The Diary of the mentor ch4 The student pt4.

"Well that was useless!" Sighing in dejected tone I took silent out of the hospital and blankly stared at the cityscape before me. The meeting wasn't excalty useless per say since I managed to figure out what that woman did to the boy with the help from the doctor but it didn't excalty yearn the results I wanted. "Honestly..."l muttered and faced the boy who stood beside me with a distance expression on his face. "....what should I do with you?". I had resolved myself to help him and I did help him by killing that worm who had abused him but I didn't want to do a half assed job. The woman whiles he abuser was also his guardian and now that I had killed her the boy had no one to return to. At the very least I need to find him a place before I finally took my hands of him. With another sigh, I along with the kid left the entrance of the hospital and slowly descended the stairs before finally making our way onto the sidewalk. Making sure the boy took to my left to avoid stepping onto the road I took out my phone and began scrolling through my contacts. "Nest..." I mused,"...Nah I need someone responsible!". "Vera could do....oh I forgot she out of town.". "Maybe Cisco could do it.…" I considered then I remember he took was out of town. it times like this that I regret accepting being one of the seven. Unlike most of my friends I was confined in this city and could only leave under strict cases of emergencies. The higher the position the higher the restriction a friend in a similar situation I am had ones told me that. "Wait...." I paused finally remembering one person in the whole city who won't mind taking in a kid from the outskirts. Someone who shared my position and was definitely in this city as this very day. Placing my phone back in my pocket I carried silent and placed him over my shoulder before dash across the street with a speed that could put most cars to shame. ------------------ compared to the busting urban area of district 1, district 7 was on a more calmer side. With few pedestrian on the streets and less skyscaper but more mansion. It was more of a residential area type district with beautiful mansion all across the streets. Each where neatly spaced away from each other and compare to the queens mansion back in the slums they did not feel out of place. "Don't step on the grass!" Warning silent to not misstep I pulled him closer to me. The resident in this district where crazy as heck, so crazy and petty that one might be arrested for mistake stepping on their gardens. My naive self from twenty years ago did not know that and boy was my first night in prison depressing. I was so depressed back then that I sworn to myself I would blow up the house if the individual responsible for my predicament. The jest of it was that I failed and got sent to prison again. "Just dont walk there...ok!" I warned again. This time he nobbed which I found surprising since this was one of the few times he had show me a reaction. I couldn't help but smile and even tried to give him a pat on the head but the boy suddenly broke free from my grasp and jumped back. "Huh!" I stood there confused as my unstreched arm met empty air. I quickly turned back and saw the boy gripping his head with a frightened expression as he eyed me with a bloodshot expressio. His violet eyes darkened with fear as he gently muttered in a tone so quite I might have missed it. "Don'!". His voice was rapsy and barely inaudible as if he hadn't spoken for years. "Noted!". I replied and gestured for him to came closer. He was a bit hesitant but after a while he slowly approached me again and held my hand. Ones he did, I studied his head and noticed a thin and almost healed scar underneath the right side of his hair. I carefully observed it and remained rooted on my spot for a few seconds simply gladly I had met this child. --------------------- After minutes of walking we finally arrived at our destination and by we I meant silent and I. The child having lived almost his whole life in the slums marvel at the sight of the beautiful white mansion in front of him. Compared to the other mansion in the area this one had a more ancient feel and aesthetics to it but it was beautiful neitherless. I didn't bother to to ring the dollbell at the side of the gate since I expected no one to answer so with that mindset I pushed the gothic style black gate opened and walked into the yard. "No trespassing!" I warned the child. I only did this because the owner was my friend but if anyone stupid enough was to do the same thing I had just than to this or any other home, oh well off to prison they will go. Clang!". The first thing we heard or ranther I heard since my hearing was much sharper than Silent's was a clash of metals. It was night, a time where the world was almost silents but I had only heard this sound ones I entered. "A veil!" I mused. A veil, a lesser form of a domian was a techquie imposed by spatail attribute user's to hide anything within a certain range from the outside. It was sort of like a barrier but it didn't block attack but ranther acted like a sort of illusion. So in simple terms it was a barrier that acted like