The fallen star

Lasya started to work at a hospital pharmacy with her two colleagues Gunjit and Devansh. She learned about how to handle pharmacy and its accounts. They taught her everything so she can get a decent job.

One day she went back to her college to get her TC. There she met Dhani. And they finally talked. She told him that she is seeking medical help for her mental wellbeing. The news of her getting freed from the snatch of that guy made him so happy.

But Dhani was not so happy in his life and that was written all over his face. But there was awkwardness between them so they didn't talk much and went back to their separate ways.

The next day Lasya went to meet her doctor again. She wanted to show him her new song."Can I come in sir?", she knocked on the door politely. "Oh! Lasya comes in", he replied with a smile. "Are you comfortable while working here?", he interrogated."Yes, I am. I wrote a new song which tells my whole story and also, I wrote a song about my journey too", she started calmly. She was not excited this time as the song she wrote had lots of emotions in it.

Her doctor didn't say anything and took her phone from her hand and started to read every song carefully. This time she had written many things.


My home is filled with loved ones

Still, it again feels empty

My home is empty or my heart

There is no way to know that

All happy faces make me sick

Romantic chats make me puke

Sleepless nights and cold heart

Makes my system hang

Falling from heaven into the abyss

Came to be a customary sequence

It keeps repeating from day to night

Fear of socializing,the anxiety of being surveyed

Still, I hate to be left alone

My energy drains with the sunset

My spirits get sucked into a crowded place

I want to be alone but I hate loneliness

What a dead soul in alive flesh

I realized voices in my head

Screaming loud with pain

But I choose to ignore it allI

got crushed by this world with all my hopes

So, I embraced the darkness in my heart.

"Do you often feel alone at home", he asked through the open yelling, yes but he wanted her to talk about it.

"Yeah! I do", she nodded with a sad face. "I feel there is a voice inside me which makes me crave death. But in reality, I am seeking love which I never had despite giving so much" she started and took a long pause.

"Why it makes you feel that you are embracing darkness in your heart?", he asked her another question. Lasya took a deep breath and replied "Because I wished bad for him and I think that's not a good thing. Wishing his sister or child suffer like me so he will know how he treated me is something dark to wish about. What wrong his sister and his unborn child did that they have to suffer because of him? Wishing something like this is wrong I know but I can't help it and remove my anger that way."

"So, you know you should be wishing it for the innocent soul that's why you decided to write these things down so your mind will get empty and you won't wish that again?", he asked and Lasya nodded. He smiled as he felt relieved cause Lasya was not going down the wrong path.

The fallen star

The fallen star with scars,

ambles on the path full of thorns

light in her eyes disappeared steadily,

making my heart afraid

stop crying, a yell didn't reach her

tears still kept falling breaking two souls

the girl lost her sane still he followed her silently

wearing an invisible armour, she smiled artificially

with a broken heart, he returns that smile gently

No matter how cruel the world is

no matter how complicated the starry sky is

no matter how depressed she looked

even if the whole cosmos crumbled

he guards her while wearing black armour

until she reaches her grave

no matter how many seasons changes

how many years pass

she was protected in his gentle armour

and her heart began to melt

she took small steps to open her heart again

reluctantly she accepted that gentle armour

removing her invisible armour

the star found her home and the boy meet her too

And flowers bloom on the day of the full moon

she finally said the words

Screaming that she is free again.

After finishing it he looked at her. Before he says something, she spoke. "I had a good friend back in my college days. He used to keep an eye on me despite we drifted apart so I felt so many things and I wrote this song", she replied and smiled shyly. He didn't say anything and continued.

Fallen star reprise

If I die, will it go away

All the pain in my heart

If I die, will you come to me

To say you were wrong

Why do I have to go through this pain

Was I wrong to be who I am

Is it all about you and your family

Was it all that you couldn't hold on

If I was the girl, you met 4 years back

Was that confidence let you hold my hand

Can I ask you to not leave me

It's not the end of this star

Can I ask you to hold on

Cause I can still carry on

Only I was not the fallen star

I am not the fallen star

"Then why did you write reprise?", he asked with a raised eyebrow. "Because I wanted him to say and talk but we were so distant so we parted our ways again. I am hoping we will able to find that pure bond once we sort out our life problems", she replied and sign. The pain of losing everything for love and then leaving love due to harassment was not an easy thing to do. But she survived on her own.