Diary of the Mentor ch1 The student pt1.

With the current state of the world reading wasn't excalty something I should have had pleasure in. It wasn't a matter of I hating it or the world furrowing upon it but in a world as hopeless as mine as it wasn't excalty a necessary skill for survival. One might ponder that reading could distract one from this hopeless world but ani't no book going to save you when you have a cryptic ( unknown) at you throat. In this world power was want brought about survival and until one had that, pointless hobs like reading was unnecessary. Well the funny thing was that I had power, I was dubbed one of the seven. An elite group of warrior that stood at the apex of the bearu. what the bearu where and what they did was unimportant now so I cut it short

I was strong so I had the necessary time to read and reading I did. This story isn't about reading so you don't have to worry about me going on a pointless monologue about why I think mystery is a shitty genre. Ok moving on, I was having a delightful stroll in the slums of Agvon, one of the final homes for humanity. The crumbed buildings, the ungodly stench that emitted from the gates, the dented asphalt and finally the unavoidable gazed of the locals. It was nostalgic, after all I was lived here almost twenty years ago. Back then I was a naive brat who could only put food on the table by stealing from the pockets of those from the main city. It was a humiliation past now that I looked back but it was the only way I could survive so I did it with pride. Shame was nothing in the face of twelve hours of Hunger. "M.. iss!". A young and raspy voice interrupted my thoughts. i looked forward in confusion searching for the one who called. It was skinny and sickly looking pale haired boy. His was dressed in worn and tore causal red shirt and buggy trousers. The shirts print was completely worn of leaving the figures rewritten on it a shadow of its former self. The child whiles sickly was an eye candy to look at. His white unnatural hair was an indicated he was probably a demi human. And looking as his cute appearance I presume the vampire kind from Hosu. His tore shirt revealed his pale skin, I through it I could see marks, multiple cuts, and even swollen and purplish wounds. Most where indicates he was a victim of abuse but his dim coloured purple eyes show it wasn't just the regular kind. Covering my eyes in disappointment I sighed and threw a question at the boy. "Who is responsible?". The boy flinched a bit scarier by my stern tone but I paid his reaction no need and asked him again. "Who did it?". By then my then conversation I was having with the boy had attracted lots of attention from the residents as the began to observe us. "Who hurts the kid?" I spoke now enough for everyone within the vicinity to hear and it seems to work as a skinny black hair youth slight older than the boy walked toward me. "pay up!" He excalmied. Understanding what he meant I took a golden coin from my back pocket and eyes him with a stern look. He slightly moved back under my gaze as cold sweat began to tickle down his neck. I could see a few residents trying to take his place after they saw the coin but they where too late.After all as the saying goes the early dick gets the worm. As long a the youth didn't disappoint me and led me to the individual that hurted the kid the money was his. "Lead the way!" I gasped both the youth and the boy's hands and walked ahead. ----------------- " A mansion!" I remarked in astonishment as I gazed at the impressive brown two story mansion at the far end of the slums. It had a beautiful black metallic gate leading to the main building and the road towards the mansion was neatly pavement with brown bricks. On the side of the paved road where beautiful plants neatly planted around the house. Compared to the normals slums this building and everything around it was so colourful I felt I had stepped into a different world. "When was this built?" I inquired. The youth cleared his throats a bit before he finally decided to reply. "Ahem!....it was built during you jounery to Huso. And built by the spider queen!". My impression of the youth grew since he knew about my journey to Hosu after all it meant he knew who I was and if he knew truly knew who I was he must have be pretty courageous to have demanded money from me before. Carefully studying him which cause him to avert his gaze I realised he had the potential to use mana With the little courage I had seen from him I estimated he had want it takes to join the bearu. "What's you name?". "No name!" He replied without hesitation. "Hold up....what's you name?".I asked again in confusion. "Yes ma'am!" He tilted his head seemly lots. "I'm asking what's you name?". The youth finally releasing what I meant nobbed in realization and give a light smile. "It's no name!' "what kind of shitty parents give you that...". "I never met them...my name is just a nickname, the resident give to me!". "Oh!...sorry for you lost then!". Death parents weren't really a rare case and I personally had never meant my so I sort of relate to him a bit. Honestly I suddenly grown an appreciation for my parents for naming me before dying or abandoning me. "My name is Vana!" I remarked and give him the biggest smile I could matter. Normally a small from me was expensive but I made the exception for him since he had managed to not both impress me but actually made him a bit sad. Honestly the impressing me part wans't that hard, one just needs to be brave and that's about it. Anyway whiles the youths seem to be in a state of bliss after receiving my name I turn my attention to the kid on the left who currently grasped my finger. "What's you name?" I asked in the sweetest tone I could matter up but furrowed while it asked it ended in failure. "Yo...don't tell you you name is silent!". I didn't know how I came to the conclusion but I will be greatly disappointed of it wasnt his name. "he won't answer!" No name who had finally recovered from his state of bliss remarked. "Why's not?!" I asked and squat down to meet the boy in my eye level. "....." No name chose to remain silent but I wants having any of that. "Tell me about this boy and you gets extra gold coin!". His face previous showing indifference slowly crumble. "explain the spider queen and you get anothdr extra!". "Oh my God!" He fell on his knees and grasped my leg like I was some sort of Messiah. "Stop it!" Getting back on my feets I tried kicking him of but he cling to it like a koala to a tree. "Thank you so much!" Tears began to well in his eyes but I was too annoyed for his tears of joys since it was soiling my jeans. "I can finally buy Maria that flower she always loved!". who ever this Maria was didn't matter to me as I grapprd him by the shirts and ripped him of my leg. Restraining myself to not end him, I threw his body back into the dirts of the slums and eyed him with contempt. His action reminder me of a colleague of my,so clingy it grew annoying. "Anyways..." He said getting up and dusting of the dust of his worn attire. "Where do I begin?". Garsping his hand again along with the kid I walked pass the mansion and muttered,"From the beginning!"