Diary of the mentor ch38The team pt3

Ren wasn't quite sure how tall the skyscaper he fell of was but all he knew was just as he counted the twentieth floor since his jump, he extended his arm towards said floor as a thick single green vibe manifest around his arm and penetrated the glass window of the floors before shot forward and embelling itself into the floor ceiling.

Sinking deep within the ceiling,it tightened before violently yanking upward, pulling him and Alicia hanging on his shoulder up.

As he was pulled up towards the area his vine had penetrated he clenched his fist and just as he was about to crashed into the penetrated glass, slammed his fist into the glass, absolute obliterating it before using his makeshift graping hook to pull both him and Alicia into the floor.


Breathing a sigh of relief he released the vine connected to the ceiling and walking to the far end of the room before he gently nested the unconscious Alicia on an office chair.

Ones he was done, he began surveying the lite office floor with a piercing gaze.

From what he had gathered from Rin lecture a while back this simulated world was a copy of the real world to the tinest of details.

In both scale and grander it was just like the real world except currently the simulation had been programmed to not included any other living things except them.

"Is pain existent!" He mused walking towards the window he had broken and carefully picking up a piece of the glass he had shattered.

He took only a tiny piece then grasping it within his palm before clenching it.

"Ouch!" He groaned a bit annoyed as he threw the piece of glass shards now coloured in his blood out the broken window.

It seems pain did exist in this simulation.

"Maybe it can be turn on and off like Frey's dimension!" He muttered returning to Alicia side.

Placing the girl's jade sword gently on her lap he sighed and spoke," when luacs told me you're grown weak I didn't except it to be true!"

Alicia was a resilient fellow. She lacked the most battle experience among the team but Ren knew there was no way Rin attack back then could have knocked her out so easily.

Maybe if her abilities was not constraints and she had delivered said attack with a saint strength he would have accepted but an attack from a third stage awakeners he would never accept.

Alicia was far to resilient to be knocked out in a one shot.

"Now what!"

Discarding his thoughts about Alicia for the time being he pondered.

Currently they had split up and Rin was looking for a three on one ,Ren suspected she would only attack if they where together.

"Regrouping with Lucas is a must but...."

His gazed trailed of to the unconscious Alicia as he let out a sigh and tired searching for his phone.

"That woman took it!"

He almost ripped his hair apart as he realized his pocket was emptied of his phone.

Now communication with luacs was cut.

"I'll just sit tight and let him release his mana. Yes after that I use it to track him."

While Lucas wasn't the brightest Ren knew in time of crisis the vampire came through. He might have also deduced the condition for Rin to attack so for the time being he will try to play solo.

So for now Rin chose to avoid looking for Lucas and keep as much distant away from Rin as he and Alicia could.

"The simulation doesn't seem to have a time limit!" He mused walking over towards the unconscious Alicia and hanging her over his shoulder.

"Damm she's heavy!"

With a slight groan his complained and walked towards the shattered window.

The neon light of the city had dimmed his sight a bit but now looking out the window he noticed a slightly towering wall stretched out in the distance.

It obsidian colored made it blend perfectly in the night but he could see it's vague outline.

"Bearu island!" He muttered his gaze distant.

Of all the urban settlement in the city he couldn't help but wonder why luacs choose the exact location they had been before the simulation.

It could be a mere coincidence or the vampire was simply uncreative but....

"Times ranning out."

Choosing to discarding any distraction thoughts he looked ahead.

Rin was just above in on the roof.

He didn't know how fast a third stage awakeners could move but he wasn't going to take anything chances.

So coating his right arm in thick green vines, he extended it out the window as a vine much larger than the previous one he had created shot out his arm and attached itself to the skyscaper facing him.

Wrapping itself around the crane beside the building he took in a deep breath and with Alicia carefully nested on his shoulder took a leap of fate out the building.

Like the gargets of a famous spider comic book hero in the old civilization, the vines yanked both him and Alicia upwards saving both him and Alicia from a disgraceful descent.


