We're not together

Seraphina's POV

I pressed my lips into a thin line, and my mind flickered through possible excuses: I was stressed, I was annoyed by the entire situation, I was just curious, but none of them sounded sensible. And the truth? The truth was that I didn't fully understand my own behavior.

I'd felt something—a hot, irrational anger—surge up the moment I saw them together, and I'd acted on impulse, but if I told her that, she'd misunderstand.

Electra raised an eyebrow, apparently reading my hesitation as yet another evasive tactic. "Well?" she prompted. "Are you going to explain or what?"

I exhaled slowly, letting my gaze drift around the library. "I don't know why I got so upset," I admitted at last, hating how uncertain I sounded. "It just… happened."

Her brow furrowed. "That's not an answer."