Diary of the mentor ch32 Taming the beast pt2.


A rare disease that has tormented human awakeners for thousands of years.

The cause was unknown but many had theorized it to be some sort of evolution of humanity as a species but can it really be called an evolution if it brought about madness to anyone who was infected by it.

"Our family eleven bloodline seem to have slowed the infection!"

Turning to the wound she had given Alicia, Frey remarked her expression growing grimmer by the second.

"Will I die?"Alicia inquired noticing her sister's expression.

"....." Frey remianed silent, calmly wrapping a bandage around her sister' wounded shoulder and one's she was done she wiped her bloody hands with a napkin on the table and responded," Corruption is a disease that can only infect humans meaning you shouldn't have been infected duir to our elven bloodline. As a whole you situation is extremely rare, so rare that it is almost unheard of because of that I can't answer you question!"

"So my death is uncertainty!" Alicia shrugged her wounded shoulder still not feeling pain and remarked.

She seemed relatively composured in contrast to the situation she was currently facing.

"Allie...." Calling her by her nickname Frey patted her on her unwounded shoulder and stared at her with a rare sadness in her eyes.

"You death was never certiain..."

With a confident smile creeping on her face she added,"....after all you have me for a sister. I,Frey siegharts swear on my transcendant name,[Brynhildr] to keep my family alive until I die."

Patting Alicia on the head she smiled and countuined," You won't die before me. So for now leave everything to me"

He eyes now glowing with a transcendant blue light reflected Alicia, who chuckled at Frey declaration.

"I take you up on your offer then!"

She embraced her sister something she hadn't done for years.


Left slightly flustered,Frey nobbed and retuned her embraced.


"You eternity brought about our finality!"

Lucas has a dream or rather a nightmare.

In his nightmare he found himself standing on the moon and gazing at his home,Earth being devoured by an incomprehensible abomination.

The abomination as large as the Stars swiftly swallow the bright blue planet beaming with life leaving Lucas the only one to bare witness to such an absurd sight awestrucken.

His mind grew blank but as if the scene was nothing more than a recording, Lucas or rather 'He' spoke in a rather pensive tone.

"I'm the only one left!"

His voice,one of self reflection seemed lost in the vast vacuum of space as the abomination finally approached the last body in solar system.

The moon.

Observing the abomination advancing towards him, 'He' stretched his opened right palm to the right as a silver sword manifested within his grasp.

Gripping the metallic hilt of the sword, he examined the crescent shaped guard of the sword.

With the apperenace of the sword the moon was extinguish into ash leaving the lone vampire floating in the vastness of space.

Eying the abomination with contempt,'He' raised his silver sword over his head and declared," Eternity and infinity are overlapping concepts after all both do not succumb to finality..."

The tip of his sword glow with an ashen light as he brought his sword down and pointed its tip towards the creature.

His sword now fully coated with a dazzling light shimmered with radiant intensity.

".....by my true name[?????????]..."

His voice was suddenly filled with anger.

His tone dyed with everburning rage.

".....you are not my end!"

With his declaration came a loud bang as the radiant light of his sword engulf the universe dyeing all in everlasting white light.



Luacs gasped in fear as his eyes shot open.

His mind raced with inhuman speed as he tried to comprehend what he had just dreamt or rather witness.

Rubbing his eyes to clear his blurry vision, he rose into a sitting posture and brought his right hand to his chest, feeling it's intense beating.

"Finality... Eternity..... infinity..."

He muttered those words with an uncertain look feeling his eyes.

His nightmare was beginning to grow faint but those words seem to have been implanted into his mind to prevent him from forgetting.

"Is the world going to end again!"

He couldn't help but consider that possibility.

It was a know fact that the world had ended thousands of years ago.

But that was the old civilization after all with the aid of the Awakeners of then along with the demi gods, civilization was rebuilt anew in a new continent dubbed the Alliance continent now housing five strongholds.

Last he checked he was no prophet or seer like the great sage of the north so he concer..was merely based on paranoia but his nightmare felt too real for comfortable.

Making a mental and digital note on his phone to inform Vana about his nightmare he rose of his bed to go freshen up.


If Lucas could describe his life in stages,even he couldn't quite answer much about it.

His birth and parents where completely unkown to him. He knew his lineage as the descendant of the traitorous Twilight,as a matter of fact his cursed descent almost cost him his life and those of a friend a while back and now he wanted nothing to do with any members of that family except his sister.

In short his past was completely blank to even him, well the first five years where.

As a matter of fact the furthest he could trace his memories back was when he was six and two years after he and his sister had lived in the outskirts.

So his life to him really started at age six.

And two years later his lost his sister and was taken in by the spider queen as her personal boytoy.

He meet Vana four year later and to him that was when he truly started to enjoys his life.

He got a new family, a brilliant mentor and master and finally two of his best friends.

It could be said he was currently at the peak of his life.

To him said peak had two meaning.

At his highest satisfaction but also a single step could send him plummeting straight of the peak.


"My rank!"

In a bid to know more about his new teammate Lucas has asked her out.

It wasn't in a romantic sense and to further enforce that thought he even asked Ren to join but Ren being Ren decided to bail out because in his words,"I think she's a spy luacs, I suspect not getting too choose to her"

Back then he wanted to retorted saying since when was his friend afraid of spies.

The last he checked Ren had spent a whole week in elsyuim without any help, to him that was more than enough to erase fear of something as mudune as spies.

Anyway the end of the matter was he was currently walking along the street of the Bearu city with Park ha-rin by himself when he suddenly decided to ask of her awakening rank.

"Yes you rank?" He repeated trying to gauge her expression.

As he expected her expression was distorted as if asked something completely unexpected but was it a natural reflex or masterful acting she quickly regained her composure and replied with a smile.

"I'm a saint!"

Lucas nobbed in affirmations this time not observing her expression.

Whether, she was a saint, a trascendents or even a god didn't matter to her after all Frey had given her to them.

Why, also didn't matter, it could be for insurance, surveillance or even protection to him as long as Park ha-rin didn't harm them he would acted Frey's judgment.

"I'm surprised that tree has lasted this long!" Staring at the distance ice tree Park ha-rin commented.

Luacs enticed by her words also looked ahead and saw the enormous ice tree with a its branches piercing the clouds in standing in the horizon.

Fascinated by his masters abilities he couldn't help but smirk full of pride.

He wanted to shout to the world it was his master's craftsmanship but alas he didn't.

Him being Vana student wasn't confidential news or anything he was just to embrassed to do that.

"The transcendents Vana is truly an impressive individual!"

"Yes..." Luacs nobbed with pride.

"....as a matter of fact impressive is too shallow....." He grinned causing Rin to stared at him in disbelief.

"....the only word I can describe her by is divine!"

His words caused Park ha-rin or Rin for short to chuckled in bewildered but luacs unbrother by her laughter knew or rather belived his words where the truth.

He hadn't meet a demi god to compare but right now he truly believed Vana, especially the serious version of her was absolute divine.

Few could see a transcendant go sll out and as someone who had seen it ones that statement was anything but false.

Perhaps feeling the boy was getting a bit delusional, Rin sighed.

"I do believe you master is cool but I don't think she is divine as a matter of fact not even the demi gods are divine whatmore a transcendant!"

"It's isn't about fact...." He retorted with a smile leaving Rin astonished by his narrow-mindness

"....It's about the agenda!"

Whiles the enthusiasm in his voice was charming Park ha-rin learnt on that day that there was no cure for stupidity.