Chapter Seven


(Alex Kross)

I sat and took a few moments to relax a long with the others. Lee went to take a leak, Leo went to find some food, Nolan sat leaning against the counter with his arm resting on the Carbine. Jenny was sitting on some tires and taking deep breaths.

I thought about what we knew of the Leprechauns so far. They came in groups. Although they were weak, they made up for it in numbers. We were also leveling up so I hoped it would be easier to tackle after some time. I stood up and walked between Nolan and Jenny and say down. Jenny had her face in her arms, so she didn't notice. Nolan just looked at me and grunted.

I asked them about their current levels. Jenny was currently at Level 8 and Nolan at 9. I asked if they had got any new abilities so far. They shook their heads. I asked them what their plans were in this new world. Jenny started speaking, "Well, I was in my Uni when all this started. It was lunch time and I was just sitting alone at my table, when it all went dark.

"My Selection Quest was to trash the Chemistry Lab. It was pretty easy I guess."

Then Nolan chuckled as he started speaking, "I was on my way to make a deal with this guy in a restaurant, when it started. I just thought I was hallucinating, cause I might have been a bit too hung over from last night. Well long story short, the deal was an ambush and my Quest said to kill the guy I was supposed to deal with. Since I was going to do that anyway, I did it and now here I am."

I looked at him with fear. What the fuck kind of life was the living? Jenny then asked me about my Quest. I didn't know how to tell them about failing my Quest. I had just started saying about how I was being bullied, when Leo dashed in gasping for air. We all sprang to our feet and ran to him.

"What's up, kid?"

"Leo, are you okay?!"

"What happened? Why are you so out of breath?!"

He took a deep breath before,


Nolan grabbed his Carbine, I took out my Daggers and Jenny took her position to attack as the Leprechauns flooded out of the room. I yelled to them, "HOLD THEM OFF WHILE I GET LEE!"

I Sprinted through their ranks, cutting and slashing at anything I could. Jenny kept poisoning them as Nolan shot them dead.

I reached the toilets, which thankfully was Leprechaun-free. The door was locked. I slammed my fists on them yelling for Lee. There was no response. Not waiting for anything else, I took a few steps back and ran into the door.

There was no one inside! I didn't have time to worry about it, he was probably already out there fighting with the rest of them. I Sprinted outside, taking down as many as I could. Nolan was still firing away, and Jenny was behind him, poisoning as many as she could. Leo was slashing down as many Leprechauns as he could reach.

I dashed around pouncing and lacerating all the Leprechauns on my way. I took my left dagger in my right hand and yielded them both as a double ended blade. I took a stance, by moving my legs apart in a V shape. I inserted my index finger in the rings of the handles of my Daggers to get a better grip. Holding my daggers out, I leapt.

I landed slashing down a Leprechaun's limb. I spun my blades and chopped him up, then moved on to the next with ferocious velocity. Within a couple minutes almost all the Leprechauns were dead. A few of the tougher ones remained. Nolan was out of bullets and was using raw strength. Jenny was bleeding from her nose. Leo was slumped down gasping for breath. Even I was sweating heavily and my limbs were aching.

The Leprechauns charged together at Nolan, who toppled over screaming. Panting, I raised myself again. I started half stumbling and half running towards Nolan. And then,


The entire shop shook and the glass panes shattered. The tires toppled over as the Leprechauns fell and looked aroujd, scared. My immediate thought was an earthquake. Then I saw two figures outside the broken panes. One of them stepped over the broken glass saying, "Bro, I told you to keep yourself in control. Look at all the shattered glass. We could injure ourselves."

The second guy chuckled and said following his friend, "C'mon Luci, we both know you aren't gonna cut yourself on some broken glass," Luci acted hurt and replied, "I was thinking about you bro."

I finally got a close look at their faces. Luci was a guy with chiseled face. He was neatly trimmed to a short stubble. He had elegant flowing blonde hair. He was wearing black aviator shades and a black leather jacket. His shirt inside said "I fear no man! Man fears me!". He wore blue denims and yellow sneakers.

His friend also wore a black leather jacket, but it was zipped up. He had silver hair and had a muscular build. He wore black jeans and had grey eyes.

Every one of us were in perfect silence and stared at the new arrivals, including the Leprechauns. Seeing them Leo, dashed to them and hugged the silver haired guy. "Lucien, Zachary! You came! I was so lost without you!" Lucien chuckled and took a look around. He seemed to have gathered what was happening.

He said in a soft tone, "Leo, are these your friends?"

Leo nodded affirmatively. Lucien sighed and raised his left hand. There was a crackling sound. His shadow grew and grew till it took over the entire floor. Then whish. The shadow sucked in the Leprechauns within itself. Then the shadow went back to its normal size. I looked at Lucien in awe.

Zachary helped us all get to our feet. Nolan carried Jenny on his back as we all made our way with them. I didn't know where Lee was, and I couldn't reach him with our private chat.

I hoped he was alright and I could get back to him soon. I couldn't just sit by the toilet for the whole time while waiting.

I talked to Zachary who seemed like a chill fellow. He told us all about their small group. They called themselves members of a Camp Krypt. It sounded cool. He said that they had like twenty others with them and they fought and survived as a team.

After another hour of waking, we finally reached their camp. It was in a gloomy building, which looked like it hadn't been used in years. We climbed up to the fourth floor. The entire floor was filled with people hanging out and chilling around. They seemed like a joyous bunch.

Lucien turned to us and said, "Welcome to Camp Krypt! Here we help everyone out and live together safely. We tackle any monsters which come together and level up as a team! It might not be a luxurious resort, but it's still kind of a home for us now."

Nolan set Jenny down on a makeshift mattress to rest. The he came to talk to Lucien. Nolan started, "We had another member in our group, Tyrone Lee. He was kind of our leader but he seems to have gone MIA. Could you guys please help us look for him?"

Lucien looked worried and said, "If he's gone missing then there's a high chance he was kidnapped by the Leprechauns. We thought Leo was kidnapped too, but it was just lucky that you guys found him before anything unfortunate happened."

I shuddered at the idea of Lee being kidnapped. He was always so strong and dependable. I just hoped something had come up and he had to leave without telling us. I tried to ignore the fact that I couldn't reach him by our chat and started helping out around the camp.