The Diary of the mentor ch6 My student pt2

"His a vampire?' The curly haired girl overcomed by her curiosity examined silent like she had just seen something completely unique. Vampires weren't exactly species I would call rare but to the young and isolated Alicia I guess it was pretty rare to her. "Yep! His a vampire!" I replied," a pretty strong one.". Alicia fascinated by my words look towards silent with sparkling eyes. Her ones cold and focused hazel eyes replaced by the purity and silliness of a child. "So cool!" She rushed towards silent and began examinig him from all alright. The boy clearly irritated by her antic's eyed me with resentment but kept his composure perhaps the girl remained him of his sister. "Now, Now! Dear Alicia why didn't you leave our guest a breathing space!" Frey remarked with a smile and pulled Alicia from silent. "Frey....."The girl in a dejected tone plead for Frey to not pull her away but Frey remianed listenless to her attempt and thrown her towards me. I caught her out of reflex and sighed. "His a bit give him time!" I said to the dejected girl who buried her face in my clothing. "Can I fight him?" She inquired. The three of us namely Frey, I and finally silent froze up on hearing her words. "This child is crazy" I thought. Frey had ones told me her little sister was a battle maniac, back then I had shrugged it off since I thought she was just a child and also Frey liked to brag about her so called prodigy sister but upon hearing her words I realized maybe it was all through. "Aunt Vana!" Alicia grinned a Savage smile forming on her face," can I fight him?". "Ah... Alicia our guest is a bit tired...". Frey and finally silent who was finally showing an array of emotions especially fear nobbed in agreement. "So....".

"I just need to give him my blood right?". "Huh?" I stare down at the child who hugged me in utter confusion.

"What are you talking about?" I inquired.

The child stated back with a dumbfounded expression as is she was looking at a clueless individual.

"I one's read in a book, vampires regain their energy when they drink blood."

"So how those that relate to this situation?" I asked not liking where this was going.

"I thought giving him my blood will regain his strength and we can finally fight!". "You know what." I said patting her on the head. "Let the kid rest and I'll be you sparing mate for the whole week.". "No!" Alicia shook her head. "It's the vampire I wish to fight.". Casting a glance at silent who had taken his place hiding behind frey whiles shivering in fright I sighed again. "frey can I have a chat with the boy alone?". I requested. Frey nobbed and took the still reductant Alicia to the side of the yard giving I and the boy breathing room. I then walked towards him and placed my hands on his shoulders. "Can you fight?" I question. Just I expected he shook his head indicating he was now screwed. "Hehe...well you better learn!". Manifesting a short blade ice spear in my palms and thrushed it into the bodies grasp leaving him in disbelief. "Think of this as a way to impress Frey!" I remarked noticing his confusion. "Impr..ess Frey!" He repeated his voice rapsy and dry. "Yes...she fancies strong people so fight the child...sure you might lose but I won't let you get help and you courage to stand tall even week extremely weak will impress Frey!". "I just need to survive." He remarked his violent eyes dimming in colour. "Yes." I smiled seeing him grow determined. "Just prove you courage and you be finally free from the slums and that woman.". He was going to be free either way I just added this nonsense to fire him up. It seems to work as the boy's grip on the ice spear tighted and he matched forward into the yard. I didn't know whether to laugh or be proud seeing his newfound confident but I did promise myself that I won't let him sustain anymore injuries. "His ready!" I shouted with unknown pride attracting the attention of Frey and Alicia. Alicia grinned and also matched forward whiles Frey simply stared at the boy in silence. I give her a thumbs up indicating I won't let things go overboard for which she simply shook her head in what I presume to be disappointment. Before long two kids stood facing each other. On the right side was silent awkwardly gripping the spear near his chest. His trembling had disappeared but I could still sense fragments of fear from within him. On the opposite side of the yard stood Aliaca gripping her sword with elegance and confidence contrary to silent. "Vampire what's you name!" She excalmied in excitement as her hazel eyes fell onto silents. The boy shrink back under the intense of her stare but firmly gripping the ice spear to regain his confidence he replied. "It's....Lucas!". "Lucas!" I repeated finally aware of his real name. It was a name with a nice ring to it and even whiles I wasn't the one he was addressing I could feeling the pride he had in that name. I wasn't the only one impressed by his name since sneaking a peak at Frey I could see her with a soothing smile on her face as she repeated that name. "Well I'm Aliaca seighart." The grey haired girl introduced her with an ever widening smile before dashing towards the boy with breathtaking speed. ------------------------ it took a second and that was all the girl needed to close the distance between her and her opponent. Her speed was so awestrucken that her opponent luacs couldn't even react as the steel blade of her sword stopped inch's away from the vampires neck. The wielder, that being Alicia had stopped on her on accord one she judge Lucas couldn't react leaving her blade mere inch's from slicing his neck. Luacs finally stricken by that realization tripped onto the ground and fell on his butt, his violet eyes along with his expression a horrified one displayed only fear as his eyes reflected the image of the girl with her unstreched sword standing over him. "A...r...." His eyes tremble as faint signs of tear began to pour down his eyes but surprisely he didn't not wobble but stood up again. "Again!" He said gripping the ice spear tightly.

