Diary of the mentor ch31 Taming the berserker pt1.

The trill of battle.

Contrary to luacs or anyone else's belief Alicia did not in fact enjoy it.

Her feeling towards violence and conflict was neutral and just like Frey she saw becoming an awakener as an act of duty from being the daughter of the previous sword saint.

The clash of swords where a pain in her ears whiles the sight of blood and gore was nusinacing to say the least.

She was neutral towards conflict but honestly preferred if it didn't happened, so why then did she smile when she fought?

Why did her heart race with throbbing intensify as she deliveres a strike with her sword?

Why did the sensation of pain fill her with ecstatic?

Why was she obsessed with battle to the extent she crafted a rival for herself?

The answer was simple really, it was her affinity,[Beast].

She was a human but with the psych of a demi human.

She lusted after combat like the them.

Sorted strong foes like them.

Was as ferocious as them and much more, all because of her affinity.

She first manifested that affinty of her's when she was six.

She was a first grader by the and as one might except conflict between children wasn't rare.

What was rare however was a first grader almost ripping the throat out of another classmate.

It had happened so fast, she had thought she was dream.

She remembered getting into a usually argument with one of her classmates, for the petty reason of fighting over crayons.

Back then the last thing she remembered before was being pushed back and before she knew it she had zoned out, ones she had comeback to her sense she noticed she was gripping the neck of her classmates she had fought with.

She noticed claw marks fresh with blood all round their face, she noticed their frightening gaze,she noticed her teacher unconscious laying on the ground with her head bashed against the concrete wall.

And finally she noticed her sister Frey grasping her hand and preventing her from ripping the throat out of her classmate.

"What's going on?" She remembered asking no particular individual that question.

All she knew was back then she needed an answer.

Well she did get her answer but Frey being as ruthless as she was didn't hold back she decided in detail what she had done.

How she had clawed the surface of her teachers skin after which she slammed her skull into the wall.

How she had vicious clawed the faces of her classmate permanently scaring it for life.

How she had almost ripped the throat of her classmate.

As a child the serious of what she had done hadn't clicked in until she had truly experienced the consequences of her actions.


One of the cruelest punishment any child could be given.

She was treated as someone that didn't exist.

She was perceived but deliberately ignored with the only occasionally stares she got being those filled with fear.

She could not hate them since they were rightful to fear hair.

If not for Frey back then she would have killed them all, the thought was frightening, so she accepted their fear and choose to remain neutral towards them all.

She never again choose to socialize since she knew it would bare no fruit.

Friendship, romance anything to do with social life she gave them up.

Even those who didn't know her wild side and tried to get to know her, she didn't give them that chance but it all changed when she meet the white haired vampire.

Her first impression was Lucas hadn't been the best.

His scranny apperenace, his lifeless eyes, his worn clothing. Back then the vampire looked like a wimp to her but since it was a first she got to see one she was a bit fascinated by him.

His tiny little fangs, his tiny ears with sharped edge, his pale skin and snow white hair.

She had also had rumors from school that vampire where vicious creatures that longed after blood especially human blood but examinig the young vampire she saw nothing vicious about him.

As matter of fact she found him rather cute but she knew more than enough that looks could be deceiving with her being an example.

Her curiosity of vampire seem to act as a trigger for her affinity as before long she found herself wanting to fight the child.

She already knew the outcome, and that being she would win, her confidences was further solidified by how Frey and Vana had tried making up excuses to prevent her from fighting the vampire but confidence wouldn't cool her blood.

Just because she knew the results didn't mean she didn't want to experience it.

So filled with ecstatic of fighting a vampire that she even refused a sparing session with Vana.

She got her wish and just as she thought, she was superior but that mindset didn't last long.

At first she seem to hold the absolute advantage as she darted forward to deliver a finishing strike, she has taken care to use the blunt surface of her sword to not kill him but to her amazement the vampire she has believed to be weak and wimpy effortlesssly dodged her strike.

She was left stunned,surprise,shocked and absolutely flustered.

She wans't yet an awakener yet but with her affinity activated her physical stats should have been at their best but the vampire who seemed to i have been an amateur in combat a few seconds ago not only dodged her strike but delivered his own counterattack.

The sudden surge of confidence in his eyes ad he tried skwerding her with his ice spear was frightening, intense but most of all euphoric.

As she partied each of his strikes she could feel his resolve,his determination and his courage as he faced her.

Seeing the boys eyes sudden lit up with determination she couldn't help but feel her heart race.

Lucas was no exception or any anomaly but he was the first to gaze at her with those eye.

It wasn't his sudden martial arts or strength that enticed her but the determined and courageous look of his beautiful violet eyes that left her gasping in awe as the boy tripped and she had won their fight.

Even after having lost, the boy determined look seem to have come to stay as she gazed silently into the ignited glow in the boy's eyes as he feels to the ground and stared at the sky.

Her heart's began to pound with ferocious intensity.

An emotion she had longed give up began to creep into her heart whispering and wishing for her to grow close with the vampire.


"Why did you ask me stay behind?"

In a clearly irritated tone Alicia demanded as she stared daggers as Frey who sat at the far end of the dinning table.

At first Frey grinned feeling the ferocious of her sister's voice.

She took a while to examine the cold look Alicia was giving her before finally shaking her head in disbelief.

"An apple doesn't fall to far from the tree!" She mused noticing an uncanny resemblance from her sister.

She felt she was looking at her past and their similar looks didn't make it any better.

"Well...." She began a bit hesitant causing Alicia to stare at her with an impatient look.

"Hurry it's up I don't want to be let behind!" She remarked rapidly tapping her finger on the table in irritation.

Letting out a tired sigh Frey rose of her chair and calmly approached Alicia.

Alicia observed her, her gaze unmoving and annoyed.


Taking the silver table knife of the long table she stopped right beside Alicia before stabbing her shoulder with the knife.

Alicia remained silent,quietly turning her gaze towards the knife now stabbed into her shoulder.

She gazed at her wounded shoulder pulsing with blood every second,remaining relatively unfazed she finally grasping the knife and pull it out of her shoulder.

Volumes of crismon blood dyed her cloths as she placed the bloody knife on the table and turned towards her sister.

"What was that about!"

Her pupil's grew tiner and shaper growing into slits as she eyed Frey in disbain.

Relatively calmed even after the strange transformation of her sister's eyes Frey inquired," How is you wound?"


Alicia remained silent as her pupils returned to their original shape.

"Does it hurt?"

"No!" Alicia replied as her head hanged low.

Furrowing Frey took the seat beside Alicia and muttered," what did I tell you to do ones you stop feeling pain?"

Her tone was cold so cold that Alicia couldn't help but shiver as she replied," Inform you!"

"So did you inform me?"


Frey grinned not with joy but rage as she swiftly rose of the chair a frightening look burning deep within her ocean blue eyes.

"How many time have I warned you to...."


Alicia scream erupted in the living room, causing the wind to stir and burst into a shockwave that shattered the glass and windows.


Frey with her hair disheveled by the shockwave whispered as she bent her knee and raised Alicia chin up.

"Corruption!" She muttered noticing a crimson glint in Alicia eyes.

Compared to her eyes becomimg slits, she showed a grim expression as she examined the crimson glint slowly coating her sister's hazel Iris.