The night had fallen upon them, the moon was red. The heavy winds were enveloping them and all of them were in a twilight of despair and new glow. It was dead calm and all of them possessed a single thought in their mind, heal Sen. Especially Yadav's eyes were sparkling red due to the moon's light. Traveling along the path to Banga. Guang shouted," Kyou navigate the shortest path to Banga!!!" Kyou stood upon his horse, but this time Kyou was different, he had a different light in his eyes that he never had. Inside Kyou's head, he was having a different visual. His stepfather was sitting on the throne and looked at him in a tyrant's way. He asked," Today you have experienced something that you shouldn't have, and it is because of you, you were a worthless piece of scum who had the philosophy not to hurt others. To be the one to get hurt and to suffer and come to an end. However, every trash can be used again and you will also change one day and that day is soon approaching!!!" Kyou came back to his consciousness this time when he looked into the distance he had a strange mindset "Fight fight" he came to the front of the group and shouted," Follow my lead we will be going in full force to the Banga capital." Guang was surprised at hearing that. The next instant Kyou accelerated his horse to an unimaginable speed. Guang said to everyone to ride their horse with full force. He also quotes," I have never known that he was this much professional at riding the horse." Everyone was having a tough time keeping up with Kyou's horse riding and he shouted again," I am going to speed up again, use your full force because we are riding with someone's life on the line. If we do that then we will reach the capital In half a day." That sparked a fire in everyone's heart, they concentrated completely on their riding. After knowing the urgency, all of their breaths started to correlate and every one of them was able to connect with each other through their minds. They were ultimately sensing the presence of Kyou's fire and now the fire was inside them also. It was like the rise of a duststorm, each of them riding their horses at a speed beyond their capabilities. The speed was on par with Kyou's, they had never ridden the horse with such a speed. Some rogue merchants were approaching from the opposite side and they were not even able to catch a glimpse of the group's horses because of the speed. In Yadav's book, the old man wrote a quote and it was," Do you know when a man riding the horse becomes perfect, it happens when his thoughts and his horse's thoughts cross each other and the horse also has the rider's fire." Now the situation was beyond that, it was not one horse but 9 horses had the fire and they were connected with their riders, and the riders were connected with fellow riders. The veins and the muscles of the horses were sprouting out due to the might they were feeling from their riders. Each of them knew that this wasn't their ultimate speed, Kyou shouted," We will go in a line and I will ride at the front. with that, we will accelerate 10 times than this one." They formed a line and Kyou shouted again," Now my riders become the sharpest arrow you can because the speed we are going to achieve will be beyond everyone's wits." Kyou accelerated by using all of his might, and Yadav used all of his power, everyone's muscles sprouting outside and veins becoming crystal clear, the fire in their eyes burning like a forest in fire, they achieved a speed beyond their wits. The capital came into their sight and at that moment everyone was on their limits, suffering the effects of using their power beyond the limit. The fire that was lit was almost on the verge of wearing down and Kyou shouted with all of his might," We are riding for the person who was ready to sacrifice his life for us, he suffering a pain that is beyond ours and we will give a relief from it!!!!" They mustered all of their last force, covered in sweat, the muscles of their horses torn apart. They gave the final push and rode with what all remained inside them and finally reach the capital gate draped in sweat and blood. The horses were on their knees and Guang jumped from the horse carried Sen on his back and ran with all his might to his acquaintance who was a medic in the capital. Guang was on the verge of falling onto the ground, he tripped and was going down. Yadav came running and pulled him back with all his force. Guang came to his feet again and Yadav also held Sen with his hands to support Guang. They ran over many hills and ran down each of them to reach their destination. After seeing them, the man came running and took Sen to his bed gave all the medications, and tended his wounds. He said," Sen is okay now." After hearing that Guang and Yadav fell to the ground and lost consciousness. The sun rose, the city started bustling with the crowd like any other city and the sun shone brilliantly upon the city, with a sense of coolness. Cool breezes were coming and the rest of the group rushed towards Yadav, Sen, and Guang. The acquaintance's name was Sourav Rahaat. Sourav welcomed the group and took them to Sen. Sen was sitting on the bed and he asked, "Were you fool this all time." All the others jumped onto him while crying and some Fui was beating him with joy and asking him," You bastard how can you make us worry like that?" Kyou asked where was Yadav and Guang. Sourav said that they sleeping there. Kyou went to search them and they were sleeping in the front of the door. Sourav said," The two of them fell down after running that whole way to here. I gave them some medication and tended their wounds. However, I was unable to carry them inside. Kyou said that he was glad to hear that. The next day Sen was able to walk and they left Sourav's house by giving him some of their items as a token of gratitude. The city was pleasant with butterflies and the sun was up. With a bit of rain, these were the drops of happiness. The whole group was touring the whole city and went to a shop and drank chai and ate their lunch. After that, they went to the highest place in the city and viewed the way they came from. Guang said, "We came all the way here and it would take approximately 6 months for us to get out of this kingdom. We faced a hardship recently and like that, we will face a multiple of them in the near future. But we will keep our fire burning and will not allow it to die off!!!" They walked off the point which was basked in sunlight, radiating their aura, their greatness, and their experience from that battle shone over that place that day. While walking Yadav turned back and said to everyone," No matter what happens we will reach China and you all will meet your wives and children and I will pursue my dream to become the greatest of the era and to make it the greatest." Everyone smiled at hearing that and Guang said, "Ah we will. So, everyone stand proud and march." That day Guang saw something that he hadn't seen in a while, the aura that Yadav had first was around everyone, including himself. It was like that spread from him to others passing on his might to others. Guang was really glad that something like that happened and Yadav joined their group.Somewhere in BangaA village in its northern part is experiencing heavy rain. A thunderstorm, the villagers were in their houses. However, suddenly they heard the sound of horses marching. With the hope of being the army from the capital, they rushed from their houses to request aid from them during the storm. An old man rushed towards the man who marched in the front, their leader. It was a night without the moon there was no light. He looked up and saw something terrible, the man had a scar on his face, his hair was tied in the back and he was in the armor. The man had a sword in his hand and it was drenched in blood. He was also clad in armor, there was something written on his armor in Chinese. The next thing that the old man saw was a blade being swayed towards him and blood gushing out from his chest. The old fell down and on the brink of death, he understood that the man was a so-called Chinese General. The man ordered, "Paint this village in red."