didn't recognize the man. The owner of the shop appeared out of the blue and told them that the man's name was Sun Bin. He also told that the man was a General in China, in fact, a strategist general. Yadav asked the old man more about the man. The man was an admirer of Sun Bin. He dashed to his room and bought a book that he had written. The book was about famous Chinese generals and the first chapter was the largest and it was about Sun Bin. He gave that book to Yadav. Yadav took the money to pay him, but the man hesitated. He said," You were the first one to notice and ask me about the man in that picture this is a present for you." He also asked if he had any dreams. Yadav replied that he wanted to become the greatest by becoming a general in China and making his era the greatest. The man was amazed at hearing those bold words from the mouth of a ten-year-old. The man understood that he wasn't the average ten-year-old, there was something special about him. The merchants called the children and they departed from the place. Yadav looked back and smiled at the man when he was on his horse. The man also smiled back at him. After that, the man went to his shop and said by looking at the picture of Sun Bin," He has that aura that you have. He also quoted, the next greatest general might not have an ordinary dream." The merchants and their children started to formally introduce themselves. The leader of the group was Siang Guang. The others were Ran Qi Ling. Jin Rin Ho, Mitsui Shi. The names of the children were Kyou Guang, Sen Qi Ling, and Fui Shi. Yadav also formally introduced himself. He quickly got accustomed to their names and he also started to read that book. The name of the book was Jinagjun or generals. The first chapter explained a lot about Sun Bin. After reading for a long time this particular action done by Sun Bin caught Yadav's attention. "The illusion trap" he had done this several times, he often used this when he was vastly outnumbered by his enemies. Yadav was truly inspired by that. The duty of cooking food was Mr. Jin's duty. Everyone had their own duties. The navigation duty was done by Mr. Kyou and if there were any attacks the fighting was done by Mr.Sen and strategies were developed by Mr.Fui. The moon started to shine above them. they had made their tents and Mr. Jin started to cook the food. The children except Yadav were playing tag. Mr. Sen was training with his sword. Yadav approached Sen and asked him how to fight someone. Sen smiled and answered that there are always enemies lurking around them. " Many people will always say not to harm others. But for us, it is to do or die," said Sen. Yadav asked whether he could teach him to fight. Sen replied," Of course". He gave a wooden sword to Yadav and he also grabbed one. Sen asked Yadav to attack him with full force. However. the sudden concept of Illusion came to Yadav's mind. Therefore he decided to try out a different attack. He rushed towards Sen like any other would do. He swung his sword and Sen also did that to block his sword. But Yadav withdrew at the last second, bowed down below Sen's sword, and entered inside his free sword zone (the free sword zone is the open space that is created when a person swings his sword between his body and hands. It is a weak spot.). Sen could not believe that some child who had never held a sword could do that. However, as an experienced sword fighter Sen knew how to deal with that. He threw the sword to his left hand and knocked out Yadav's sword. Sen said," That really gave me shrills. You are not an ordinary lad for sure. After seeing this I am going to take you as my disciple." Sen started teaching Yadav the art of fighting someone. He taught him to swing a sword. They ate the dinner and slept for the night. The next day Jin woke up early morning and started to prepare breakfast. The next one to wake up was Yadav and he greeted Jin. He sat beside him and started to observe him cutting the vegetables and doing the others. Yadav asked Jin how did he learn to cook. Jin replied that he always observed the cook in his past group when he was young. The food was ready and he asked Yadav to call everyone. Yadav woke up everyone and they all rushed for breakfast. For Yadav Jin's food was the tastiest, it was the same for all others. After stuffing their stomachs they folded their tents got on to their horses and continued their journey.