The sun has risen again in the Banga capital Nilachand, It has been one month since the group started to reside in the capital. Applying the same trading strategies of Qin and making tons of money. The group has 8 stores in the capital. The sun shone over the capital brilliantly, the rivers and streams sparkling due to the sun. A shawl of fish passed under the bridge, Yadav was staring at the shawl, and all of the fish swimming in the water merrily. The fish had unique colors, the majority of the fish were white. He noticed that the leader of the shawl's actions were encouraging the other members. Due to that, they overcame the extreme flow of the stream, and Yadav felt that the fish was like Guang. They were on the other side of the bridge. The next moment Yadav noticed that another shawl of red fish with large fins and tails were approaching them. The shawl was the predator shawl. It soon came and all of the red fish ate the whites and the water became red. Guang came running and called Yadav. They went together to their tent, their body armor had arrived. It was white with a slight golden shade. Guang said that they were getting near to China and the armor was obligatory because they could get involved in a war anytime. Gunang said that the next day they were departing for Banga's financial capital Rathameer. After that, everyone left the tents and git back to their respective jobs. Guang started his daily walk through the city, heavy winds started to blow out of the blue and a piece of paper got stuck on his face. He took it with his hands, it had drops of blood in it. Guang didn't understand anything he threw the paper. However, someone in his mind told him to be ready to face something big. It was a shadow figure and Gung was unable to identify him. But judging by the appearance he figured that it was most probably his father. Kyou was looking over the horses, after that run to the capital horses had sustained grave injuries on their legs and they had finally healed. He gave water and medications to the horse. Sen was on top of a cliff and he jumped from there, he had been training vigorously for the last month with his sword. The handle of his sword had blood stains from his hands, and the skin on his hands had completely torn apart. He started to deeply concentrate, there were thick and thorny bushes down below. The challenge was to cut through all of them without getting a scratch on himself. After that incident that brought him to the brink of death, there was someone inside him. When he was lying unconscious after sustaining the injury he talked to that person in his mind and he said that he was his true self that is waiting to get awakened. He also said that one day he would awaken and he will come out and that time was approaching. Therefore he started to train vigorously. Fui had obtained a strange weapon, it was a chain. The chains were attached to his right shoulder and an end connected to his fist. After he swung his hands, the chains would come out. However, he didn't have perfect control over them. Therefore he started to train in the basics like catching with a chain. He always has dreams of his grandfather using the chain to do things like plucking the fruits. Jin started to earn money by cooking for the king and also he was training to use the spear under a fellow soldier. The children were learning to use a bow and arrow. The sun had set. Jin called everyone to have their supper. Fui started his lame jokes and started to argue with Guang. Sen was irritating Jin and Kyou by asking them about weird things, he also asked Ydadav and he blushed after all those questions. The children were running across the tent and aiming at trees with their bows and arrows.Somewhere in BangaThe Jin army had encountered a local kingdom. They entered the palace of that kingdom and the General's speaker started to talk to the king. He said," Great king of this kingdom, I am Golden General Xie Hong of the Jin state of China. We are here for a campaign." The king asked what their campaign was. Xie Hong declared they were going to invade their kingdom. The king was horrified by hearing that. He ordered his soldiers to kill all of them. The soldiers dashed towards them. In the blink of an eye, there was blood in the palace. Xie's soldiers were unlike any other soldiers, each of them was at the level of a general. The king ordered another group of soldiers to strike the general. The group was the strongest in his kingdom led by commander Rakshak Chaand, the commander was the strongest in the whole kingdom. The commander took his sword and made a leap to Xie from his horse. He swung his sword and Xie blocked it the next instant. From that blow Xie felt something, it was the smell of a good prey. Xie declared that Rakshak was good prey and that he would not end the fight quickly to have fun with him. Xie had a habit of having fun with the ones who were fighting and instantly killing anyone who was weak. The king left the throne and made a run for the gate to escape. Xie came to the ground from his horse and said, "Let's start." That instant Rakshak was having the feeling of fighting a big red lion. He felt like he was a deer before him who could get killed. But the deers had some specialties that a lion never possessed like agility, speed, and this super high alertness. Rakshak made a quick dash toward Xie taking out his sword, he did the swinging action. Xie took his big axe to block it. But here was a twist in that action, Rakshak unsheathed it and pulled it upwards. The sword with which he made the swing action was stopped by the second. In that split second, he held off the second sword which was levitating in the air tucked down, and made a huge effort to stab Xie from below. The moment the sword touched his skin it stopped. Rakshak couldn't believe that, Xie tore his top dress and showed his chest to Rakshak and said," For your sword to penetrate through my body either you need that strength or you need more might than me." Rakashak withdrew and took a step back. He pondered upon his actions and started to think what would happen if he defeated this man. His mind answered him that his friends and family would be saved and he would receive a huge sum of money for it. But he thought past all of those and got answers to that. The ultimate thing that he would gain by defeating this man would be growth and more might to fight enemies stronger than him. Rakshak mustered all of his body throughout his body, his veins from the head were spouting out and in his mind, he met his dead father. His father also dies fighting a Chinese General from some state. His father said," Son you are going to do the same thing that I did. But I failed, however, so you should surpass me. Now become the greatest demon out there and overcome that plight that other demon is giving you." The muscles in his leg sprouted out and he used all of his speed and get behind Xie. To Xie, it felt like he disappeared from his eyesight. He swung his sword and Xie blocked it with his axe. But this time he was feeling it, Rakshak's might and strength had increased. Rankshak appeared in the front and swung his sword, Xie took his axe to do the same. Rakshak with his feet took the sword from below by stepping over it and held it in his other hand. He used that sword to hit the sword which he had placed in the swinging motion. The trajectory of that sword changed and It was now coming toward Xie's face. It scratched Xie's face and there was blood for the first time. And it was done by someone other than a Golden General and someone from another kingdom. Xie declared," Lad now it is time to end our little fight. The time to play with you had finished." Xie's eyes had changed after that. Now Rakshak could feel the true killing intent. He came walking, didn't run off took out his axe. Instead, he put down his axe, Rakshak's only chance to kill him had appeared. He decided to use the special moves that were passed down from his ancestor's times. It was not a sword style from his kingdom, but from China from Jin. Rakshak's ancestors were from Jin. He concentrated heavily, his eyes had become dull, and he could hear the spin of the Earth. He made a dash towards the General and leaped in the air. Applied the spinning motion to his body. The spinning motion made it obvious where the attack would come from, that's how everyone thought including Xie. The instant he spun and reached Xie, Xie took his hand to hold him there. However, he made a spin to the other side. That made Xie lose his guard and now the sword in his hands that was below his next was coming up to cut his neck. The sword scratched his next and blood started to gush out of it. Rakshak was falling to the ground in relief that he had killed the general. But, the heavens didn't hear Rakshak's wish. The general using his bare hands held Rakshak in the air by catching his hands. Xie took the sword from Rakshak's hand and said," I am thankful that the Gods blessed me with this fight with someone like you. But blessing ends one day and our fight to end now." At that moment he took the sword and stabbed his chest through his heart. He thoroughly crushed his heart and Rakshak fell to the ground. He had left this world. The general asked his messenger which place was this. The messenger said that it was a place called Rathameer.The sun rose over Nilachand, the group was on their horses to Rathameer they could feel the blue horizon and started their journey to Rathameer.