Whiles Ren lived his comic book dreams, luacs dashed through the empty streets of the city with a stern expression.

Occasionally looking back to see if he was being followed or not he finally arrived infornt of a familiar highrise building.

"I hope my instincts wouldn't feel me!"

With a grim smile, he argument his body with lightning and sore straight into the building, he now called home.

Rushing across the receptionist hall, he ignored the elevator and instead took the stairs.

With masterful movement and speed, he bridged the gap within floors with a single leap until he arrived at the seventh floor.

"Fifty-nine, end of corridor!"

With almost lighting speed he arrived at his destination and with an explosive bang kicked the door open.

The force of his kick sent the door flying through the familiar living room and crashing into the wall and straight out the building.

Ignoring the destruction he had just caused he rested his crimson spear beside the entrance and walked forward.

His steps where soft but stiff as he calmly observed the replica of the living quarters he and his team lived in.

The living decorated with modern furnitures, the surprisely comfy couch, the TV and the open kitchen that displayed the cityscape.

All of it was copied to the tiniest of details that luacs even began to doubt if this really was a simulation.

He felt the wooden texture of the kitchen table, the soft but bouncy feeling of the couch, the smooth texture of the glass.

Engrossed in the feeling of touch, he stood a step forward towards Rin room.

"I'm properly going to regret this!" He muttered grasping her door knob.

Always make the best of a given opportunity.

Vana had told him those words a year back in Hosu and when given such an opportunity to figure out what or rather who the heck Park ha-rin wasn't going to pass on such a chance.

The simulation perfectly replicate the real world and everything within.

When he had chosen bearu Island a stage battlefield for their spar he didn't except he would us it like this but a particular phrase Rin had said to him had grown stuck in his mind. Back when Rin was explaining how the simulation worked, she had said he just needed to think of a battlefield and the simulation will manifest it.

Meaning this simulation wasn't formed from his memories but something more.

From bits and and piece of how Lucas understood how Frey spatail attribute worked, it involved the manipulating of space using mana.

Unlike the other attribute like fire or ice, it lacked physical structure and was completely abstract in nature and using mana as a sort of controller one is able to fundamental grasp and mold it to their liking.

Each spatial attribute user or those left had a unquie way of controlling said space.

Frey for example used her's in two different ways one was to coated her attribute around her body or weopons.

For her weapon it allowed her to separated the spaces between anything she cutted and for her body it allowed her to create an ever expanding space between her and anything that tried coming in contact with her.

Her other form of using her spatial attribute was her dimension or rather domain, which mirrored the universe itself.

Just like how the universe was ever expanding so too was her domain.

Normally such a domain would be too tasking on her mana reverse after all the amount of energy to sustain a whole universe was too much for some not a demi god.

So to overcome said weopons Frey divided her dimension into multiple section with each acting as a sub domain.

She had a domain for Agvon, one for Hosu and the other remianing cities.

Whiles in Agvon she wouldn't be able to activate her domian in Hosu unless she destroyed the sub section barriers she had created.

So long as she only activate her domain within the scale of the sub section she wouldn't ran out of mana.

That was also why her Domain was called a dimension since it was an accumulation of different subsection.

She didn't create a world but rather mirrored said world so if the simulation followed how Frey's dimension worked then, he was sure Rin room was a perfect replic of the one in real world.

"This is an invasion of privacy!" He questioned his actions.

He knew what he was going to do was wrong and he also knew he would regret it but right now he was too curious of Rin identity for that to matter.

He had discarded the fight just so he could have this opportunity and even if he knew he would probably regret it and make Rin angry he just couldn't let this opportunity pass.

"You know what if I see something I shouldn't have, I tell her my story,my past and even what makes me thick as an.apologic...yes it a win, win. She likes interesting stories, I'm sure it would work out. I might get a few beating, an unapproving gaze and might lose trust points but hey I never trusted her to begin with!"

Making excuses upon excuse and slowly being overcomed by his guilty he grasped her door knob and closed his eyes as he slowly twisted the knob open causing the content of her room to be revealed as he opened his eyes.