The Diary of the Mentor ch3 The students pt3.

It took a total of 10 punches to kill the woman.she had tried greatly to restrain her strength and savour the moments for the boy but she ended up getting too engrossed and before she knew it her head had been mutilated so much that she could only describe it as being as mushy as paste. It was disgusting to look at but the sight was definitely worth it after all she had finally honored her friend finally words and done some good. No name deaths was unfortunate but at least t silent was now free. "You can come out!" She remarked and stared at a building a few distance from where both she and the corpse laid. She could see silent's as she had dubbed him peaking from behind the walls of the building. His gaze was frightfull as he tracef his gaze at the corpse below Vana. "She's dead!" Vana muttered as dhe dissolved the ice that had been coating her arms.The blood that has dye it also seems to disappear leaving only a trail of mist emitting from arms. "you now free!" She stared at the boy in the distance who was too frightened to approach her. His stare was simply foreign to her . Through her joinyery outside the slums she was also use to praise after killing something but now the terror and disbain she felt from silent was a little heartbreaking. "Annoying!" She gritted her teeths and scratched her hair as a feeling of pure irratation filled her heart. She hadn't bargained to kill anything today. she had just been search for a book. And now she had killed all for some kid and at the end of it all, what's she got wans't even a thank but simply disbain. Resisting the urge to bite her lips she turn away and began to leave the outskirts. "Sigh..." She quickly turn back and finally decided to approach the boy. The boy flinched a tried to escape but he was stop quick as she grasped his arms and pull him towards her. The boy violently struggle to break free but having seemly lots his voice his struggle seem unheard by Vana as she carried the boy over her shoulder and began to leave the outsides. "Mis Vana!" The security guard at the outpost(Entrance to main city) trailed of as he saw the mess Vana was in. The woman who most of the city resident revered was covered in stains of blood and had minor cuts which seem to puls with blood all over her fair skin. His expression grew even more horrified one he noticed the boy in rugged clothing violently struggling over her shoulder. "By the heavens, is that child responsible!". "No you idiot!" She retorted. "I know I've fallen low but not so low that I will lose to a brat in a fight!". "I guess It kind of miskes sense!". Tony scratched his chestnut colored hair as he took a tablet from his office right next to the city gates. 'it doesn't kind know what just get this over with!" The fierce red haired sigh and took a white colored card with a black streak at the back. Tony place his tablet over her card and began to scan it. "welcome back Miss Vana!" He smiled after the scan was complete and give her a salute. Vana smiled as the city gates where opened revealing a bursting cityscape in the distance. "Can I take this child with me?". She inwuired pointing at silent. " Since you are acting as his invite then yes you are permitted!". Vana snobbed finally understanding the invite visa or something, a friend had ones told her. Parting ways with Tony she took a step through the gate and began walking toward the city,Avgon, one of the five bases of the world alliance. An urban metropolitan filled to the brim with tall skyscapes and highrise buildings. Among the five bases, it was one with the closest resembles to the old cities of the world, it lacked the high tech nature of Themis or the dystopian feel of Hosu. It was simply a beautiful city and one she he was proud to call her home. "I'm taking you to a doctor!" She said to silent and began her stroll down the neatly paved asphalt road. -------------------- With the arrival of the sunsetting sun the city in the distance was dyed in a golden hazy as the sun began to slowly disappearing behind it. "finally made it!". Finally making it to downtown streets that being district 1 of the 17 district in the city Vana sighed and decided to let silent walk on his own. The boy engrossed in the sight of the unfamiliar city looking around in wonder as if trying to understand where he was. Leaving the boy to his own devices for the time being, Vana took an elegant glasses from her pocket and wore it underneath her eyes. Then using a black tie she had stashed in her back pocket she grabbed the back of her hair and neatly tied it in a long ponytail behind her. She then pulled the glass up and smiled into a near by window. "The Kent glasses really are wondrous!". Her smile grew as she realized her reflection looked more refined and elegant than her normal self. With her vicious trait now gone replaced by only elegance she could now blend into the city without attracting unnecessary attention. "Kid!" She called the boy lost in his own world. The boy tilted his head as he gazed at her with a slight expression of confusion. "Its me!" She whispered as she slight pushed her glass down. The boy nobbed with a complicated expression but more potently an aloof expression. "Let get you to the doctor!". Vana said as she grabbed the boys hand again and left him through the bursting streets of the city. As expected from a kid from the outskirts he was almost caught in three cars accident on their way to their destination. --------------------- "Ha...ha..... finally made it!" With silent stashed to her back like a baby cub to prevent him from going about his devices that almost got him killed three times, Vana took a step into the hospital. "Its that time of the year!"she mused seeing nurse in white and doctors in over coating rushing through the receptionist hall. It was currently cryptic season, a yearly event where monster began to manifest in the world especially highly populated areas like the cities. It was currently in its early phase so no particularly strong cryptic had manifested yet but even a low level cryptic could cause multiple casualties if let unattended to. With the level of urgency she saw on the medices face she presume one said cryptic had manifested and injuring multiple people and putting most hospital on urge. "Sigh..." Taking her ID card from her pocket she walked towards the receptionist. The receptionist offered her a bright smile and greeted her," Hello! How may we be of service to you today?" Vana pushed her card toward her and sighed. "I need a doctor as long as its elven I'm good!". The receptionist was a bit surprised upon reading her card detail but showing and excellent level of professinallsim she maintained her compurse and began imputing information onto the computer on her desk. "Is the child the patient?". "Yes!". "How old is he?". "Twelve!". It was a guess on her part but he did look twelve so she decided not to question herself. "Are you related to the child?". "No but think of me as his relative!". The receptionist nobbed with a smile and continued imputing info into her computer. "Ok the finally question is the child human?". "No..his a half born vampire!". The receptionist nobbed and finally stopped typing. "Miss Vana, you doctor will be waiting for you in room 3 on the second floor!'; Vana thanked her after which she retrieved her card and took the stairs to the second floor. "Room 3...." She muttered as she observe the signs on the door until she finally found her destination. "Room 3!"