Chapter Six


I was completely shocked by what I saw in front of me. I felt my body stagger as if I were drunk and almost lost my balance, forced to lean on Robson. 

— Holy shit! — shouted Robson — Did you know about this? 

— Of course not! I'm as shocked as you are. 

In fact, I doubt he was as shocked as I was. I might have had suspicions about his fidelity, but discovering that he was an underground fighter was beyond any parallel reality I could imagine. 

I must be in The Twilight Zone! 

— I knew he was strong, but damn! A fighter? Seriously? 

Robson couldn't contain his shock. And the people around us wouldn't stop shouting —King.— 

There, in that underworld, my boyfriend was literally a king. And I knew absolutely nothing about it. 

Looking at him in that ring, he seemed to delight in all the attention. As if he were fueled by those screams. His eyes shone with arrogance, and his smile showed how superior he felt. 

And here I was, feeling like shit for being so stupid for so long. 

I went through my memories and remembered all the times he lied to me. 

These bruises are from boxing.

Sorry to leave like this, I need to work tonight.

You're the only one for me!

I love you.

How many more lies had come out of his mouth? How long did he plan to deceive me? Until he got tired of me? 

Honestly, I had seen enough. I didn't have the emotional capacity to stay there and see him smile like the fucking owner of the world while thinking I was at home like a passive wife. 

I turned to leave, but Robson stopped me. 

— No way! We're staying here to watch him take some punches! — he said with a sadistic smile — Are you telling me you don't want to see that? 

I was raised to be a good boy and not wish harm on anyone, but at that moment, I really wanted to see Michel humiliated in his shitty world. 

I knew it would be difficult since everyone there treated him like a winner. But it didn't hurt to dream. 

— Look, they're calling the other fighter. 

— Now in our ring, the brave challenger! Welcome BEAST! 

After the announcer's shout, the new fighter entered the ring. 

Unlike Michel, his rival seemed more serious. His tanned body covered in tattoos contrasted with Michel's white and smooth skin. 

Even with little clothing, it was clear his preference for black. Besides the shorts, his hand wraps were also that color. 

And I can say that even seeing him from afar, he was stunning and clearly dangerous. A mix that would make any woman or man waver. 

His eyes quickly scanned the crowd, as if looking for someone. I was curious to know who would catch his attention at a moment like this until his eyes stopped on me. 

There were many people in front of me, so it was more likely he wasn't looking at me, but even so, I felt my whole body tremble with the power he emanated. 

Giving a small side smile, he turned to his opponent and got serious again. 

Michel didn't seem intimidated at all by the fighter in front of him. On the contrary, he looked him up and down with disdain. Even though they were of the same height and build, Michel seemed extremely confident. 

The people wouldn't stop shouting, mostly for King. But I could hear one or two people chanting for Beast. Including Robson. 

He seemed determined to cheer on the rookie fighter and get revenge for me. 

Time seemed to drag, and it felt like a century before the fight actually started. 

Suddenly the gong sounded, and Michel flew at Beast with a punch. 

As if expecting it, he dodged and hit Michel's side, making him stagger. 

— That's it, Beast! — shouted Robson — Finish him off! 

Some people looked at us with disgust for cheering against their favorite, but I didn't care. I even wanted to shout too, but I was still too shocked to manage it. 

Michel seemed furious with the sudden punch and went at his opponent again, this time taking a punch to the ribs. 

— Who is this guy? — said a boy next to us — King hasn't landed a single punch on him! 

I had never seen Michel fight before, but to me, he looked more like a court jester than a king. 

All his attacks against Beast only resulted in more punches and kicks for him. 

Several minutes passed, and Michel was visibly tired. And so far, Beast hadn't attacked him once. 

He seemed like a wild animal playing with his prey. Just waiting for the right moment to make the final move. 

When no one expected it, Beast circled the ring, catching Michel off guard. He moved as fast and quietly as a tiger. 

A true Beast stalking its prey. 

Before he could react, Michel received a flurry of punches to various parts of his body almost simultaneously. It looked choreographed, such was the elegance of the moves. 

When he finally stopped, Michel fell to his knees and put his head between them as if begging for mercy. 

Beast stood still, just watching the gesture. Waiting to confirm his prey had been subdued. 

I couldn't help but notice his chest heaving while drops of sweat ran down his body, illuminating his tattoos. 

