From the moment the sun rose, the city has been buzzing. The merchants hawking in the streets and people buying and selling the things. At the periphery of the city, in the tent, Yadav and all the others are having breakfast with their new member Qin. Fui tells lame jokes and Guang argues with Sen. However, they experienced a rare phenomenon, heavy rain in the city. The season was pleasant in the city and this sudden rain caused bewilderment in the minds of the people. They saw the rain as a bad omen. A sign of something bad that is about to come. The group got into their tents and started planning for the items to trade. However, they didn't know anything about the city. Qin said," I will provide all the support and help you muster a sum of money with my knowledge of trade." Qin took out a map of Suryathand and showed the most vulnerable areas where their products would be sold. He said that they will not be using those obvious places for our good but we will be igniting new fires by making new spots which are 2 times more effective than these." He marked all the places that can be 2 times more vulnerable than the obvious ones. They put their stalls there, Qin said that it would take approximately a week for him to draw all the customers. Yadav suggested an idea that will draw customers quickly. The book about the Generals had a quote in it, and it was written by the old man. It said," The most powerful weapon is not an army, sword, shield or spears but information. If you can manipulate the information to your favour then it is your win."Yadav asked for a favour from the other members to spread some rumours. The rumours were that the trade shop at the end had products that could heal your wounds in an instant, special equipment like a pond to cook, and medicines for the disease that can increase your body temperature. The next day they saw a surge in the number of customers who came to their stall, the next day it was more and consequently increased over time. Therefore they created their first vulnerable new area. Similarly, they created four others all over the city. Gathering wealth and getting filthy rich. The king recognized the group of merchants and gave them special personal orders. The king's daughter was sick, she was affected by a disease that increases the body temperature. Guang took the medicine and gave it to her. Within a week's duration, she regained her health. The king gave them a sum of money and a new place to stay as a reward. They could not be more happy. A month was almost over and they gathered in the king's court to pay their gratitude as well as farewell. The king gave them the royal win. They were all in the glasses made of mud. The glass in which Fui was drinking the wine developed a crack out of the blue. A sudden crack in the glass was recognized as a bad omen. Yadav was able to feel it, the ground was shaking, the smell in the air had changed, and there was more dust in the air. Yadav stood up and said," Your majesty we have to prepare for a war and have to engage the enemy the next hour." The next instant, the king's messengers came running and told that the soldiers from the neighbouring kingdom were approaching with a large army. 10 times larger than ours. The king was horrified by hearing that and ordered all the ministers and messengers to convey this to the public. The king ordered to immediately inform the head of military affairs about it. The king said," I apologize for these circumstances. May I know what you merchants are planning to do?" They replied they were planning to escape." The king advised them to escape now because the enemy might not have reached the kingdom's first checkpost. They once again thanked the king and departed from there. Before a month they climbed the whole peak and now the downhill ride was too terrible to accomplish. Yadav tried to predict the time they would reach at the foot of the plateau. Yadav said to Guang that they would engage the enemy army. Guang asked Yadav why he said it like that. Yadav said, we will not engage them when we arrive at the foothills but we will have to engage the army coming from opposite sides. From the sound of doom and air circulation, Yadav predicted that the army approaching from the opposite direction was 2 times larger than the one from the front. Yadav told Sen that we would not be able to take on that army directly by engaging them. Yadav asked Kyou to navigate through a less vulnerable way. Kyou said that there was no such way. Because it was a four-sided deadlock. They reached the foothills, the approaching army had almost brought a dust storm below. They started to advance beyond the plateau. The army was emerging from the other side like a monstrous dust storm. Guang shouted," My army, the strongest army of the four, muster all your force and get ready to engage the army that is several times larger than us." Guang also said to form the wedge formation because their plan was to pin through the army like an arrow with minimal casualties. The frontal position changed and now Sen was in the front. Guang shifted to the rear. Yadav asked what they were planning to do. Guang said," There are two types of merchant groups. The docile and aggressive, members of our group are not docile at all. The 1st generation members of our group including Jian were not normal people. They have fought countless armies head-on, larger than what we are going to engage." The army was within sight, and a sudden dust storm enveloped the entire group. Sne ordered," Eyes straight and here we engage!!!" The next sight that Yadav saw was the approaching soldiers falling to the ground from their horses. Drops of blood were coming from the front, almost like blood rain. Sen was slashing all of the soldiers as well as the others. The ones inside the wedge were protected from three sides and it was Yadav and other children who were inside it." Guang threw a sword toward Sen, he caught it. Now, Sen has two swords. He was butchering all the adversaries with those swords. Sen was standing on his horse and Kyou was navigating through the ocean of humans also by standing on his horse. Sen's balance and foot strength were beyond that of an average Joe. However, the next instant two of the soldiers noticed the advancing merchant group and from the rear they attacked. However, in the rear, there was another monster, Guang. Though he doesn't look like a warrior when he gets excited he is a different person. Muscles started to sprout out from his arms and legs, and the veins were clear. With a single slash from Guang, both of those soldiers were on the ground. At that time Yadav thought if the Chinese merchants were like this then how would the Chinese Generals and Great Generals? The news of an approaching strong merchant group spontaneously reached the Enemy HQ, and from there the orders were made to kill all of them and to cease their wealth. A special group under a commander known as Randev was assigned to do it. Commander Randev was a new-generation commander of the neighboring kingdom Suvarna Vardha. Sen noticed that there was something odd because it was like a way was being opened by the enemies. Plotting to send some army through that like an arrow towards another arrow to destroy it. Sen conveyed this information to Guang. Guang noticed that some soldiers were approaching them from the back. Soon Sen was able to get a glimpse of the opposite army, it was the army led by Randev a man with a big body. 2 times larger than Sen, They were approaching at an insane speed. Sen said that they were going to collide with one of their armies. Sen took his both swords to slash the commander and the commander took his sword called Suvarna. He shouted," Suvarna give embed your blessings within me!!!" Sen's veins were sprouting out. The next moment It felt like the time itself had stopped they collided at an insane speed. Sen jumped from his horse made a front flip used that momentum to kick the commander and during that backward momentum, he instantly swung his both swords. He slashed the commander's face. But that didn't suffice, the commander caught him by his sword. He caught Sen by by using his bare hands as Sen was holding onto them he was hanging in there because the man simply held him up in the air by gripping onto his swords. The next moment he let loose of his grip simultaneously took his sword and slashed Sen on his chest. Sen fell onto the ground. The other coming from their back couldn't stop their horse and all of them rode Sen who was on the ground. All of them were horrified after seeing what happened and the fact that they couldn't stop their horses at the precise time and rode over their comrade.