The Diary of the mentor ch5 My student pt1.

"A son?" Frey tilted her head on confusion. "Yes!" I nobbed finally pulling the kid from behind me and revealing him to Frey. "Oh....."she excalmied in wonder as her gaze lingeried on silent. "A half blood!" She muttered and walked towards silent. silent perhaps flustered step back and hid behind me. I sighed and pushed him towards Frey who then bent down and carefully examined the boy from eye level. "Clan twilight!" She said before averting her gaze from the boy and onto me. "The rebels?" I inquired. "Yes..."she nobbed and pointed at his violent eyes. "They where characterized by their violent eyes,and in terms of affinities most of theirs where eye related...". "That's weird...." I intervene," weren't they all killed by Vlad twenty years ago!". In an effort to overthrow the vampire progenitor, the lord of clan twight allied themselves with the cryptic lord but after a failed rebel each and everyone of his clan including him where not spared. Going by the timeline that would have be twenty years ago but silent didn't not look more than twelve. Whiles most vampires had youthful appearance this child infront of me was definitely a child so unless one of the members of the clan had been spared..... "It's just as you are suspecting." Frey remarked. "So vlad did spare some?". "Yes, he took pity on some of the younger ones and simply choose to banish them from Hosu!". "So this child is a spawn of one of those spared!" I excalmied. Finally making sense of his existence I sighed albeit a bit dissatisfied. I just couldn't help imagined what would have the child life been had not his ancestors chosen to betrayal the king of vampires. "Will you take the child in?" I asked causing frey who was busily examining the child to pause. She then turned towards me a bit surprise before finally making her thoughts know. "I don't mind since Alicia needed a playmate anyway but...." She trailed of and gazed down at the scars visible from the boy's tore shirt. "...can you tell me more about him?" I nobbed and began recounting the little I knew about the child. ------------------ "Spider queen!" This where the first words frey muttered after I finished recounting my short tale. Judging by her strong tone I presume frye had heard of her so I decided to ask about her.

"Who excalty is this spider queen?". It pained me to say this but I realized I should have learnt more about her as I beated her to death. "oh right...." Frey grinned as she turned to silent and muttered," child can you go and check on that girl over there for me!'. With a smile so pure and soothing I even considered believing was in the presence of an Angel, Frey gesture for silent to go and check on the girl she had tossed into the wall.

Silent at first was reluctant to do it but after a while completely charmed by Frey he took of running at her gesture. You know after what he had experience with the spider queen I expected him to be more caution around woman especially beautiful ones but I guess that was the beauty of being a child. His situation too messed up to think about had die down a bit after his abuser has been killed but I did wonder how far it will affect him in the future. Right now however he simple relatively fine as long as one did not touch his head. Observing the running boy Frey smiled before finally taking a sit on the ground infront of me. "During your trip with Lux in Hosu, ten years ago...the Bearu got a tip the slums where planing to assault the main city...". "Wait, wait, wait....why I'm I now hearing about this?". An assaulted on the city especially by the slums was big new and their woman infront of me was telling me I had lived ten years of my life absolutely ignorant of this info. "Well..."she smiled," ...the higher up where afraid you will side with them.". "So I was kept in the dark?" She nobbed. "Did lux know about it?". ".....yes!". "That bastard..." I clenched my fist in rage. "All that talk about not keeping secrets and he fucking die keeping one....I make him pay!". "Calm..down Vana!" In an effort to cool me down Frey tapped my shoulder but it did more harm than good as I. "Calm down!" I took on a deep breath. I wanted to blow a fuse for being kept in the dark of their conspiracy but for the seek of the children and cyptic season I colded my jet as modern slang went and finally let out a deep breath. Frey who had been in urge a few seconds ago also calmed down but still eyed me with caution. "We'll talk about that later, for now just explain to me who this spider queen was.". Frey still full of wariness eyed me with a strange expression before finally continuing. "As I said earlier the slums where planing to attack the city...". "what was their reason?" I interjected. Most of the residents of the slums where coward I just couldn't see why those cowards will break out of their shell to attack a city protect by tens of thousands of awakeners. It was like an ant trying to kill a whale that how big the difference between the powerhouse of the slums and the city. "Cyptics attacks...they had grew frequent during their times especially in the areas around the death zone.". "Oh!" I nobbed finally understanding what had transpired. "The resident felt threat so they had demonstrated at the city government for protection.". "Did they listened?" I asked. "Yes..." She trailed of and hid her expression with her palms,"....but they where incompetent?". "....". "You know the pride and arrogance of awakeners?". I nobbed, I knew it better than anyway after all I wasn't called Vana the prideful for no reason. "Well those incompetent fools took that pride and arrogance with them and make the situation more tense by harassing the residents of the slums!". "So how did it all end?". " The resident did not take it lightly and began to conspire against the government. The Bearu then got wing of it and I was sent to dispose of them after which an agent personal verified by the bearu was stationed there and that agent was the.....". "Spider queen." I intervene. "Yes, she was a 3rd stage awakeners with the nature attribute!". "Nature!" I thought. Guess that explains the silk threads. But for a third stage awakeners she was surprisingly strong considering the fact that I outclassed twice in core rank. Sure I had not used mana but still I could see she was one of those called prodigies. "So how did she settle the rebellion they where planning?" I asked knowing that simply sending a competent awakener to keep the safe won't settle their anger. Frey turned to me with a grim expression and replied in a flat and almost uncaring tone. "Violence!". "Noticed!" I nobbed and decided to to pursue who this spider queen was anymore. With that new mindset I averted my gaze from Frey and placed it in silence who was currently trying to wake the uncuoincess girl up. His method I could only call extreme involved delivering multiple soul crushing slap on her face that forcefully jolted her back to the living. Her sudden movement caused silent to trip and fall back onto the ground in fright. Now on the ground he silently observed the who had finally woken up spatng into the sitting posture. "Arg..." The gril groaned in pain as he held her head again her palms. "My head and face hur..." She paused finally noticing the entity beside her, staring at her with a frightened expression. The kid was so scared he gripped the grass and tore of its top soil. The girl on the other hand calmly observed him with a petrified expression and finally spoke," Frey....we got a stray!".