Diary of the mentor ch42 Show me what you got pt1.

What was the essences of strength ot one who wouldn't live long enough to use it.

I want to grow stronger.

I had to grow stronger.

I will grow stronger.

When faced with my pending death I knew all those thoughts didn't matter.

"You lack resolve!"

My sister and Luacs would say but they forgot one thing that one don't need resolve to grow.

I was born strong, I realized that fact after I had almost diced my classmates to oblivion.

With my affinity[Beast] I abandoned all reasons to defeat my opponent.

"I don't lack resolve!" I whispered observing Luacs breakout of the apartment through the window.

As he fell down towards the ground he looked up, right towards me with an undeniable smile giving me a thumbs up.

Returning his smile I averted my gaze from him and placed it in the building he just jumped out of.

With a light breath I closed my eyes, activating my affinity throughout the possible.


That cursed affinity of my enhanced all my status be it physically of just mana.

My performance will depended on all that I had so I needed it.

As I thought of that my resolved was laided bare to me.

"My resolve is putting everything..even my body in the line to achieve victory!"


Opening her now crismon iris Alicia, pointed her jaded sword up towards the skies and with a look filled with determination ignited it into flames.

Ren not far from where she stood, unconsciously place his palms over his eyes as the intensity of her crimson flames burnt forth, illuminated the night surrounding whiles bring about an unbearable heat that washed across the surrounding.

The surrounding ground began to softened and melt upon her action.

Ren in an effort to survive jumped back and shield his shield body in plant vines but his efforts prove futile as a whirlwind of crisomon flames surged around her burning his vines and part of his clothing.


Ignoring Ren predicament she carefully directed the hurricane of flames around her body and finally to her ignited sword.

Trailing the paths like crismon blood strings, the Flames where quickly devoured by her sword but it took more energy than except as she almost black out but...

"We'll in this together!"

Ren choosing to ignore the heat rushed towards her and lenther a shoulder, gripped her jade sword along with her and he infused her blade with his mana.

"Damm..." A liveliy voice erupted from behind them," I almost missed the spotlight!"

With hurried steps lucas jumped onto the building they stood on as he panted.

Rushing to support Alicia from the right he too gripped her sword and engused it with his mana.

"Team twight!" He smiled as the sword transformed into a pillar of light that shot up in the sky, eurpting a mini shockwave whiles clearing the clouds in the skies and dyed it crismon.

"It has a nice ring to him!"

The trio all nodded in acceptance and concentrated all their attention to the apartment a few distance from them.


They declared in union bringing the sword down causing the pillar of light to descend from the skies, turing everything in its wake into nothingness.


The pillar of light descended onto the island like a judgement from a god, colliding into its target and cleaving it in two.

The pure destructive power it held cleaved deep into the ground causing an intense shockwave that spanded thousand of kilometers.

Ones it had settled a thick line of magma had separated everything infornt of the trio in half.

Watching the sight in bewildered Luacs held Alicia to prevent her from collapsing due to exhaustion.

"You where magnificent!" He praised paying her changed in appearance no mind.

Alicia staring at him with a blishiful expression blushed and looked away but her actions proved futile as she ended up displaying her embrassed expression to Ren who glance at her with an amusement smile .

To avoiding any further embrassment, she broke free from them and jumped of the building.

" What her deal?" Lucas question confused by Alicia sudden recation


Facepalming,Ren sighed and followed after Alicia.


" I hope we didn't kill her."

Walking across the wasteland of their making Ren remarked.

Looking at the sheer scale of their attack, he was sure no third class would survive.

Even a saint wouldn't come out unscathed.

"She not dead!"

Compared to Ren relaxed tone, Lucas answer was grim as he stared ahead.

" I should have known it wouldn't be that easy!"

Following Lucas's gazed Ren noticed a familiar shilloutte slowly approaching them.

"Splendid!" The figure declared in amusement and stopped a few distance from them.

The figure was undoubtedly Rin but her ones blue hair had now taken on a white colored perhaps due to her overdrive whiles her body and clothing was in a miserable state.

Her hair was partly burnt, her right arm gripping a broken silver sword enveloped in a thick cold mist was charcoal burnt , her top was also partly burnt leaving parts of her large chest bare.

Ren and luacs looked away of preserve their dignity whiles Alicia almost cried seeing how relatively fine their leader was.

Sure she hadn't expected her to die but she at least expected her injuries to be more severe.

Burnt limbs no matter how painful it was wouldn't hinder their opponents. That was the sheer truth to her.


Clicking her tongue in annoyance she took a sword stance and readied herself for combat.

"I know her beauty might be a bit too sensual and stimulating for you two virgins but get a hold of yourself!"

Her words caused the duo to abandon their make up dignity and stare forward with an intense glaze.

"I didn't mean that—you know what just don't get distracted!"

