Diary of the mentor ch40 Identity pt2

On the desolated streets of Bearu Island,a captivating blonde haired elf with jewlike jade coloured eyes lightly treked behind a mesmerizing beauty with pale white hair and deep crimson eyes.

Occasionally throwing glances at her unhealthy pale hair, he sighed and decided to stop ignoring the elephant in the room.

"Enough forging ignorance, what happening to you?"

"Corruption!" She replied turning back at him with a death pan expression as if unbrothered about the weight of her words.

"That should be impossible!"

Noticing her words didn't convinced Ren, Alicia sighed," it is!"

Only human Awakeners could be corrupted, that was a know fact.

Why, was not know, all the Bearu and most Awakener knew however was all cases of corruption from the old era to the current era had been humans.

And whiles the siegharts looked human, they were not.

Their ancestor, had tied the knot with the first sword saint who was an elf.

And just like vampires, the elven bloodline was always Domaint meaning every member of the seighart after their ancestors was an elf even if they lacked the basic feature like the pointy ears.

Meaning no matter how human Alicia looked,she wans't humans and thus shouldn't have the risk of being corrupted,so why was she being corrupted?

The more he tried making sense of her condition the greater his confusion grew.

"How long?"

"Six months."

Her reply earned her a grim look from Ren.

"How much time do you have left?"

Asking how much longer one had to live was the same as resigning an individual fate as hopeless but excalty because he knew about corruption that he decided to be upfront about it.

Grabbing strangs of her now pure white hair,she examined its condition between her finger and after a while of simply gazing at it, replied blankly," Two years if I'm being optimistic!"

Seeing how death Alicia expressions was become Ren, expression grew darker and darker.

His cousin was about to die and here he was asking how much longer she had.

"I'm such an idiot!"

Tightly gripping his bow nested around his shoulder, he thought.

"If only luacs was here?"

As he tried imagining a scenario where, Lucas had been the one to witness Alicia condition, he suddenly senses a familiar presence.

"His ready!"

Alicia corruption was important but wobbling in pity wouldn't stop her death so deciding to focus on the matter at hand, he grinned and stared ahead alerting Alicia to following his gaze.


"You affinty one's belonged to me."

Lucas felt part of his world crumble into pieces a she heard those words.

How couldn't he.

Affinity where imprinted into the soul since birth and since no two people had the same soul affinty no matter how similar there where will always have a difference.

For Rin to say his affinity one belonged to her was basically saying he was a part of her.

Which no matter how hard he tried imaging it, he knew and felt was impossible.

He was Lucas twlight.

One of the last scions of the twilight vampire clan vanquish almost twenty-five years ago.

He was a full blow vampire not a half he had been made to believe years ago but a full vampire and last he checked Rin was human.

"It can't be!" He denied almost crumbling on his knees.

" Affinities are part of the soul...it can't be..."

"It is possible!"

Bitting her lips in anguish, she added," Soul manipulation. The ability to see and interact with the souls of living things."


He whispered.

Cores, rank, affinities and even attributes where all related.

Only a strong soul could tread on the path of awakening. What classified as a strong soul was vague to him because he didn't think he had one but here he was moving on the road to become an awakener.

Another relation was how an individual soul was show their attribute is decided.

There were a total of eleven attribute.

The basic being fire,geo, Aero and water.

Then there was the deviants derived from the basic attribute with them being, lightning, ice and nature.

And finally special attribute being space, Dark, shadow and Light.

The criteria for getting any of the elements was suspected to be from the soul.

A person with a fiery soul would most likely be chosen by the fire and lightning attribute.

As for affinities they it wasn't about the type of soul but something many had dubbed RNG.

Said RNG had two layers.

The first being gaining an affinty or not.

Gaining one was a sign one had a 100percent chance to awakener a core but not gaining an affinty didn't disqualified one from awakening.

Hence the saying all affinities holder where Awakener but not all Awakeners where affinities holders.

Then came the second layer of RNG being the type of affinity one got.

A useless one, an average one or a divine one.

After the affinity is generate it is then imprinted into the soul and can never be removed or upgraded.

This was why he couldnt believed Rin words but ones he heard about soul manipulation his thoughts began to waver.

What if she was right? Why if his affinity wasn't really his? Question upon question flashed in his mind as he tried making sense of what was going on.

"Every living being had a soul and they need said soul to be called a living being.

Even the immortal Vlad is no exception to the rule after all if his soul is extinguished he dies. That simple fact was why you vampires weren't called undead like those stories from the old world!"

Opening her eyes that now flashed with a sense of profundity she stood up and walked towards the desk beside her bedside.

The desk littered with her headphones and multiple accessories including his phone has a single white picture firm placed at the edges.

Gripping ahold of said picture she guesture for luacs to join her.

Lucas was hesitate and really wanted to leave but there was so many questions he needed answering that he unexpectedly took a step forward and stood right beside her.

Threwing a glance at the picture he saw a total of five individuals in what seem to be in a park making up the portrait.

There was Rin causally sitted in the ground with her arms around the neck child of not more than three years.

The child had pale colored blond hair as both him and Rin let out an cheerful smile posing for the picture.

Sitted beside Rin was a handsome young man with ocean colored eyes, his hair was the same coloured a stage child and whiles his expression was relatively stoic, the tiny smirk on his face as he palced his arm around Rin was evident, he was enjoying it.

There was also a short black haired teenager with bright crimson eyes and a dull expression standing beside the sitted blond man.

And the last individual in the picture was a petite young lady with long golden hair with a blishiful smile on her face situated right beside Rin.

The picture was remiscant of friends...no family and Luacs couldn't help but grew nostalgic as he continuously glanced at the picture.

"Why does it seem familiar?" He questioned, his expression growing grimmer each second.

" And why does everyone especially the blond man and black haired teen look so familiar?"

Losing her profound expression, she gently ruffled Lucas's silky white hair and in a wristful tone replied," That was my—no our ancient past!"