Diary of the mentor ch34 operator pt2

"The role of an operator in the grand scheme of things is to provide supports outside battles. We do not actively participate in battle—well we could but most of the time operators abilities require them to be offield!"

"So healers, awakener with telepathic affinity or any observant type affinity!"

"That's the gist of its!" Rin nobbed and strolled ahead.

Currently the duo having existed the restaurant were idlely treking on the streets of the bearu island.

Along the way he questioned Rin on many matter. From her year of service, the responsibility of an operator and so much more. It might not been much but he felt along the way he was slowly growing to understand the awakener world.

From how awakener where divided into into two categories namely, Defenders and Drifters.

One handled protecting their assigned cities the other explored the lost continents and death zones outside the Alliance boundaries.

"So are we defenders or Drifters!" He asked.

Rin looked at luacs and smiled," That up to you to decide, Leader!"

"I'm no leader!" He retorted.

Months ago, his teammates namely Alicia and Ren had gone behind his back to nominated him a the team leader.

As one might except he was extremely angry not because they had gone behind his back but rather because he found leading an exhausting job.

Growing up under the spider queen he frequently watched as she handled matters related to the outskirts.

Protecting the citizens, prevent gang wars, provision of rations for the people.

It was such a handfull that looking back, no matter how much of a bitch he found that detestched abomination of a woman to be, he found her to be at the very least somewhat competent.

Lucas wouldn't say he was a piece of shit like that woman but he knew in terms of leadership qualities he definitely lost out on them.

"I believe authority should be handed to the most experience...." He turned towards Rin and continued,"...and that is you!"

Be it as it may he was a good reader of character even more so than Ren.

Reading body language was one of the many perks of his affinity with that he found it extremely easy to understand the intention and analysis the characters of other.

For the past hour or so he had spent with Rin, he knew she wasn't trustworthy.

Her mannersim, her expression, her appearance all felt false to him.

The details where barely visible but his eyes couldn't be deceived.

His eyes that five year ago had judged Vana as his savoir could see the stiffness and calculated movement of each of her actions.

He still quite couldn't get a hold of her true colour with the only instances being when he almost drove her crazy with the suspense of his tale.

She seem to be someone who enjoyed participating in different antics to perhaps relief her of boredom.

How she played with and eat her fries was an indicater of that.

As a person luacs could deduced she was pretty childish in nature but chose to play a stern and serious veteren in the team.

Why is was hiding her true nature was unknown to him but for now he judged she was not harmful.

"Well even if she was, it's not like I can do anything!" He mused with a sigh.

She was a saint or he judged she was one whiles he was a second stage awakeners, it didn't take an idiot to realize if she truly wanted to harm them she wouldn't even break a sweat.

Experience, age, strength expect trust factored in why he wanted her to be the leader of their team.

"Park Ha-rin, I don't have the qualifications to be a leader so I delegate my authority to you..." He paused to check the effect his words had on her.

It seems he had made the best judgement after all Rin face was completely neutral..both her real face and facade didn't so much as flinch or frown as if her true self had excepted his words.

"We live in a democracy era. You decision will have to be accepted by all the members of the team!"

The concept of leadership wasn't foreign after all she had lead a few teams in her lifespan.

She has been a soilder, a drifter and a defender and had led at least one team from each of the three categories so she could say she was experienced in leading but while an experience leader she was always a situational leader.

No one asked her to lead she simply took on the post of leadering but along the way she realized something.

After the situation had been resolved she was no longer needed.

She was not charisma or ideological like most competent leader so she always felt she wasn't up to par.

So after a while she simply decided not to lead again unless asked or voted for.

It seems accepting Frey request had been a blessing in disguise because her wish seem to have happened much faster than she had anticaped.


Before luacs realized it night had arrived filling the dark sky with numerous stars.

Currently he sat on the towering skyscaper on the island, alone and silent gazing at the island skyline.

He could see parts of district 10 with his inhuman eyes sight and if he tried even harder he would have witness the end of said district but straining his eyes to discover the limits of his eyesight wasn't a welcoming feeling so he did no such thing.

"You followed me!" He whispered sensing a familiar presence behind him.

The presence of course belonged to his partner for the day, Rin who slowly walked towards the edge of the skyscaper where Lucas sat.

He remembered parting ways with her after the whole take about leadership but it seem the young lady not satisfied with such a parting had stalked him.

"Falling is one of the most common cases of death!" Rin now standing beside him remarked as she gazed down at the masses down below the bustling streets.

"I could probably survive!"

Following her gaze down Lucas smiled.

The building was about thirty stories tall, as long as he was able to reinforce his body with mana before crashing down, he was confident he would survive but barely.

"Wanna bet?"she smirked.

But to her disappointment, luacs shock his head slightly backing away from the edge.

"Overconfidence precedes carelessness!"

Lucas whispered with a profound gaze.

The sudden changed in his express could Rin to chuckle.

" You are in that phase,huh!"

"What phase?"Lucas question with a clueless expression.

"Heh... spouting random quote you read on the Internet!"

"I am absolutely clueless about what you mean!"

Choosing to remain unfazed and unbothered, luacs denied her statement, playing ignorant.

"It's alright! I've been there!"

Patting Luacs in the shoulder, she gave him a sympathy smile and turn around to leave.

After a while of walking she reached the rooftop door and turn her head back towards luacs.

"Trust is not grifted but earned, this goes both ways for us!"

Her final words left Lucas a bit daze and one his recovered he realized Rin had already left.