Diary of the mentor ch27 The bureau pt2.

In September 11, thousand years after the arrival of cpytics the newest batch of awakener in Agvon arrived at the headquarters of the bureau of awakeners.

Within the barricade of the island between district 10 and 11 was built a facility that strangely blurred the line between institutions and a miniature city.

With towering highrise glass building and beautiful asphalt that coated the roads, unbrother passerbyers who occasionally threw glances at the new batch with different emotions evident in their face.

Outside the wall this pass looked bleak and distance but within luacs felt surprisely at peace as if something supernatural was trying to soothing his mind.


A bit displeased by his though he jumped of the pass and lightly landed in the sidewalk.

Being the last to get if he found his batch of out fifty individual waiting for him right infornt of the bus.

Of course this years new recuirts weren't only fifty but they batch had been the first to arrive.

Alicia was suppose to have joined both him and Ren for this batch but something came up so luacs knew he wouldn't be seeing her for a while.

Feeling dejected, he walked towards his batch whom seem to being blankly staring ahead.

Luacs curious about what they where looking at faced foward as a grand sight filled his sight.

A circular skyscraper so tall it seems to touch the cloud built with obsidian coloured glass that give the building a darkness colour underneath the sun.

Beside the pathway that led to the building was a grassy field on with a three latter sculpture built separately apart was lined up.

The First sculpture was shaped in a B.

The second a O.

And finally the third was an A.

Together the letter painted the acronym B.O.A standing for the bureau of Awakeners.

"Was that always there!" Lucas couldn't help but muttered confused by the grand sight.

Basing his assumptions on heights alone that building should have been visible to him the moment they entered district 10 but he was now noticing it.

He couldn't help but sense paranormal activities where involved.

"Camouflaged, cloaking...it's had many names!"

Lucas flinched as he heard some speak from behind him.

As a testament to his reflexes he quickly span back and found a cheerful handsome black haired young man right infront of him.


The man narrowed his dark blue eyes as he realized the boy was quite familiar.

"Brat!"he remarked in disbain.

"Nest!" Lucas also muttered in disbain.

The person standing in front of him wasn't someone he was excepting or wanting to meet.

"It finally you batch huh!"

The black haired man muttered and give luacs a pat on the shoulder.

His words seemed indifference but compared to Frey and Vana Lucas could sense a hint of grief in them.

It was surprising since among the three transcendants luacs knew Nest was the one who felt the most cold.

"Well!" Nest shouted gaining the attention of the whole batch.

His sudden appearance left those who knew him stunned while those who didn't confused but all in all Lucas knew today was going to be a stressful day.


"The name's Nest...just Nest."

Beginning his introduction in a rather bland way Nest walked forward and examined the batch infront of him.

Under his gaze they shrank back not because they where afraid but rather because the sheer pressure emitting from his gaze was too intense.

Even Lucas and Ren who had lived with transcendent couldn't avoid sweating as Nest's gaze shot passed them.

After a while of examinig, Nest let out a sigh whiles shrugged his shoulder.

"As you might have guessed I am you examiner...."

The surrounding seem to grow stiff as the new recuirts heard his words.

A transcendant as an examiner was as stressful as it was exciting.

It was either one performed so well they impressed them or failed so badly they left a bad impression.

Or worse of all they performed just average and leaving neither a good or bad impression just a forgettable one.

"...well for most of you!"

Nest finally continuing threw a quick glance at both Ren and Lucas.

"Succes or failure doesn't really matter here..what does how ever is results."

His expression and tone grew stern as he excalmied.

"This exams you will be undergoing is a non factor. what truly determines you future is your first mission. And as I said ducces or failure is a insignificant, only result and by result's I mean you survival!"

The stiffless within the surrounding grew as a gloomy atmosphere began to take place.

Just as Nest had said there was no such things failure in the exam's the batch was going to undertaker.

B.O.S needed awakener to fill in for those lost, they didn't care about strength as long as they had awakener a core they where recruited and the exam was just a way to gauge their strengths.

On the otherhand their first mission that being conquering Nest's that manifest during cpytic season was a literally life and death situation.

It was either conquer and survive or fail and die, there was also the third option stall and wait for someone to conquer the Nest.

In short the main objective of any awakener was survival.

"Those who survived display results but those that don't becoming a stepping stone for others."


"So if you don't want to become someone else's stepping stone don't die!"

Observing their expression to see where he made a point,Nest let out a soft smile, one not full of mockery but pity.

"I was in your shoes ones..."he muttered his expression softing,"... it's hard, painful and most of all depressing but if I...." Pointing at himself he continued,"...could make it what's stopping you from doing the same."

His word's brighten the mood a bit but it still couldn't disperse the accumulating dispair slowly building up in the new batch's heart's.


After consulting the new awakener a bit about their new reality, Nest separated Lucas and Ren from the ground almost numbering sixty and instructing the remaing batch to go towards the grand building turn to face the duo left behind.

"As you already know you two are excluded from the examines." Nest commented.

The duo of luacs and Ren trying to resist his oppressing pressure nobbed.

"I can't just you leave you on attended to so..."placing his hands on his pocket he retrieved a two key and a card and handed it to Lucas.

"...here is you apartments card, the location and apartment number are printed on it."

Lucas accepting the card nobbed.

" It's a shared apartment with four rooms, one for each of you teammates. So goodluck!"

The moment luacs retrieved the keys from his hand, Nest walked way slowly strolling behind the new recuirts.

"Well.."Withdrawing his gaze from luacs Lucas turned to Ren and muttered,"...let going check out our new home!"

The duo not in the best of mood's let behind the bus, their steps full of dejection.


The orange hue of sunset dyed the clouds when luacs and Ren arrived at their new home.

Walking into the apartment building they took the elevator to the seventh floor.

"Apartment 59 was it!"

Squinting his eyes to read the number on the card, Lucas and Ren searched across the different number plates until they found their apartment.

At the far end of floor 7 was apartment number59.

With a satisfied smile on each of their face Lucas brought his keys to open the door but right as the key entered the keyhole he heard a click sound as the door was swung open leaving him a bit stun.

"So you're my teammates!"

A voice oozing with pride filled his eyes as the fourth member of their team revealed themselves.