Chapter Six


(Tyrone Lee)

We took the abandoned kid, Leo, with us on our ragtag team. He told us that his group consisted of five others. They consisted of a Level 4, Level 6, Level 8, Level 7 and a Level 9 Player.

I had just reached level 10 last night. Upon reaching, a new message had popped up:


Class Selection Quest is now available to you!

+1 Class Room Key

That was a funny wordplay. When I pulled up the info of the Key and it said I would have to take part in a Quest to be assigned a Class, to get further skills. That was a bummer. But another downside was I didn't know how long it would take. I decided to think about it later since I could enter the Room by putting in the key in any door I wished.

Right now, I wished to find Leo's team and make an alliance. Teaming up with Level 8 and 9 guys would definitely be helpful in the long run. And speaking of long runs...

We were walking for about an hour or two and the sun was up properly now. Surprisingly it was quite hot even in February. Jenny was complaining about how much we still had to go, Nolan was frowning at the sun, Alex looked as energetic as ever. Leo meanwhile looked nervous and scared, but determined nevertheless. I decided we could all use a rest.

"Okay guys! I think we can sit around for a breakfast before looking around again. You alright with that Leo?"

He looked a bit disappointed but nodded quietly. We found an abandoned tire shop and made our way in. Jenny flopped down on a heap of tires. Nolan sat down leaning against the cash counter. Alex took a seat on a chair amongst the many lined up against the walls.

Leo mumbled about going to find food and went into the storage rooms. I figured I could check out the Class selection thing now. I told Lee I'm gonna go take a leak and made my way to the toilets. Fortunately there was a keyhole on the door.

I called upon the key from my Inventory and it materialized in my palm. It was made of a material which resembled a reddish, orange rock. It had a smooth, glassy surface. It gave off a pulse, not the throbbing kind, but the soft beating kind. I inserted the key in the keyhole and turned.

Nothing happened. I pushed open the door and saw the normal public toilet inside. Huh? Did something go wrong? I closed the door and pulled the key. It didn't budge. I tried turning it both sides, but in vain. It was stuck.

Well, that sucks. I'll just go take a leak anyway, and break down the door on my way out.

I went over to the urinal in the middle. I unzipped and starting letting it out. I was just about done and was about to zip it up, when I realized there was a huge shadow behind me.

I zipped up and whirled around, only to find myself looking at a huge, red, furry ball of I don't even know what. It looked at me with huge yellow eyes and blinked. I blinked back and then...


I screamed and crashed back in the urinal as that creature also screamed and bounced back. I took that chance and dashed towards the door. I had no idea what this thing was and what it was doing in a Leprechaun quest. And I was not dumb enough to care. It looked harmless but heck, I didn't want to wait and cuddle with it.

I slammed hard against the door. It was locked!

Great! Now what? I turned back nervously and saw something I had missed out in my hurry. I was no longer in the toilet at the back of a tire shop. I mean I was, but the back wall had been blasted off and it now opened to an entirely new world!

And there were more of those furry creatures. Then a new window popped up. [CLASS SELECTION QUEST]

Survive For The Next 24 Hours And Kill The Inferno Titan To Get A Class!

24 Hours?!! What the hell?! What about the others?

These were my immediate thoughts. Then I remembered that I could send a message to Alex. I sprang into action and called up our chat.


Damn it!

Well I couldn't just sit by since I had entered this quest already. I took a deep breath and stepped into the new world. The second I stepped inside, I noticed just how strange this place was.

It was like a village on fire. But the building structures were nothing like I had seen before. The buildings were floating a couple feet off the ground. They looked broken, and were not large in size. They were kind of cubical in shape, floating around and idly rotating. There were some trees, but there were no leaves or anything. The trees seemed to be metallic with fire on the branches.

I took in a few more steps and looked around in wonder. The skies were a deep shade of green. I could see a stream nearby, but what floated was not water at all. It was boiling hot acid. And I felt oddly weightless in this place. I jumped a bit and-


With an explosion I blasted like thirty feet into the air. Slowly and gracefully I drifted back down to the ground. But my explosion didn't go unnoticed. All the nearby furry creatures turned around to look at me, all at once. I gulped. And without a warning all of them, at once, started bouncing towards me in a stampede.

Instinctively, I summoned the small fires on the metallic trees. I called as many as I could to form a huge Firestorm. I rallied it and charged with it among their ranks. The ones at the front got burnt to death, but the ones around the middle just got bounced off the path. And the ones at the back were not even affected!

My fire had whooshed through them all but surprisingly couldn't take them all out. I called it back and took a closer look. The ones at front were pretty bare. The middle ones had some shielding layer around them. The ones at the very back, definitely had a force field around them. I mean it was crackling with energy for fuck's sake.

I pulled out the Mana Infused Spear from my inventory. It materialized in pixels in my hand. I grabbed it tight and willed some of the fire to spread to it. It lit up easily without much of a drain on my energy levels. I realized that I didn't have to maintain a constant flow of fire in it, the Spear did it automatically. That saved a huge ton of Mana. I swirled the rest of the fire around my body in a roaring tornado. The Fluffs were closing in on me. I stretched my bones and took my stance. Then I charged!

I rushed through their ranks and swerved my spear, cleaving through the first row of the mid-Fluffs. I willed a bit more fire into the Spear. It burned a shade of bright orange and I felt more at ease with the weapon. I started spinning like a top and striking down more Fluffs as I roared with the Firestorm and my spear broke through their shields.

Within a few more minutes, only the Fluffs with forcefields remained. I willed around half of my Firestorm into my Spear. With a roar it burned with bright blue fire. That was new. Perhaps the colors changed with higher levels of Mana Infused in it. But this buff didn't come for free. Although I didn't need extra Mana to control the flow anymore, I needed to exert a great deal to light it. And it also weakened my Firestorm greatly.

I spun the Spear in my right hand, and willed my Firestorm to change shape and fit around me as an armor. This prevented any Mana to be wasted. The extra fire could be used to form a makeshift shield.

Geared up, I spun my Spear in a full revolution around me. All the Fluffs clinging onto me fell away and some even died. I started stabbing as many as I could reach. I danced around as I slashed and blocked. Soon I was finished with all the Fluffs.

I was shocked to find that I did not level up anymore. Perhaps it was restricted in this Class selection quest. I had around 23 hours and 15 minutes to survive and find the Inferno Titan. It wasn't a hard thing to find him.

In the far horizon I could see lightning and thunder of all colors striking around a frozen volcano. I put out all the flames, stashed away the Spear as it pixelated away. I was running low on mana, and hoped I wouldn't encounter any other creatures as I started walking towards the Frozen Volcano, all alone in this new world.