Dairy of the Mentor ch2 The students pt2.

I came to the slums in search for an old copy of I book I had grown interested in. Truth be told I never really care about want happened to the people of the slum but the little humanity I still had couldn't just watch as that boy who I knew nothing of suffered from what ever worm abused him. I don't seek to help others but that boy ha personally called me, his intentions were unknown to me but his dark eyes where too painful to look at. "Learn to help others!". A friend of my had told me those words before he had died. So even if it was just ones I decided to honor them. "Here should be enough!" I muttered as we reached the outskirts of the slums. Compared to the crumped building of the slums the outskirts where much more spaced out and filled with less people. At the far distance from the outskirts was an unstreched of land completely devoid of live. The death zone as it was called was a completely lifeless land without humans,animal and even plants. The land of sand, se-ria seemed like paradise compared to what laid ahead of the outskirts. "Tell me about the boy!" I demanded taking a sit on the boulder arodin the area. Placing the kid I had dubbed silent on my leg I observed No name. "Well....this boy, Liam and his sister where brought to the slums fourteen year ago by amysterious vampire.". "Lies!" I remarked. Everything no name had said apart from the boy having a sister was wrong. I believe the sister part was true because silent has a changed in expression when no name mentioned his sister. "Just say the truth and stop wasting my time!'. I almost blow a fuse but keep a cool head because of I didn't they will no longer be anything called slums in the city. "Ok...ok!" He held his hands in surrender and took a deep breath. " It's a bit complicated but he and his sister appeared in the slums eight years ago. Their origins are unknown and the only did we could figure out about them where their vampiric traits!". "What happened to his sister?". Silent body grew stiff while No name sigh. "I'll get there!". I nobbed and waited for him to continue. " Miss Vana as a former resident of this place what do you think happens to two naive beautiful vampire?". "They where capture...by slaves merchants!". I answered. Demi human rights weren't as strictly observed eight years ago than they where held now. Demi humans especially elves and vampires had it extremely hard because of their nature beauties and had been hunted down either to work in brothel or even used as personal slaves. Those who performed this captures where called slave merchant who sold their capture victims to the highest bidder during underworld auctions. "So his sister was sold?". "Yes...". "What about the boy....who has been abusing him?". No names arms suddenly grew shacky as his eye grew grim. "Just like his sister he too was sold but to a powerful woman by the name of spider queen and the boss of the slums!". "What does she do to the boy?" I inquired as my heart began to race. "That I don't know..." No name replied,"...but I do want you know Lady Vana that, the queen is a cruel....". It took a fraction of a second but before I could even blink No names body was split in half by a flash of light causing the server sides to fall to the ground as blood began to ooze from his splited body. I stared at the sight shocked, not because someone had just died infront of me but rather the realization I could not move. Silk like thread seem to bind me to the boulder I sat on and those thread faintly let out a silver glow. "You really are cruel!" I gritted my teeths as a woman in complete black attire revealed herself to me. The woman which I couod only describe as frighten had medium let raven hair and wore an expensive looking ladies suit paired with a black colored fur coat over her shoulder perhaps imitatiing the feathers of a crow. The elegant black heel of the woman gently tapped the ground as she approached us. A smile was pasted on her face as she stared at silent with her beautiful but sinster jade colored eyes. Walking over the bloody mess she had just created she paid me no hind and give all her attention to the white hair boy. "Come now child!" Her smile grew as she placed her hands covered in black gloves in the boys cheeks. His trembling didn't go unnoticed by me but I decided not to act now. "Why didn't you stop bothering this lady and let return home!" Her eriie smile grew as she took the boy by the hand and guided him off me. I calmly observed her actions speaking not but a word. I simply studied how the closer the boy got to the woman the more his trembling grew. After the boy had got of me the woman finally turned her gaze at me. I could sense traces of killing intent from her but I kept my composured and stared back at her. "So pedophiles are now allowed to rule!". I grinned clearly getting a reaction from her. "What are you talking about?" She asked her killing intent growing and the thread restraining my body slowly digging into my flesh. "it seems fucking children has damned you down a bit...so I'm going to come out and say it, I will kill you!". --------------- "You...." An uncontrollably busrt of anger ignited within the spider queen as she tightly clenched her fist causing thousands of thread to manifested around her and completely bind the red haired woman before her. "Hahahahahahahahh!". Even under the crushing pressure of almost an thousands threads, the red haired woman let out a haughty laughter and gazed at the spider queen in amusement. "Humor me then!". Her crimson eyes glowed with contempt as pure white ice manifest or the thread causing them to break apart. "You!" Shielding the child behind her, the raven haired woman stared at the red haired woman with a forgetful expression. "Who are you?". "I'm nobody!" Vana grin as she jumped of the body and rushed towards her. The spider queen gritted her teeths in irration as she pushed silent back and dodged Vana punch. Using that opportunity she jumped back and distance herself. "who are you?" She questioned Vana again but she simply received a smile from the beautiful red haired. "Nobody!" She answered as a robust spear made of pure white ice manifested in her right hand. "Leave!" Vana turned to silent and give him a smile. The boy still trembling got on his feets and began to rush away. "How dare you!...." The queen remarked coating both her of her hands in silver threads. "....you order him!" She crounched and tensed her calf's before rushing towards Vana in a burst of rage. Within a second she closed the distance and swung her thread covered hands down to tear Vana apart. But Vana was quick on her feets and she step back causing the queens hand to miss her and using that opportunity pulled her spear back and thrust it forward to piecred the queen. The queen with her hand coated in thread parried the spear back but Vana retaliate as she gripped the base of her spear with both hands, tensed her legs and delivered multiple speras thrust aimed at the queen vitals. The attacks where fast and brutal each having the force to tore apart a boulder into pieces but the queen was just as impressive as she parried, redirect and in rare occasionally dodged Vana strikes whiles weaving in her own. Their battle wasn't a dance but rather a true case of murder with their sole reason behind their attack being to kill what stood infornt of them. "You're strong!" Vana absolutely composure took two steps back after an unsuccessful thrust before rushing forward again. [Moonlight sword style: Crescent]. Holding the base of her spear like a sword she horizontally swung it to the side aiming the tip at the queen's skulls. The queen quickly coated her left arm in thread and brought it between her face and the spear. Clang—!!! Two solid objects crashed into eachother with the supior one being Vana spear which bent the queen left arms before slamming into her skull. The queen had tried to dodge but the sudden pressure her arms had received delayed her reaction causing the tip of the spear to tear through the side of her cheeks leaving a deep scar that runned deep into her mouth. "Arg....". Before the queen could scream in pain, Vana rushed at her and grabbed her by the neck. "Ahh.Ahhhh.... ". Ignoring the disgusting sound she made she dug her nails deep into her throat before crushing it. Queen eyes rolled back into her eye socket as head fell back. "You strong that's all!". Throwing the unconscious body to the side she make a disgusted expression and quickly coated her bloody arms in white ice. She then walked towards the woman's body and sat on her chest. "The boy came here eights ago, meaning almost two thousand-nine hundred and twenty days ago. I will also presume No name was sixteen years and using days as my estimate the boy will be six thousand-five hundred and seventy days old. Adding both their ages will give me excalty Nine thousand-four hundred and ninety days.". Her crimson eyes glow with intense disgust and hatred ass he raised her arm and gaze down at the unconscious woman. "That the excalty number of times you be punched.". Coating both her arms in robust ice, she smirked and hammered a punched into the woman's skull.