"As if!" Lucas declared with confused and took a fighting stance whiles Ren simply nobbed and manifested thin vines all around his arms.

Examining each of their movement,Rin cracked her neck and threw her broken sword aside.

Her silver sword fell to the ground with a clang, and right then her figure disappeared and appeared right infornt of Alicia throwing a punch.

Alicia fell back but just as it seemed she might get hit, a crimson spear and one made of vines interact the punch and blocked it.

Gritting their teeth to avoiding being sent flying by the impact, the duo of luacs and Ren tensed their legs and deeply implanted their feets into the ground as Alicia having called back lashed forward with violent intensity hidden in her eye and thrusted her sword forward.

[Moonlight sword style: piercing moonlighting!]

Shooting foward with blinding speed, her sword aimed at tearing through Rin shoulder but saint reaction just in time retreated her aim that had been clashing with the two spear and coating the back in a layer of thin ice swung it up into the edge of the sword just as the thrusted sword was about to strike her,


Spark flews as her ice coating shatter but her redirection worked as the sword thread right over her shoulder.

Meneavering her way through luacs and Ren, she shot towards Alicia right between them and grabbed her unstreched right arm which gripped the sword.

Twisted her arm to an awkward angel, she knees her in the side before strengthing her hold and spinning her around like a sword.

Alicia crashed into luacs then Ren before Rin flunged her to the side, causing her to bounce of the ground and finally crashing into a crumbled lose building that had survived their attack early.

"You three are definitely stronger than most!"

Dodging a strike from Lucas she tried delivering a counter attack of her own but before it could connect a thin vines lashed foward with fluid movement aiming to wrap around her arms.

Making no movement to stop her attack, the vine wrapped around her fist.

Feeling a sudden pull around her fist,she planted her feets firmly in the ground and...


Yanked her fist back pulling the owner of the vines, Ren towards her.

As she railed Ren in, luacs tried attacking again but Rin, kicked him to the side causing to to stagger backwards and buying her enough time to focus on Ren who had been fully railed in toward her.

The elf who seem eager to put up a fight thrusted his clenched fist coated in bright green vines towards her face, Rin please with his action tried intercepting it and finish him in a single strike but before she could, Ren did something completely unexpected.

He changed his punch into a swung right past her face.

"Huh?" She excalmied as the elf unclenched his fist causing a grain of dust hidden underneath his clenched his to scattered into her eyes.

Out of reflex she brought her arm infornt of her face but her action brought luacs enough time to tackled her from the back, breaking her balance and losing her handled of the vines wrapped around her fist.

Ren grabbing the vines connecting them, violently tanked it back, the forced causing Rin to further lose balance whiles also bring her closer to Ren who clenched his free left hand into a fist and struck her in the face.


As she staggered backwards, Lucas excalmied and brought his feets right behind Rin, tripping her straight onto the ground.

"We won!"luacs delecared twirling his spear in his grasp before pointing its tip down against the fall saint throat.

The fallen saint stared back at him with redden eyes and gripped holding of his spear.

"I commend you lack of pride but learn to be more ruthless!"

Her words caused a chill to ran down Lucas spine and he tried falling back but before he could a chilling mist Burst forth from within Rin body enveloping the battlefield.


With a pain tolerance skyrocket to astronomically height due to her corruption Alicia easily shrugged of the impact of her crash.

It took a while but she rose up and walked out of the building.

Observing the chilling mist, she sighed her breath icy and with a wave of her hand disrupted the cold mist.

With the mist now spent, she gazed at Rin.

Luacs was hanging over her shoulder a crisomon spear impaling his torse.

Ren in the other hand had just received a gut punched causing his knees to crumble as he fell to the ground.

She knew they properly wouldn't die but the imagine of her friends being at death door was frightening and infuriating to her.

She wanted to make Rin pay but she knew better than anymore going into an outburst wouldn't magically let her win the fight.

So she decided to handle the situation calmly.

The saints eyes where dyed red as trail of tear fell of her eyes.

She was crying not out of sorrow but because of the large quantity of dust Ren had throw into her eyes.

Mentality wise, it could be ignored but her body was currently constraints by two ranks and further constraints by impersonating a third stage awakeners.

Meaning it would take a few seconds to get use to.

"Lucas is too soft unlike his master, Ren just puts on a pretext, so..." Rin grinned placing luacs softly on the ground.

After which she retrieved the crismon spear impaling his chest and stabbed it in the ground near Lucas.

".....what of you, corrupt one."

Rin bloodshot eyes gleamed with a curious light as she examined Alicia waiting for a reply.

"Anti social.I guess!"

Dropping her sword on the ground and bringing her now clenched fist infornt of her.

"Boxing!" Rin excalmied a bit surprised.

Upon all the fighter she fought today Alicia was the least she expected to go with a fist fight.

"Well..." Shrugging her shoulders she grinned,"....let throw hands then!"