Needing a Change

Seraphina's POV

I stared at Electra as she absentmindedly picked up a book that was lying on the table and started to flip through it. It was almost laughable how unaffected she seemed by our conversation, meanwhile, here I was, sitting across from her and trying not to let my irritation become too obvious.

Her words replayed in my mind: *"We're both free to talk to whoever we want...As long as we both remember that, we'll be fine."*

The audacity of it all. As if I needed the reminder that we weren't together. As if I didn't already know, and yet, the way she had said it, so casual and dismissive, felt like a sharp jab to my chest.

It wasn't that I wanted to be in a relationship with her—I didn't think I did, anyway—but there was something about the way she had framed her sentence that made my stomach churn.