The gong sounded, signaling the end of the fight, filling the place with noise. I hadn't realized the cheers were much lower than at the start of the fight. Everyone seemed incredulous that King had lost. And lost badly. 

— Yes! Beast killed it! Woohoo!! 

Robson started shouting and shaking me with joy. 

I looked at Michel lying there on the ground and waited. Waited, but it didn't come. The feelings I thought I would have like empathy, pity, and sadness never appeared. 

Just pure satisfaction. The realization of seeing his shitty kingdom taken by another king. Actually, by a beast. 

— What a surprise, folks! — shouted the announcer — Beast is the winner! 

He held Beast's hand and turned him to the crowd. I noticed he hesitated to let the guy lift his arm while rolling his eyes between the spectators. When he got to my direction, he allowed his arm to be lifted. 

I felt that challenging look piercing through me, making me take a small step back. 

Even from afar, I could see he was smiling slightly. As if knowing I was shaken by his presence. 

Of course, it was impossible he was doing all that theater for me. But a little voice deep in my head said yes, it was for me. 

Robson kept shouting and shaking me non—stop. People started clapping and chanting Beast's name. 

Discreetly, two guys climbed into the ring and helped Michel out. 

By his posture, he was completely humiliated. Just as I was earlier. 

Soon after, the ring was empty, and people began to disperse. A few stragglers went to the betting counters very happy to have struck it rich. 

— If I had known that idiot would be fighting, I would have bet against him! — grumbled Robson — I would have made a killing off him! That would have been the highlight of my night! 

— Just seeing him humiliated felt satisfying. But not completely. 

— Are you going to talk to him here? 

— I already said no. 

— That was before the fight. 

— And nothing's changed. 

— Everything's changed! Imagine his face getting dumped after losing? It would be perfect! 

— I'm tired, Rob. Too many emotions for one night. I just want to go home. 

— Alright. I admit I'm tired too. But it was worth it! Oh, was it worth it! 

I couldn't disagree with him. Even though I was still upset and feeling like crap, I was happy that Michel felt the same way. 

We headed to the exit where there was a small line of people waiting to get their phones. Many people were leaving, but apparently, most hadn't brought their phones. 

When it was our turn, the guy took a bag with my number and handed me my phone. But Robson's bag only had a note. 

The security guard read it, frowned, and looked at us. 

Robson froze in place. 

— Don't tell me my phone is missing? — he said desperately — I'm still paying for it! 

— The boss asked you to pick it up directly from him.— said the security guard, unfazed by the outburst — Knock on that door there. 

We both looked at a red iron door. I hadn't noticed it before. 

When we turned to go to it, the security guard grabbed my arm. 

— Only the phone's owner. You can wait here. 

I looked at Robson, terrified. I knew his earlier tantrum would cause trouble. 

— Let it go, Rob. — I whispered — Let's go! I'll help you buy another one. 

— And leave a stranger with my phone? It has my family's numbers, Ric! My friends' numbers! If he wanted to hurt us, he wouldn't have let us in. 

Despite appearing confident, I knew he was scared. 

He walked to the door and knocked twice. It opened quickly, but I couldn't see by whom. 

After it closed, I leaned against the wall opposite the door without taking my eyes off it. 

I tried to stay alert to any sound coming from there, but with all the movement in the corridor, it was impossible. 

The security guard continued doing his job, ignoring my presence. 

Will this night ever end? 

Think of a crazy day!

Today had definitely been the most absurd day of my life. 

How could I have imagined when I got up this morning that a few hours later I would be at an underground fight club watching my boyfriend take a beating? 


If he even saw me that way. 

I kept thinking about how I would confront him. I had several imaginary conversations with Michel and analyzed all the possibilities and things he would say. 

And in all of them, I would put him in his place. 

Fortunately, I wouldn't be looking at his face anytime soon. It would be very easy to avoid him at college. After all, I already did that normally. 

It was almost dawn when I started to fall asleep. 

Unfortunately, I was interrupted by knocks on the door. I looked at my phone and saw that it was dead. 

I got up, almost dragging myself to the living room. The only person who would come at this hour would be Robson. 

He was probably scared by everything that had happened and came to sleep here. 

I opened the door with a scolding on the tip of my tongue. 

Why didn't he come with me? 

Just as I was about to start ranting, I came face to face with Michel leaning against the door frame. 

It seems my confrontation would be sooner than expected.