Amidst the ocean of soldiers that was moving forward stood Yadav and his group. Broken from inside and outside after experiencing the loss of their strongest member. The cruel dust storm blew around them and Randev stood before them as the epic center of the storm. It was like standing in a tunnel where there was no opening, completely dark no ray of light. They could hear the symphony of end playing in their heads. The presence of Randev completely immobilized them. Except for two people, Yadav and Guang. They came forward and Guang said," You always understand the situation too well right," Yadav said" When we are trapped Mr Fui will start asking everyone their names. But that has not happened. There is only one explanation to it, the situation is so frightening that Fui can't talk anymore." Guang said that this might be our last fight. So let's fight to our fullest. A strong wind started to blow from the side where Guang and Yadav stood along with their group. They closed their eyes for a second. It was a ritual for their minds to become one. 7 days before... In the main shop of the group, too many customers gathered. Many that the four of them together couldn't control. Many customers started to complain about the incompetence of the merchants in managing the store. It was complete chaos, many customers were returning without buying anything because of anger. Yadav went to Guang and said that they had to do something about this. At that moment a new notion arose in Gunag's mind. It was about deep focus and connection. Guans explained to Yadav," In China, we call this the union. In wars, there will always be a duo of soldiers who know each other very well and they can sense the wishes of each other without talking through only concentration. If we can pull off something like that then we can overcome this. They closed their eyes that moment, correlated their breaths and made their minds crystal clear and their body moving on their own...At the presentRandev noticed that the moment the two of them started to correlate their breaths something was odd. He was unable to sense the presence of two people but one strong person. Randev quickly dashed towards them to slash them both. His instincts were telling him that if this was left to happen longer then he might die. But it was too late, their bodies started to move the same way they did during that time in the shop but this time it was more effective. Both of their muscles sprouted outside and the veins becoming more clear. The moment Randev swung his sword. In a flash, two of them blocked it with their own swords. Yadav was using a wooden sword and Randev was horrified by seeing that. In the book about the generals there was this special quote the old man had written," It doesn't matter if your sword is wood or iron as long as you are one with it. It is the strongest." Using the force both of them dodged away from Randev's sword's trajectory. Quickly both of them looked each other in their eyes. By doing that they communicated the first message the arrows were approaching. Both of them dashed towards Randev the next moment. Randev took his sword to slash. A bunch of arrows came from towards Gunang's and Yadav's location. Both of them used their swords to knock all of them out headed towards Randev again to do the same but this time was different. They looked each other in their eyes again. A single word arose in their mind "To defeat" Yadav came from the front with his wooden sword. Randev slashed at him. The next instant he jumped from his horse. But he used his legs to hang on his horse. He made use of the saddle to do that. Then again from the front came Guang. This was their only chance, the only chance. Yadav's horse went behind Randev. Gunang gathering all his might dashed him. Yadav was lying upside down on his horse's side. Guang made a quick slashing action and jumped from his horse to the ground. The moment he reached the ground. He threw the sword to Yadav through the gap between Randev's legs. Yadav who was hanging upside down on the side of his horse. Used the stone from the ground to hit the sword and made it fly up. In that split second, he reached out his hands through the ground used all his strength, and flipped vertically to the air. Caught the sword that was coming down. When Randev turned back there was only the horse, but he noticed another shadow appearing from above. The shadow was growing bigger. It was Yadav approaching from above to slash him. However, Randev took his sword to block him. Yadav predicted that as commander of an army, he might be capable of doing that. He unsheathed his wooden sword and blocked Randev's sword with his made a front flip and using Guang's sword he slashed Randev's chest. All the members of his army were horrified at seeing that. That moment blood splashed on the ground making the whole scene red. Randev was on his knees. Yadav landed on the ground. Randev although he was on his knees was aware that he was slashed after he saw blood gushing out of his chest. Randev asked Yadav with a horrified face," Who are you." Yadav replied," The man who will be the greatest of this era." That brought a feeling of coldness to Randev and he fell to the ground. The other members of Randev's army got afraid and left the scene instantly. The news of Randev being slain reached the HQ. It was neither by an enemy kingdom nor by a commander or warrior but by a merchant boy of 10 or 11 years. This was the news that they received. The ocean of people went past the whole group, although the army was wide it didn't have that much length. All the passing-by soldiers noticed Randev on the ground and Guang and Yadav taking Sen up on Guang's horse. Of course, they were in despair knowing that the one who protected them was on the verge of death. Some of them were crying especially Kyou and Fui and the children. Qin's keeping his head down and riding the horse. Guang shouted," We were in a tunnel of darkness and our comrade with all of his might took us halfway to its end. It wasn't a tunnel without end, our dear comrade believed that and was even ready to sacrifice his life. And why are you people crying, he did all that for us although he was not able to take us to the other end. He knew that one of us after seeing him would be able to take the others to the end. From the moment we decided to fight them we had been in the tunnel. In the future, we will enter it countless times maybe even trapped inside it. But fear not there is no tunnel without end and the light will always reach us." Yadav said," Mr. Sen is not dead, my master is not dead yet." He shouted," If he was known as the strongest man in this group this is not his end. He will live and he is alive. We must bring him back from the abyss to which he had been kicked!!!" Fui shouted and cried," I was not able to do anything, nothing for him. I was worthless and just decided to remain in that tunnel, I didn't try anything. Then I saw light, suddenly Sen was standing there. Suddenly it was you both, Guang, and Yadav. And Yadav I am grateful that you joined our group. If someone as worthless as me was there in this group, everyone would have died." Sen said that he was truly worthless this time, but a human cannot fight until his might has not awakened and today yours has awakened. Polish it and make it the sharpest arrow out there. Sharp as it would completely shatter the opposing arrow. Jin said," I always thought if I was useful to you people in some way then I would have my worth. But it was not like that if I can't be useful in difficult times then what worth do I have." Kyou was horrified so much that he was shaking and couldn't talk. The children were also in the same state. Yadav said," In the night there is the moon and in the day there is the sun. The moon probably lasts during the day also but can you see the moon during the day? We can only see the moon at night, but if the sun was also there during the night the moon would be invisible. But there is no sun at night and the moon only comes up. This shows that it has some sort of use at that time. If we ask the people and think deeply about it we might be able to understand why it is. We are also similar to that, the moment we think about ourselves and get truly aware of ourselves we will finally be able to be aware of ourselves and win any situation."