Diary of the mentor ch39 Identity pt1.

"The saying curiosity kills the cat sounds true and true the more I interact with you."

Lucas froze seeing Rin figure, gazing at with a mockery smile atone the edges the giant bed within the center of the room.

He unconscious took a step back and gulped as a feeling of guilt began to wash over him.

Seeing this Rin, elegant crossed her legs, then placing her silver long sword on her lap, gazed at his guilty ridden figure with a look of contempt visible in her clear golden eyes.

"....or should I say kills the vampire!"


Minutes later,luacs sat at the entrance of Rin room with his head held low.

Holding his head in disappointment he closed his eyes and plead.

" Privacy is a must and I tried breaking your's, so I'm sorry.. extremely sorry!"

"Why's don't you truth me!" Rin discarding his plead demanded, looking down at him with a scornful expression.

Technically speaking this room wasn't her's but a simulation of her room but it's still contained all her personal belongs.

It perfectly replicated her room and for luacs to have the guts to trepass it slightly irritated her.

"I did trust you..."

"No you don't!" She scoffed with a displeased expression on her face.

" I know what happened in Hosu a year ago made you paranoid of others but..."

"How did you know about that?" Lucas questioned her.

"Oh no!"

Realizing she slipped up, she mused and tried making an excused.

"How did you know about Hosu?" His voice grew aggressive and luacs stood up and walked towards her.

Lucas noticing she was meeping silent gazed at her with a feral expression and demanded ones more.


"Frey told me!" Startled by his sudden changed she answered a bit shaken.

With a slight pause luacs removed back grasping his right hand a ferocious rage burning within us eyes.

" Lies..." He screamed.


" I never told Frey about that incident. I never told her about Sapphire."

The more his spoke, the more a realization beamed in his eyes as he turned his gaze to Rin who was now staring at him with a strange look.

" You... You're going to use me like her!"

Rin hesitated for a bit, then spoke a grim expression," Yes!"

His eyes widened.

He should have expected this.

Throughout his life almost every he had met had tried to use him.

In such an incident even his beloved master Vana was guilty only saving him because lux before death had requested of her to do something good in her lifetime.

Whiles he didn't hold that against her because she had been honest about it and told him years back but not everybody was as straight forward as his master and a year ago he had beared witness in his trip in Hosu when a psychopath had tried using him for her own personal game.

The spider queen, sapphire and now Rin.

At least with Rin their time spent was short, so nodding in acceptance he began to leave.

" End the simulation!"

As he walked out he demanded.

All the guilt he had felt after entering her room had disappeared now replaced by a feeling of emptiest.

He knew Frey was in this shit and he was going to confront her ones he got out of this simulation.


True to her testament as a saint, she crossed the gaps between them in an instant and before Lucas knew it she held his right shoulder.

She could probably pull him back if she wanted but she simply keeps her grasp on him neither pulling or weighing him down.

Turning his neck back, he gazed at her with a blank look.


"Aren't you curious what I wanted from you?"

With her act now gone luacs couldn't help but feeling an oppression pressure even greater than the one Vana and Frey had crushing him.

Lucas reliazing what's she was playing at closed his eyes and spoke,"why?"

Satisfied Rin left his shoulder and talking a step back answered" I wanted to train an observe you!"


A trainer, a teacher and a mentor.

Lucas has had many of those over the pass few years he spent with the seigharts.

Frey and Alicia who taught him swordsmanship even if he has sworn not to use a sword until Frey used her's.

Vana, his true master whose his fighting style was meant to mimic.

The daughter of the kistune clan who impacted the moonlight sword dance to him.

He even took a few marksmanship lessons from Ren.

So he could say he had an abundant of teachers so Rin words should have easily convinced him but the didn't because the was a difference between his past teacher and her.

He had a bond with them but not her.

Alicia and Frey where his foster family.

Vana was his Savior.

Ren and the daughter of the kistune clan where his best friends.

But Rin was not any of that to him.

She was simply a stranger to him so her words where strange to him.

He did feel a sense of familiarity from her but he also felt the same for his greatest regret in Hosu.

She too was familiar to him, she was part of his family, his now extinct family and that pity and familiarity he felt for her back the almost lead to a tragedy.

"Why me?"

"Because of your affinity!"

"My affinity!"

"Yes." She smiled, then retracting her unstreched arm from his shoulder and went back to sitting on her bed.

Luacs showing no movement of leaving gritted his teeth and face her.

"How does my affinity factor in all of this?"

In a rather calm tone she replied," Your affinity ones belonged to me."


"Hey,you.You're finally awake."

With a rather faint dizzines Alicia woke up and found Ren nested on a chair right behind the table she had her head rested on.

"....What happened?"

With a light groan, she inquired raising her head off the table and resting it's on the chair she sat on.

"As one might expect we were defeated and miserably at that!" Ren answered, betraying the hopeless in his voice with a faint smile.

Pieceing her rather faint memories together Alicia knew he was lying but decided to go along just because.

" Why do you think we were defeated?"

It was a question not meant for only Ren but her to.

Holding his chin up with his left hand Ren closed his eyes.

"We overestimated ourselves." He answered.

Just because Rin constrainted her rank didn't mean her experience had diminishing.

Her reflexes, battle IQ and so much more where too superior compared those of a branch of teengers and even if they hadn't understimated her, they still thought too much of themselves.

"We need a outlook in life!"

Alicia suggested ignorant of the changes slowly ongoing in her physical appearances.

Her hazel eyes grew crimson in colour, deep in color compared to blood whiles her greyish hair grew paler and paler till she lost all the color in her hair.

Her appearance as beautiful as it was frightening earned her a surprise look from Ren.

Pondering on whether to question it or not, he came to the conclusion he wasn't the only one in this team with skeletons in their closet.