Diary of the mentor ch36 The team pt1.

Living with the seigharts, Lucas had bared witness to many bizarred acts especially those of the sisters.

One was Frey's weird obsession with tracksuit. Sometimes he even wondered if the woman's entire wordrobe was stashed with only tracksuit because that was all he saw her wore most of the time.

Another one was Alicia weird trait of wanting to sleep beside him at night.

That one was new, only starting about six months ago. He didn't particularly hate it but it sure was stressful sleeping beside her especially with the way she cling so close to him and hugged his body as they slept.

So as he felt his conscious coming to him, the first thing he noticed was an unbearable tightness around his body as if he had been wrapped in chains.

"Alicia...." Weakily opening his eyelids his muttered.

As his blurry vision grew clearer he noticed a familiar greyish hair strangs scattered all over his face and the owner of said her hair closing laying her head beside his as she let out a teasing smile.

"Miss me!" Alicia eyes sparkled as she gently carcass his cheeks.

Her carass were much softer than he remembered causing him to slightly furrow his browns.

"Is something wrong!"

He panicked removing Alicia hands from his cheeks and spring into a sitting posture leaving Alicia laying beside him wearing a white nightgown.

Staring at him a bit surprised, Alicia also sat up then using her overcoat to cover her bare shoulder silently nobbed.

"Did you and Frey....."

"My abilities grew weaker!" She interrupted.

"Huh?" Lucas stare at her a bit confused.

He had been away from Alicia for just a two days, so what did she mean she grew weaker.

Letting out a weak smile, she crawled towards him and embraced him.

"I went a bit overboard during training and ended up damaging my core." She whispered into his ears.

"Core damage..." He repeated a bit reliefed.

He had expected worse but as long as her core hadn't been destroyed it could heal overtime.

"Are you worried?" Still embracing him, she inquired a gone soft, too soft for his liking.

"I am...." He paused noticing Alicia embrace had suddenly grow tighter when he uttered their words.

With a still somewhat uncertain expression he closed his eyes and continued,".....but a as long as Ren and I are here you be safe!"

With the way they where embraced Luacs couldn't see the smile Alicia let out as he uttered those words.

"I love you guys!" She confessed with a soft and honest expression only know to her.

Her corruption was near.

About a year or so she would go mad and would have to be killed to prevent her from going on a rampage.

No matter how enticing her sister's words where she didn't truly believe she could be saved.

The effects of corruption was inreversible and the longer she lived and resisted it, the greater the madness awaited her.


"What an interesting trio!"

Rin could help but smile widely as she observed her team.

Currently the four of them including Rin, where in the living room each going about their business.

There was Ren, the lonewolf, situated at the far corner of the room with his back against the wall with an eye close and the other staring at luacs and Alicia in amusement.

Following the elf gaze, she found a sight she could only call a bit surprising.

She found their leader, Luacs with the back of his head on Alicia lap. The vampire seem to been in a deep sleep as the grey haired girl gently carass his silk white hair with an affectionate smile on her face.

"Kids this days!" She mused and lightly shook her head before finding a place to sit.


Ones sitted she faked a cough trying to gain the attention of two individuals lost in their own world.

Her action did indeed work as Alicia glanced at her a bit surprise whiles luacs lightly opened his eyes.

"Sorry to interrupt...."

"It's alright!" Alicia smiled, a mature expression evident on her face.

Lucas on the other hand choose to remain silent with his head still nested on Alicia lap.

"Alicia,I'm sure Frey give you a briefing about me?" Rin inquired.

Alicia nobbed, examining her for a bit and after a while of assessing her, retuned her gaze toward laucas as if Rin was unimportant.

Rin was a bit dishearted not gaining the reaction she wanted.

Compared to Lucas and Ren who sort of fear her, she felt Alicia was indifferent to her existence as if she didn't exist to her.

"Is it because a bond isn't yet formed?" She questioned to herself.

The girl past was know to her so she couldn't help but consider that possibility.

She had also heard apart from Lucas and Ren she had no other friends.

There was more to her thoughts but she decided to leave that for now and begin briefing.

" Since introduction are now out of the ways,I would like to officially welcome you three to team twight, named after our fair leader Lucas twight!"

"It's sieghart!" Lucas cried.

Paying his words no hind Rin countuined," Our leader...." She smiled placing her gaze on luacs,".....wish to delegate his authority to me, so I will..."

"I don't mind!" Ren interrupted with a listenless expression.

"Same!" Alicia added engrossed in carscassing the vampire.

".. wait..a...."

