The eight of them began their journey again on the horses. Fui started off with his usual lame jokes in the morning while riding the horses. He would first ask what is the thing that neighed. Except for his son, no one would answer him because everyone knew what the answers were. For the first time, Yadav answered his question and also his son. He replied that the answer was Nai. Suang said with an irritated and grotesque face that something like that didn't exist in the first place. The others started laughing wildly, and Sen said to Yadav that for his lame joke questions, there would only be lame answers. I will show you! Sen requested Fui to ask another joke question. Fui asked what is the name of the person who leads this group, he said this with a sarcastic tone. Sen answered Gassu with a laugh. Guag got irritated and said when we reach China I am going to file a case against each of you in court to make fun of me!! Yadav asked if Mr. Guang had a connection with the court. Sen replied that he is the court itself!! Guang said in an irritated and angry way that he was going to beat the crap out of Sen. Sen said that he was the son of the highest chancellor in the court of Jin. Yadav asked in a surprised tone then why he was a merchant in the first place. Guang replied that it was a sacred ritual. Sen replied sarcastically that because Guang was an idiot son of his clever father. Guang roared while being irritated Sennn!!! Sen said that there was no need to hide it from our own members. Guang said that he wanted to discover the world. He said that he wanted to see beyond those Chinese mountains. However, his father wanted to make him a chancellor in the court. Guang refused that and left the court in front of the King. He became an apprentice of a famous merchant called Jian Wo Han. Originally Jian Wo Han was the founder of this group. He was the leader and before his death, he made Guang the leader. All the others in the group were the grandchildren and children of the first members of the group. Guang said," By the way I haven't said the name of the merchant group. It is called Tuan Jie, or the United Merchants. We will look out for everyone's backs if there is any obstacle and work as one body." Yadav was very much pleasant after hearing that and he thought to himself that he had got some excellent people as his friends. While they were talking they felt the ground vibrating. Guang stood upon his horse to see the front. Fui threw a glass towards him. That glass was a special type of lens used to get a distant view. It was a band of brigands riding down the large mountain far away. Guang said," Judging by their speed max to max it will take a quarter of a day to encounter us. Sen take the sword and all of you be on your guards. Fui get ready for the smooth talk and come up with a strategy. Kyou, If possible find some routes to evade them. No, we don't have enough time and they have most probably noticed us. Everyone, get ready to engage the new enemies." Yadav said," "If you want to take, you must first give. If you want to gain, you must first lose. But what if an illusion stronger than this was created that will lead us to give nothing and lose nothing." Guang asked if Yadav had any strategies in his mind. Yadav said he didn't have any strategies but an illusion. At the beginning of every chapter of the old man's generals book there were always his quotes that he discovered by living a long life. The first quote says," Brigands have eyes sharp as an eagle. They can differentiate between the strong and weak. But it can also work against them if a weak is strong and strong is weak." The next moment the group was surrounded by the band and they asked about the expensive things they possessed. Guang or any other didn't say anything. They wrote on a board that they were mutes. He wrote on the board that the man with a black horse had everything that they possessed. They checked everything Sen possessed and he had anything other than rice. They left without saying anything. After they covered a considerable distance after leaving them, they started talking. Guang was amazed by that and he asked to Yadav how was that possible. Yadav explained about the book that the book and quotes by the old man. He also said that the eyes of brigands can differentiate between the strong and the weak. The leader of the band identified that Sen was the strongest and the most valuable thing that would be carried by him. However, that was the truth but we changed the strong and weak. If the strong was weak and the weak strong, he meant positions by that sentence. If the position of a strong and a weak are interchanged for instance it will create camouflage and fool the eyes of brigands. Like when a snake hides between the bused when an eagle has spotted it. Sen didn't have the valuable things when he was meant to be the strongest which created a contradiction to the band and the fact that they acted as mutes also made an illusion that this merchant group was poor and thus they left us without any harm. Guang declared," This guy will also do the strategy work along with Fui." They continued to move forward. The landscape started to change and Guang said to Yadav that they were at the edge of Varanasi. The area of the kingdom had finished and they were entering a foreign kingdom. There was the check post of the Varanasi kingdom and the merchants gave the pay to the authorities as the check post and entered the foreign kingdom. When they entered the new kingdom, the landscape had completely changed. Guang said that after crossing this unknown kingdom they would reach one of the biggest kingdoms in the area "The Banga kingdom". It will take them 6 months to cover the Banga kingdom. They were able to see the capital of that kingdom, a settlement on top of the Plateau. The horses were tired and climbing the Plateau would be hard for them, therefore they decided to rest for a bit in settlement which acted as a junction for the merchants who would take different routes. There were countless shops in the street and the kids were playing the game of tag, the visuals one would get to see in Varanasi. After Yadav thought that he had come really far from Varanasi he began to think about his parents and sisters. He drank water and got on to his horse and began the journey to the capital. They started to climb to the top. Guang said they would rest for 1 month here because the war going on in China could block their entry and also deteriorate their profits. The view while climbing the plate was on a different league. The settlement in which they rested was about the size of rice beans. They started to elevate and it started to get cold although the sun was shining bright. Yadav could see all the way they covered to reach here. The temperature decreased with the rise in elevation. They stopped while they climbed and took out the sweaters made from the sheep's wool. Everyone wore the sweater except Guang. This cold was nothing for him, as he was in the Himalayas for most of his life. The founder Jian took Gunang in after he refused his father and Jian was from the Himalayas. He spent most of his life in Jian's house. Finally, they reached the top and entered the capital city. There was a big arch at the entry and the city was chaotic more than Varanasi. The name of the city was Suryathand. The kingdom of Suvarna Sukha's capital. All types of people from mercenaries to ministers. It didn't take too much time for the moon to rise and the group's usual ritual of making a tent began. Yadav noticed that Guang was nowhere to be seen. Yadav walked away from the tent and he was sitting near the valley and moongazing. He muttered, "Mother, Lina, and Jina, Nena." Yadav asked if they were your wife and daughter's name." Guang looked back and said," Oh! it was you. Come and sit here." Yadav asked if he missed his mother and others. Guang said that he did deeply Yadav said that it was the same for him. Yadav asked, "The moon as clear as this is visible in China?" Guang replied that it was more beautiful there. Guang asked if Yadav was going to make this era the greatest by becoming a General in China. Yadav said that not only this era but also the people, I will also take over my hometown and make it into a place adorned by the heavens. Gunang looked at Yadav in that moonlight and smiled. He thought to himself," Beware everyone who came to defile the Earth including my father. Because when hail comes the bad ships will sink and the good ones will persist."