
"Dhani, I know it was you who spread rumours about me. And if it was not, you then it must be your close friend Mihir", Lasya stated angrily.Dhani looked at her confused. Mihir Sakala was a boy from a rich family. He was Dhani's best friend. He was sitting beside him and was doing an assignment."What are you talking about Lasya?", Dhani asked worriedly. He saw tears around her eyes threatening to come down.Lasya gulped nervously and said, "You hit him or I will hit you". What the fuck Lasya you have to hit him why are you avoiding it. You can't lie to Sanket. But God, I can't hit him. Not even in my dream." What kind of fucking situation is this, Lasya thought.Dhani helplessly hit his best friend. "Are you happy now?", he asked Lasya and continued. "Don't ever approach me anymore", he whispered and followed Mihir.Mihir was very angry with him he didn't talk with him for days though Dhani apologized multiple times. But he used to be sad beside him cause he didn't want to leave him alone.His all friends were angry with him but they didn't leave him all alone. On the other hand, Dhani was devastated. He was retreating his every design but if he was able to go back, he will decide to stay beside Lasya no matter what.Dhani was broken but now he had Jui, his girlfriend. He saw Lasya's situation closely so he knew how to treat a woman. Thus, he treated his girl like a queen. He decided to move on but every time he saw Lasya he wondered if she is doing okay. Is she happy?Days passed and then months. Dhani used to wonder how is Lasya doing despite having a girlfriend. He is never able to stop caring about her.Lasya used to cry secretly. Now she had four close friends. Aadi, Advika, Anika, Amaira and Irya.Aadi Joshi. He used to sit behind her in exams. They become friends. But Lasya started to call him brother out of fear. But he didn't mind it at all. He knew everything about her and stayed by her side silently. Lasya used to ghost him from time to time because of Sanket but he used to understand her and talk with her whenever she approaches her.Advika, Anika and Amaira had the same surname Chowdhury but the three were not sisters nor from the same town either. Krishna used to hand them out with them so Lasya knew them from her first year.Irya Rao used to hand out with others first but then she started to hand out with Amaira. They become best friends.Lasya was not alone anymore. But she kept things happening between her and Sanket secret. Sanket used to call her sometimes when she was with her friends. And if she didn't answer his call, he used to scold her and used to ask her if she was fucking around with a guy.Because of that Lasya started to talk less day by day. The way Sanket used to treat her in bed eventually she started to like it as she thought that's how people do it. Her smile started to disappear slowly. She couldn't able to sleep at night properly. She found out that her mother is going to the neuro center because of her. She was devastated. She didn't talk about these things to others at all.But then suddenly pandemic came when she was in her second year. Due to the Covid pandemic mic whole country was shut. Lasya's father came home and started to live with them. She was happy about it but now Sanket was free for the whole day.He used to message her whenever he wants. And used to do video call just to satisfy his needs. He used to check her social media accounts making sure she didn't talk with boys at all.Her mother knew everything but she was helpless cause her daughter was not in her control. One day Sanket got angry cause Lasya was talking with her brotherly friend Aadi.He called her but her phone was busy. He called her several time. Finally, she picked up her phone."Who was on the call Lasya?", he asked in a stern voice."Aadi", Lasya replied. Sanket knew she must be talking with a guy. "Why? Can't you live without a guy in your life or do you always need at least one dick in your hole", Sanket retorted."Sanket!", Lasya shouted but soon her voice become low "He is my brother. Stop spitting crap", she stated in a low voice."Lasya know your place. I left a nice girl for you. Ruhi was best for me. She didn't even talk with any guy from her college. I regret leaving her. Why don't you die? You should die already ", Sanket said mean words without any thought and hung up on her.Lasya tried to call him again but that was no use. He didn't answer her call. Lasya was alone. She wanted to talk things out but she didn't have anyone.She gathered her strength and called Dhani. But Dhani didn't receive her call cause he was angry with her. But she received a call from Krishana. She told her that Dhani said never to call him again.Now Lasya was a crying mess. Her voice is muffled. She was beyond repair and her boyfriend was breaking her more and more.She didn't even know what happened, but she went into the bathroom with a glass in her hand. Poured some phenol in it and drink it in one gulp. Her throat was on fire so she drank water on it.But now her stomach started to hurt. She went back to bed but she felt nauseous. She ran to the bathroom and vomited everything she ate for dinner. Her stomach was hurting but the tears didn't stop.She found a brand-new sharp blade in her cupboard and cut her wrist. The cut was deep. She took a pic and send it to Sanket. With the caption 'Are you happy now?' She switched off her phone and cried to sleep again.