an illusion to restrict things within from the outside world. Normally a metallic or ranther a sword clash at this time of the evening will have resonated within the neighborhood but with the casting of the veil sound had been limited to not go outside a certain range. "Training by this time!" I smirk and took silent around the mansion till he now appeared in the backyard where a wondrous clash was taking places. The combatants of the clash where two grey haired individuals, one was a young girl about silent's age with long curly grey hair and focused hazel colored eyes, she was dressed in a light medium length ash dressed and a pair of black colored long socks hide her delicate legs. She beautifully gripped the silver blade in her right hand whiles gritting her teeths as she slash at her opponent who effortlesssly parties each of her attacks with a smile. Her opponent on the other hand was a mature looking grey haired beautiful woman with unfocused blue eyes in a black and white tracksuit. While two individuals where similar in terms of appearance their expression where the complete opposite. The younger one seemed unurged, violently weaving attack on attack onto her opponent whiles the older and more mature one had her left hand behind her back whiles effortlesssly parrying and redirectin the girl's attack with the sword in her right. Her footwork was defensive but she never dodge, simply reaching the girls unslaught of attacks within a smile on her face. "Let have a sit!" I said making a place on the grassy yard for both I and silent. The boy too engrossed in the clash ingnored my words and stared intently at the fight with sparks visible in his eyes. Their movement where too fast for him so his eyes rolled back and forth from the left to right as he tried tracking their movement. He was like a child who had sent the coolest toy in a mall and deparestly craved to touch it. "Such a werid reaction!" I mused in astonishment. Be it an adult or a child their first reaction to violently should be caution. Sure whiles kid's in the current era weren't normal to say the least but still I found his reaction a bit confusion. He had been scared during my fight with the queen but now he was basically drolling at the fight happening before him. "Wait..." I paused finally tracing his gaze before I finally realized it wasn't the fight that he found interesting but rather the mature looking grey haired woman. "I guess he'll fit right in here!" I thought and finally turned to observe the fight. The grey haired girl with her incredible speed and agility closed the distance between her and the mature woman and delivered a diagonal slash among upwards from the woman's right torse to her left neck. The woman's with a sigh parried her attack with an effortless swing of her sword. Clang—!!! Effortless wasn't the same for everyone as the impact of the clash sent the girl flying backwards. The girl with focused eyes gritted her teeths in displeasure and she twisted her nimble body in midair before stabbing her sword onto the ground to brake her fly. Right as her feets touched the ground she shot forward like a bullet while violetly tearing her sword of the ground scattered grass and dust in the surrounding. As she neared the grey haired woman she gripped her sword in her reverse grip posture and jumped forward whiles swinging her sword sword towards the grey haired woman's neck. "You're gotten faster!" The woman, her voice as soothing to the ear just as she was beautiful to the eyes grinned as she finally changed her foot work and took a step back causing the girls sword to met empty air. Just as it seemed the girl had lost she also grinned and using the momentum of her swing twisted her body currently in midair and allowing the momentum to carry her over sent the sole of her left leg straight into the chin of the grey haired haired woman. However before her attack connected the grey haired woman removed her left hand from being her and caught her feet before throwing the girl to the side. BOOM—!! The was a loud crash as the throw girl slammed into the wall at the far end of the yard. Luckily the wall was fine but the girl not so much. I wont say she died or anything but she was definitely going to experience a several case of back pain one she woke up. "Vana!" The woman's finally noticing us smiled and walk towards me. I was conflicted in whether to tell her to go check on the girl or just ignore what had just happened. I don't know what came over me but I quickly gripped silent out of reflex and even considered whether I made a mistake coming here. But seeing how the body stared at the approaching woman with sparkling eyes I guessed maybe it won't be that bad. "Frey!" I grinned and unconscious pushed silent behind me. The boy protested but since he didn't speak I quickly overpowered him and hid him behind me. "Another problem?" The woman-no Frey inquired noticing the foreign presence I was trying to hide.

I want to ask her what she meant by another problem but I decided to leave that for later and nobbed. "Are you in need of a son by chance?'. Letting out a smile that I was sure could put most receptionist to shame I threw that question at her.