Diary of the mentor ch28 Behind the scenes pt1..


If there was a single word to describe his fourth teammate that word would be it.

A tall and slender girl, slight older than him, with ancient golden eyes along with the detouchment he felt when gazing upon transcendents.Her hair medium in length slightly falling pass her back was mixture of light blue and pure white with it's form being curly.she was dressed in a white tank top that exposed her muscler, ancient and well built arms covered in a few faded scars while her long black tracks left nothing bare.

On her head or percsily her right ear was a white earbud with seem to resonated a calmly type of music.

Glancing at both Ren and luacs with a delightful look, she gestured for them to entered.

"Come in"

As she turned, the two could help but noticed a long scar thin scar that ran across her left cheek.

The duo grew a bit fright but kept to themselves as the followed their fourth teammate into the apartment.



Lumping onto my bed with an exhausted sigh I couldn't help but just stare at the bland ceiling above me.

Normally a woman as cool and mature as me shouldnt be in a sulking mood as I was but my student was gone.

My pride and joy.

My cute little vampire had taken a step in life but that step meant he had to leave me.

For almost five years I and Frey had looked after that kif and seeing him just go was sad.

I could only see him if he was on a mission or I visited the bureau with was less rare than I thought but still....

"Back to lonesome stargazing!" I muttered extremely dejected.

I finally understood how mothers felt ones their kid left home.

Sadden, emptiness, fear but also anticipation.

Sadness and emptiness from separation.

I hated admitting it but I was an introvert true and true. I had friends but we hardly interacted because of our jobs.

Even Frey and Nest my closet friend weren't always around but after I found Lucas he was the one I spent the most time with.

For five good years he was the one I spent the most time with, training him to copy my fighting style, sending him to Hosu to diversify his martial arts and even the regular sparring matches we had.

It made sense I would feel empty without those lively moments.

Looking back he unintentionally courting that young kistune was one of the funniest moments I had bared witness to.

As for fear, it was self explinature.

"You found them?" I whispered into the empty air.

[Yes...in the outskirts, an underground base!]

Looking at the string of words that had formed on my ceiling, I rose of my bed, as a robust spear made of solid ice manifest within my grip.

I was beginning to care for my student but someone was trying and still trying to snuff his life.

Losing a loved one was painful and I had swore to not let it happen again.

It was either killed them or they killed my student.

As of now my mind wasn't in the best state, I wasn't ready to lose someone I had grown to care for.


An ice cold frost envolped my body as I walked ahead.

"....Cisco inform the bureau to expect to expect a blizzard and..."

I smirked.

".... Ice suplctures!"


In an unstreched of land, ridded of its fertility so much the sands has turned white was a facility built deep underneath said lifeless land.

"I never expected the boss to have a base here!"

Within a corridor in the facility a black haired youth with crismon iris comment as he stared in awe at the dime lighted white corridor he walked through.

"Well a man like him is unpredictable."

Walking beside the youth was a cloaked individual. Their tone stern and bleak was a complete contrast to the black haired youth who occasionally turned his head from the left to the right taking in as much detail of the facility as he could.

"By the way...."

After minutes of walking the youth began to inquire about something.

"..... did orphis really deliver the present here?"

The cloak figure nobbed stopping infront of a metallic silver door at the end of the long corridor.

Before opening the door, the brought their pale hand over the wall beside them causing their hand to cast a shadow over it.


After whispering their words, their shadow cast onto the wall separated from their body and stared at them.

"Look out for any intruder!"

Leaving those words behind they pushed the door open and walked inside.

The black haired youth a little freakout by the independent shadow hovering on the wall beside him quickly took a step into the room behind the metallic gate.


"Wow!" The youth couldn't help but excalmied as he gazed at the magnificent sight before him.

The sight he dubbed magnificent was thousands of transparent white crystal orderly situation in the enormous room.

Each of the crystal housed cyptics.

Mostly humomid who seemed to be in a hibernated state as they calmly floated within the giant crystal.

"Each of this crystal house a devil in them!"

With a relatively bland emotion, the cloak figure muttered.

"Asta! You don't me...."

"Yes..at the end of the mouths we will release all these creatures on Avgon."

"I'm so hyped!"

Spreadings his arms apart the boy excalmied in joy.

"Finally!" His expression filled with malice began to morph into a more animalistic form as a vicious smile creeped on his face.

"....those inferior sight will be..."

"Don't get ahead of yourself yet!"

Before the youth could retort to those words, a thick solid spear made of ice impaled his chest from behind.


His eyes shot open as he fell on his knees.


The scream of the cloaked figure seems to grow distance as the youth named lycon stared at the shaff of the spear embelled in his chest.

"How did...."

Before he could finish, a thin flash of light traced itself through his neck.

It movement swift and fluid as if paint on a canvas but what followed wasn't a masterpiece but an artcious act of decapitating.

Lycon head dropped onto the ground with a haunting sound as blood spruted out of his neck.

"Don't blame me..."

Crushing the decapitated head with the end of her heels, Vana who appeared out of no where took a step forward towards the cloak figure who now gazed at the corpse of their comrade with a surprised look evident in their golden eyes.

Paying their expression no hind, Vana strolled forwards, a lifeless look in her crisomon eyes and continued.

"...after all you attack first!"