Finding breck threw


I realized voices in my head

Screaming loud with pain

But I choose to ignore it allI

got crushed by this world

with all my hopes

So, I embraced the darkness in my heart

I realized voices in my head

Wanting to be freed from the world

So, I tried but couldn't die

Petrified by society

I choose to escape into the dark

What was I truly lost I forgot

But couldn't return home

I lost the origin myself crushed by the weight of the world

As the pain started to protect my heart

I Meet burning light in the cold

In the form of fiction

So, I hold on to it

It lit my dead Soul

Under the dazzling moon

Making me believe happiness lies in our Soul

Death was easy to embrace

But I embrace the lifeI choose to live with the scars

My pain becomes a shield

And I learn to love myselfLosing all the weight from my back

I realized that screaming pain

Came to change my way

So, I lit my soul with the art

I write I sing, I dance, I laugh

It's not perfect but it's not bad

Light is dim but it's better than dark

With a handful of friends, I feel glad

I love this gradual change

While heading toward my dream

I love this light

Which tells me to be me.

"This must be the song telling your survival!", he exclaimed as he read it very carefully. She nodded with a proud face.

"I learned that I can change things. Death is not the only solution. Even though I have lost many things but now I have a true friend like Advika. Even though I don't need this life but my mom and dad need me so I should be heading towards light gradually and steadily constantly without giving up", she stated. She had grown up a lot.


I don't know my name

Wondering through memories of my hell

I don't know my name

The black figure I saw

In the corner of my amygdala,It chased me up to the edge

It choked me hard until

my mid-Limbic woke me awake

I don't know my name

Tired of apologizing without any mistakes,

My amygdala, amygdala

Save me from this pain

My amygdala, amygdala

Let me live again

I don't know my name

The cheerful person I saw

Was dying at the hands of her love,

All the harassment she saw and I stood helpless in front of my love

My amygdala, my amygdala

Let me free from this love

My amygdala, my amygdala

I don't want to love him anymoreI don't know my nameTrapped in my traumatized self

I don't know my name

The worst choice I made

When I lost my v card

The worst choice I made

When I kept quiet even after getting degrade

The worst choice I made

When I fail to keep my self-respect,The worst choice I made

When I lose my both best friends

When I kept quiet,

Even After getting accused of playing with boys' dick

and then suddenly thought crossed my headand

I saw a hand with a blood stain

I woke up in the middle of the rain

Trying to hide my pain

My amygdala, amygdala

Let me forget all these mistakes

My amygdala, amygdala

Let me erase all my memories

All these scenes from my dream

Which runs through my head

All those slaps I received

Makes me feel worthless,

and then covid suddenly came

Locking me inside my brain

All the loneliness I felt

Started to chain me away

The news of my mom's surgery

Came with news of his new loveI tried my best

But I couldn't able to keep myself sane

My first choice (is bloody hands)

My second choice (a glass of phenol)

My third choice dying in my dream

Seeing those vivid scenes until my mid-limbic woke me awake

The girl I knew I can't find her anymore

But the girl I become is still unknown

That's why I don't know my name

Still trapped in someone else stance

I don't know my name

My amygdala, amygdala

Let me break through my pain

My amygdala, amygdala

Let's erase this pain

I don't know my name

The panic attack I had

Had different triggers and frequencies

All those hallucinations I guided me to despair

All the sleep in my eyes gone

Panting is the only thing I had

Then I saw the pain in my parent's eyes

After knowing about my life

My amygdala, amygdala

Let me live free

My amygdala, amygdala

Stop choking me

I don't know my name

Now the first choice I made (anime)

and the second choice I made (songs)

The best choice I made (living with the help of med)

I don't know my name

Travelling through all the feelings I want to erase

I don't know my name

will you give me a new name

My amygdala, amygdala

Let me learn how to live with this pain

My amygdala, amygdala

I want to live againI don't know my nameTrapped with my broken selfI don't know my nameLiving with this fake faceI don't know my nameso, give me a new name.

He looks at her in disbelief. That's her whole journey. She wrote about her whole journey in one song. Feelings were oozing out from that song.

"You wrote this piece beautifully!", he exclaimed. "I... I... Thank you!", she suffered as she didn't know what to say. "If I ever get a chance to share my story, I would like to sing this song. I would like to tell anyone be it a girl or a boy to learn how to treat their loved one and at the same time, I would like to ask them to be strong. Strong enough to decide what is wrong for them and walk away from it before it destroys them completely. It doesn't matter if people call you selfish just because you walked away from an abusive person. Even if it's your family member just walk away in time before things get complicated. I don't want anyone to end up like me. I want them to learn things from my experience so they won't suffer like me", she said with hope in her eyes. She took a deep breath and continued.

"That's why I decided to compile my every single experience and every sing-song I wrote in a book. I realized that if I hurt myself with my hand after suffering because of others everything will be worthless but if I can save even a single life with the help of my experience maybe I can proudly smile and I will be able to say that my life was worth of all suffering. That's my new dream and reason to live", she stated and smiled in the end.

That's how Lasya found a motivation to live and dreamed about being the motivation for someone else. She is not a bit worried about her marriage because she lost her v card. She is only trying to live her life worry-free with the belief that she will find a good heart.

After months Lasya went to her college for the graduation ceremony. Even this time Dhani was the first to approach her. He knew about her new social media account. He saw her written work, her songs lyrics and illustrations she made.

They talk for a while and he got to know what Lasya decided to do. He loved the idea of helping others with the help of books. But he saw a bit of pain in her eyes. He felt like she didn't free herself yet. But the words he said touched her heart.

"You are an Idiot Lasya. See everything is over now. You are free. You can do whatever you want, and hang out with your friends. You have broken that cage and you have made yourself from the search again. And now you are something. You are a good daughter, a good sister a good friend too. Yeah, sometimes you act crazy but you are a good friend. Moreover, you become an author, lyricist and pharmacist too. Don't worry much I am sure there is good writing in your life ahead. You just started to live. Don't cry anymore you had cried enough. Smile! As much as you can. Always smile for your mother and father and also for me."

That's what Dhani said.

That was true. She started to live her life. There are many more beautiful moments she needs to discover. She had a dream and now she had her best friend with her.