Vana chuckled at the sight while Frey watched with interest. Alicia on the otherhand nobbed abliet hesitant and took a few distance from him. Ones a considerable distance she took a sword stance with the tip of the sword facing upwards.Her hazel colored eyes grew sharper and focused completely on Lucas. Lucas on the otherhand took a fighting stance that caused Vana to grasp in astonishment. "My style!" Her voice clearly shaked displayed a mixture of confusion and anticipation as the boy lowered his center of gravity whiles horizontally pointing the head of the ice spear towards Alicia. Compared to Alicia his stance lacked confidence and refinement. It was like an amateur artist trying to mimic the the painting of a master. It was half assed work at best but both Frey and Vana couldn't help but gaze at it with their atmost attention. At ones a singular thought had filled their mind. "How can a kid from the slums wielding a spear at this level.". His age, his origin, even if he was not human, the level of his copy was too abnormal. "Let start!".

As confusion still lingeried in the minds of the two woman, Alicia with her sword slightly raised tilted it to the left and lashed forward towards luacs. Compared to before her speed was relatively tame but the power in her steps crashed the gassy ground underneath. The level of power in her feets was unbecoming of a child and caused luacs to tremble but he took in a breath to calm himself and silently watched his opponent advance towards him. Ones she was near, she retracted her left hand from her sword and I unleashed a slash with her right hand. Fwoosh—!!!! Her sword tore through the wind without resistance aiming to tear luacs's head apart but the boy closed his eyes. "I guess he couldn't make it!" Vana muttered in disappointment and got ready to block the sword from hitting luacs but. "Huh?".

Before the sword made contact, Lucas took a step back causing the sword to swipe pass his face.

Vana and Frey watched the surreal sight with confusion but the sight grew even more absurd as luacs having dodged the attack suddenly opened his eyes and with a determined expression and thrusted the ice spear in his grip upwards aiming for Alicia chin. The girl quick on her feets quickly stopped her slash and jumped back avoiding being skewered through the chin. While Alicia remained midair from jumping back Lucas retreat the spear in his grip and the moment Alicia landed on her ground, he unleashed a barrages of spear thrust at Alicia with a fierce look emitting from his violet iris. Cling,Cling,Cling—!!! With swift aim and precision, Alicia gracily parried almost all of his thrust except one that block through her defense and lightly sliced through the left side od her cheek. Luacs then grinned and tried falling back but he slipped and.... "O..uch!" Fell on his butt leaving him unguarded against Alicia we stopped inch's from decapitating the head of the fallen boy. "I win!" She smiled, droplets of blood ticking down her right cheek. The boy too breathless to agrue collapsed onto his back, his chest rasing and falling. His clothing was dyed in sweat and he felt a nauseating feeling in his mouth but he ignored them all and fixated his gaze on the night sky. "Are you alright?" Alicia questioned, a bit overwhelmed by his reaction. The boy ignored her and keep his gaze fixated on the sky. "Aunt!" She turned to Vana who was staring at the boy with a bewildered expression. " did he...". The woman who seem to have lost her mind clenched to her head and murmured those words. "Eh...sis..."

Deciding to leave Vana for the time being she glance at her sister Frey who seem to be in an equal state of shock with Vana. She simply covered her eye with her palms as a dry and almost crazy laughter spilled dout of her mouth. "Hehehe..the wine might be acting up!'. After a while Alicia alternated her gaze between Vana and Frey before finally placing them on Lucas.

"What going on?". Her question wasn't directed at anymore as she joined the gang of not knowing what was going on.