Diary of the mentor vol 2 ch26 The bureau pt1.

The bustling metropolis know as Agvon had twenty district.Each a city of their own and currently in tenth and eleventh districts right in the center of the metropolis was the Bureau of awakeners or B.O.A for short.

Housing the largest population of awakeners in the city and even the whole continent one could call it a utopia for Awakeners and on the urban streets of said Utopia a large white bus drove at a modret speed on the smooth asphalt road.

In it sat Lucas leisurely at the back while boredly staring out the window at the passing cars in the road and building the bus drove pass.

He was so bored he occasionally counted the passing vehicles and even memorized the number plates of few cars just to not fall asleep.

"Exhausted?" Ren sitting at his left asked seeing how barely opened the vampires eyes where.

Luacs resting his elbow beside the window shook his head and stared at the elf more precisely the phone the elf held.

"You got game's?" He inquired stretching his head to look over Ren phone.

The elf with incredible swift flipped his phone under to display only the back at the nosy vampire.

His action caught luacs of guard but since bothering Ren was the only fun he could have now he decided to go at it.

"Watching R18."

"No!" The elf answered and shifted a bit to the left, distancing himself from Lucas.

He was staying to keep a cool head but Lucas could see Ren was slightly shaken by his words.

"Chatting with a girl."

"As if." Ren replied.

"So why don't you want me to see!'

Seeing the vampire trying to pout was such a surreal sight Ren wanted to deck him but he kept his cool and answered ableit filled with irritation.

"The last time you so much as came near my phone you blow it up!"

His tone was cool but the sheer frustration on his face was clearly evident.

The scene happening had had repeated itself a total of six times through six months.

Everything the vampire was bored and frustrated he tries nosing in and when his refuses the vampires emit a mini EMP that damages his phone.

"You're an annoying piece of shit!" Ren added and entered back to being engused in his phone.

"You one talk!"Lucaa whispered also displaying frustration.

"Who are you going on about?"

Confused by his remark Ren glance back at him.

Lucas gritted his teeth and replied," you know what I'm saying!"

"Not really." His answer was brief.

Lucas clenched his teeths even tighter and face palm.

"Frey..."He murmured.

"Huh?" End stared at him even much more confused.

"Stop trying to entice Frey!"He declared.

"So you destroyed my previous phones because I was talking to you unrequited love!" Ren scoffed rolling his eyes.

"Hey! It not unrequited. It's just...."

"You really are a piece of work!"

Noticing how sullen the vampire had gotten along the lines Ren sighed and switched of his phone after which he relaxed his back on the car seat and glanced at Lucas who now hanged his head low.

"You want her to notice you but you are too passive." He remarked a bit disappointed.

From the six mouths since he had gotten to know Lucas, Ren observed a particular trait about Lucas and that was his timid nature in anything apart from combat.

The vampire could go from a savage beasts in combat to a mouse when faced with anything mundane especially in the romantic department.

He had tried everything even going as far as purposely make him jealous so he could express his true feelings towards his crush but to his own avail the boy was too meek and passive.

Well he had not saying since he took was of the same breed but telling someone to do something was easier than doing it yourself.

"You should have at least tried to speak to her before we left!"

"You right." Covering his eyes with his hand he sighed.

His shoulder dropped in dejection as he muttered," why is it so hard to just confess!"

"Maybe her transcendant Status!" Ren suggested.

"It could be that!" He considered.

He grew up with three transcendants.

Namely Vana, Frey and Nest.

The most prominent in his life being Vana his master and mentor and Frey his guardian.

It wouldn't be odd to say he knew transcendants very well. Their attitude, personality and much more and after years of studying them he realized those being know as transcendant where completely detouched from the world.

It felt like those beings simontanouslty existed and didn't exist at the same thing as if the world was actively trying to pull them out of it.

They expressed love, they hated, felt irritation but at the end of it all he felt they could perfectly function without them.

They acted without thinking of its consequences, an example of said incident being Vana refusing to save No name years back even though both him and her knew she had been fast enough to save the boy back then.

He wasn't going to preach about self righteous or anything of sort but he was scared of what awaited him one's he confessed.

After all there was no way a woman as beautiful and conscious as Frey would choose to actively remain single for all this year's.

Just like how he knew Vana was apthetic he felt Frey too had her own quirk's that had denied her martial status.

Either that all he was being simply paranoid and trying to actively made an excuse why he shouldn't confess his feelings for her but the latter made more sense for the current him so he simply accepted it was because of Frey transcendent status.

"Transcendant are complicated?"He said in dejection causing all the passages infront to stare back at him with a strange expression.


"We're finally here!" Lucas with his head against the windscreen of the moving bus muttered as he observed the towering skyscapes and building across the road growing more rare the further the bus moved fowards, before long only the vastness of water filled hie sight.

The bus moved on a two laned road surrounded completely by water so vast and deep they even with his enhanced eyesight he couldn't see its depths.

The water body too deep to be a river but also too surreal to be an ocean was an unnatural sight in the metropolis of the city.

"Saint August lake!" Ren muttered, his voice and expression filled with awe.

Luacs wasn't well vest in history but even he knew the tale or the water body thet where currently passing on.

It was a tale that while younger than the demi god was still relatively far back.

About five hundred years to be excalty.

It was during a time where the cpytic lord had been extremely active so the level of cpytic manifestion was at a high rate.

During that period district 10 and 11 had been a shelter to keep civilians safe from those creatures but said shelter becomes a king as one of the general of the cyptic lord besiege the the shelter turning the ones safe zone into a cage trapping all the civilian and awakener alike in it.

One of the trapped Awakener was saint August who then had been entrusted the kaleidoscope dagger by his mentor and using said dagger he broke through the enemy lines tand using the dagger unquie skill to change matter transformers the topsoil of everything the cpytic stood on into liquid more specifically water, drowning the cpytics, Lord and finally himself in the artificial sea.

He was the reason Agvon had a mini ocean at the center of the city but he took was the reason many lives survived that period.

As a sight of honor the sea was named after him and the B.O.A headquarters was built on said shelter.

As the bus drove on the road surrounded by water, a large island or rather facility began to appear in the distance leaving all the passenger within to stared in awe as the B.O.S headquarters was finally revealed itself to them.


Th B.O.A or rather the island knows as such was situated in the middle of the artificial sea within a two landed long asphalt road leading to it.

The island fairly large was enclosed by thick metallic wall that surrounding the island from all edges.

The wall weren't as imposing as the ones surrounding Taturus in Hosu but they definitely left an unforgettable impression.

"Is it a prison or a school?" Luacs couldn't help but ask Ren as he tried digestion the sight slowly going imminent as the bus moved foward.


Instead of Ren,a cool pale skinned black haired beautiful with dull blue eyes answered.

She was sitted infornt of luacs so he couldn't quite make of her expression but he did feel an unpleasant emotion on her tone.

"She right..." Ren added.

" B.O.A is more of a base than a school. No academic or training. It just a place new awakener are monitored and they can choose to leave after three years of serving there!"

"So a prison!"

Lucas interpret it as such.

His action will be monitor, can only leave after a few years etc.

It sounded more and more like a prison the more he had about it.

"Think of it like a boarding school with extra steps." Ren declared and went about his business.

"Extra steps...." Lucas muttered observing the sight before him with an empty expression.

He didn't no what this extra steps meant but he did know his life was definitely going to take a step, be it a good or bad one he didn't no.

All he knew was this place was going to change him.