Diary of the mentor ch41 Identity pt3

A few minutes ago...

"You don't have to believe what I'm about to say.

Noticing the unconvinced look the vampire was giving her, she clarified.

Taking the picture of her grasp, Lucas examined it and asked.

"My sister! Are those memeries false!"

"No!" Rin shook her head.

"You are Luacs twilight or you were one's but...." Pausing to observe his confused expression for a while she continued,"when you were a child, parts of you soul was damaged and parts of mine was used to repair yours!"

"That explains the amensia." He commented a bit dissatisfied.

"Before you continue I will like to ask a pending question?"

Rin nobbed displaying her cooperation.

"Who are you?"

The individual said he had parts of her soul but that didn't tell him who she was.

For all he knew it could be another psychopath.

"Who I'm I!"

Rin seemed surprised by his question as if she herself didn't quite remember.

"I don't quite remember my name..." She remarked with a helpless smile,"...but if it is my identity you are curious about them it is rather simple."

She cracked her fingers lightly.

" One of the few survivors of the of the old world."

" One of the current four demi gods."

The simulation began to crack, as ripples began to appear all around Rin.

"Rank no2"

Snapping her fingers the simulation was stabilized as she finally declared with unfathomable pride,

"The Martial lord!"


"So does this mean all being the people in the portrait are...."

"Yes the one standing beside me is the child of war, the one sitting beside me is Savior and the black haired teen is Vlad!."

"What of the kid?"

Rin identity didn't really come of as a surprise to him,he had knew she was someone grand, right now who he was curious about was the boy Rin had her arms around.

"That's my son!"

Her voice of sedimental enough that Lucas knew he was now probably dead.

"It's been five thousand years since this picture was taken!"

"That long!" Luacs excalmied in surprise.

Long life species weren't rare as a matter of fact even human that reach the saint ranks could live for two hundred years that was about the normal life span of an average vampire but this was his first meeting a so called long lived individual.

Even the particatch of the fox clan he had meet years back was only in his early hundreds.

"That's a demi god for you!" He mused, growing more and more curious.

"About how you gain my soul..."

"It's alright!", he stopped her as he enveloped his body in Mana.

His action earned him a furrow from Rin who realised his intention but did not act.

" Our yapping session had lasted more than enough." His violet eyes gleamed with an undefined passion and he clenched his fist and thrusted it foward.

"My affinity, the past, the demi god and even the old civilization. I'm curious about them all but not now."


Taking a hold of her hand Lucas stopped her.

"Curiousity kills the cat. You made that statement when I walked through that door and now I finally understand what you mean."

His recent dream, his sister's disappearance and his amensia was something he wanted to know but.....

"I'm not strong enough for the truth yet."

The past truly mattered to him but he felt he wasn't both mentally and emotionally fit to handle it just yet.

Giving him a light smile, Rin nobbed.

"You are right.Knowing the truth will just get you hurt. If you learn about him I'm sure you won't be able to resist the urge to attack him and that will be you E.N.D"

"E.N.D, huh! For now it doesn't matter but I just want you to know I'm placing my trust in you. I will become you students but I also want something that isn't about the past from you!"

" I will assist not interfere!" She assured.

Luacs was a part of her so he perfectly knew what he would say.

She was a prideful individual who hated when the strong made things easier for her.

What truly made the path of awakening truly satisfying was the stakes.

And she wasn't going to keep the stakes low for them.

"Good." Lucas sighed still gripping her hand.

" Back to brawling then!"

As he declared there was a loud crack as the glass window behind Rin room was penetrated by a jade arrow, shattering the window into pieces and shoting towards her with rapid speed.

Perhaps anticapting the attack, she tried moving out of its away but before she could successfully evade, an intense electrical current penetrated the surface of her skin and periced deep within her nervous system,delaying her reflex by a few seconds, more than enough time for the arrow to perice deep within her shoulder.

"You little shit!"

Ignoring the sharp pain within her shoulder she gazed at luacs who was currently sending volts of lightning through her body using the parts of her hand he was gripping.

"You pay for that!"

Clenching her right fist coursing with lightning, she swung it to the right sending luacs who had been gripping her hands to be sent fly and crashing into the wall in her room.

As a testament to his durability, he broke through the concentrate upon impact and flung straight into the next room.

As the dust caused by Luacs breaking through the wall settle, Rin walked towards her bed where she had placed her sword and lightly swung it to dispell the remaing dust faster.

Ones it cleared, her gazed pierced through the hole luacs had created when he crashed into the wall but...


The vampire wasn't on the other side.

"Where did he go?"

As if he answering her question she heard a loud crash coming from the living room.

"Their regrouping!" She thought,gripping the arrow stabbed on her back and breaking it in two.

Keeping the parts with the arrowhead with her she threw the remnant away and walked out of her room.

Her room was directly connected to the living room, so within a few steps she found herself in the hall.

Everything looked relatively normal except for the shatter window at the left side of the living room.

Keeping her guard up, she lightly raised her sword and slowly approached the shattered window.

Her golden eyes letted out a light glint as she took a step back.

Ones she did the skies where dyed crismon, as a pillar of concentrated flames rose up a few distance from the apartment.


A chilling voice declared as the pillar of flames descended from above, cleaving the building and it's surrounded in half.