Staring at the trio in bewildered, Rin could help but feel dissatisfied with how unbothered they each acted.

"Teenagers are such a mess!" She mused.

She had been a teenager years ago but even she didn't think she was this unbrother back then but then again,looking back she remembered during her time the world wasn't as calm as it was now.

"At the very least show some enthusiasm!" She demanded a bit disappointed with her team.

"I really should had just settled for the kitsuna back home!"

Regretting abandoning her student for this shit show of a team she faced palmed.

"Should I use that method!" She whispered to herself.

In Huso there was a tradition and it was as followed, an overwhelming pressure could make up for charisma.

She first gazed at Ren, the unbrother elf that was actively trying to distance himself from the group.

Then at Alicia, the girl with only luacs in her sight.

Then Lucas whom seemed lost in thought.

Altering her gaze between all three, she smiled, she was going to enjoy turning those three into obedient brat.


[Testing....testing.. can you hear]


An intense headache ran through his head as he felt his conscious return to him.

His mind was foggy and hazzy but the last thing he remembered was Rin briefing and right after that his mind suddenly blacked out.

[ Testing....testing...]

"Where I'm I!" He mused holding his head as he rose up.

"Finally awake!"

He head a familiar voice causing him to turn to the side in reflex.

" Alicia..."

His eyes widend as he found the familiar grey haired girl nested against the pure white ground with multiple metallic chains wrapped around her arms and leg serving as a sort of restraint.

" What going on!"

In a confused state he rushed towards her and tried breaking her restraint but she merely smiled and spoke," our leader knocked us out and brought us to this simulation room!"

" Simulation..."

As his fingers brushed across the metallic surface of the chains around Alicia legs he whispered.

" Yes..look around."

He was still confused but chose to accept her words and raise his head to survey his surroundings.

He found himself staring at a room that streched far and wide.

He couldn't quite measure the diameter or length because he felt with each passing second the edges of the room grew futher away as if a sort spacial distortion lengthed or rather expanded the room.

Apart from the spatail distortion the room was built throughout with pure white metallic tiles on the walls, floors and even ceiling giving the room a eerie and pure white look.

In said room, he saw the familiar outline of Ren sitting a bit further away from him with his jade bow nested around his neck.

"What is going on?" He asked.


Answering his questions, a dazzling figure descended upward from go know where and landed right infornt of him.

Lucas startled by the figure he quickly pulled Alicia back and watched in bewildered as the figured revealed herself to be Rin.

Wearing jet black pants, and a lose grey shirt, she tied her medium lenght blue luscious hair in a short ponytail whiles the edges of her bangs where left hanging beside her head.

Her beauty now exhibiting a trace of musicality was extremely attractive almost leaving Lucas in a trace but said trace was broken ones he noticed the silver long sword in her right grip.

"Park ha-rin!" He called choosing to take an appropriate step out of her sword reach.

Perhaps impressive by his instincts she smiled and rested her sword on her shoulder.

"As Alicia said I knocked you out and brought you her!"

"Why?" Lucas inquired not understanding her reason.

"Because you are too relaxed!"

She answered.

Luacs, Alicia and Ren didn't give of the dread newly recruited awakener feel before their first mission.

They where trained by transcendant, she understood just as much but if they used such training as a scale to measure threats in life,she knew they wouldn't survive for long.

As she spoke, she knew one was already dying and since she was a firm believer in meaningful death she wans't just going let them throw out their lives ones a Nest appeared.

" We will be undergoing an intense sparring session..." Pausing to gazed all around the room she continued,"you three against me. To make things fair my abilities have be restricted to only the third stage of awakening."

Lucas finally realizing what she was getting at nobbed.

A fight, his heart raced a bit at such a thought.

Every since losing miserably against the werewolf months ago, he had trained vigorous to not suffer such a defeat again.

So he found Rin action more of a blessing than a nuisance. He would be able to test how strong he had gotten over the past months and he couldn't help but grew excited but before he was overcome by his anticaption a questioned filled his mind.

" I get the gist of it but why is Alicia tied up!"

Pointing as Alicia nested beside him he asked.

With a tired sigh Rin answered," I had though you three wouldn't come obedient so I knocked or rather tried to knock you three out. Both you and Ren where surprisely easy to deal with but..." Pausing to star at Alicia with a strange look she continued,"

...that girlfriend of your's however was more of a handful that I thought!"

Sensing hint of trembling in Rin voice he unconsciously threw a glance at Alicia chained beside him as he tried imaging what happened transpired.