
"That doesn't sound mild at all!" she exclaims in horror.

"We are talking rapid controlled fucking evolution here! What were you expecting, a rash? No, your body will go through all the upgrades it would have taken for you to naturally reach that end result within a matter of minutes so no matter what it's not going to be a pleasant process." I said rolling my eyes.

"Fine I get it but why the whole bleeding from my everything thing?" she asked with a frown.

"That would be the [Disease resistance] trait I got lined up for you. Turns out it does a complete upgrade to your immune system which means all the old parts get kicked out hence the bleeding." I said with a shrug.

"[Disease resistance]? Judging from the name it makes it harder for me to get a cold?" she said confused.

"If it was so mundane why would I bother getting it for you?" I asked with a shake of my head "What it does is increase your bodies ability to identify and combat any diseases you encounter to a ridiculous degree. I don't mean just common diseases but ALL diseases including to but not limited to plagues and anthrax." I said with a grin as her eyes grew huge as she understood the implications of what I said.-

"Okay that sounds awesome." she says with a smile.

"Glad you are on board then, so how we doing this?" I asked and she looked confused.

"I thought you knew?" she asked and I shook my head.

"I don't mean how am I going to give you the traits but rather what happens AFTER that. You'll be knocked out for at least twenty minutes and that means you will be either covered in filth for that whole time and clothed or naked and covered instead." I explained and her face turned crimson as she understood the issue.

Unlike with the old man and the others Maya was a female and that meant she will end up in an award position regardless. She might thirst me up whenever she thought I wasn't looking and even actively try and get me to take peeks at her growing "assets" but she was still a girl with no sexual experiences so just getting totally or even partially naked in front of me was an uncomfortable idea for her.-

It was a strange thing being willing to fuck and stripping without having that intention having different reactions from someone but people were complicated. If we were just going to fuck she'd probably drop her clothes without hesitation but now that it was a "look but don't touch" type deal she was embarrassed.-

"D-do you have a sheet or something I can cover myself with?" she asked red faced.

"I don't but I can easily fix that, creation machine remember. Gonna have to go with plastic though if we don't want it to stick to you." I said with a shrug and she sighed and relaxed.

Making a simple black plastic sheet in the machine was easy enough and after going to my bathroom and changing into her sheet Maya was ready. I gassed her and sent in the traits along with an extra 2,000 units of lifeforce. As I had said her muscles squirmed under her skin as they tore and reformed while all of her pores leaked a mix of thick, dark and thin, light colored blood. I didn't get to see the results really as she was fully covered from the neck down in the black sheet but I figured I'd know soon enough.-

I also didn't take a copy of her powers trait during this time because I wasn't entirely sure what would happen if I did. If for some reason the power went haywire when I took it I wanted her awake to counter it with her own. As I guessed she stayed under for about twenty five minutes before I heard the water start flowing in my bathroom and I waited for her to get done washing herself off. When she walked out I mentally high fived myself for throwing a copy of [Beautiful form] in the mix.-

For starters despite her body bulking up a bit she still looked like a supermodel, just with faint abs. Second her hips and tits got an upgrade in huggibility if you understand my meaning.

'That has to be at least a whole cup size bigger than before!' I thought impressed.

It wasn't a very huge increase but definitely noticeable. Her skin was also now practically glowing with how smooth and vibrantly healthy it was. I also noticed she'd gained a good two inches of height to better keep her proportions just right.-

"I assume you did this intentionally?" she asked pressing her boobs together.

"Well not intentional exactly, I did slip in a [beautiful form] in there but other than it was supposed to make you more gorgeous I had no idea how it would effect you. I regret nothing." I said with a grin.

"I'm not even mad, they ARE awesome." she said bouncing a bit causing that hypnotic jiggle everyone loves.

Tearing my gaze from her chest "We should probably get the power trait over with huh?" I asked and she rushed over eagerly.

"I've been waiting for this!" she said with a huge smile.

I just chuckled at her excitement before grabbing one of her smooth soft hands and going ahead with the acquisition. Immediately I felt that hunger flare up as a whole ass million units of lifeforce vanished from my stores. It left this dreadful empty feeling behind like I had been starving for days that I ignored as I knew it would fade once I got used to my new amount of lifeforce. Other than the drain of lifeforce nothing happened for a moment which made me worried that something was wrong.-

My powers were not instantaneous but they NEVER just outright stalled like this. It was a continuous motion from the lifeforce draining from me to the formation of a copy of the trait to it returning to me. It took an entire minute for me to feel the trait start forming and a whole five awkward fucking minutes to finish. It became clear to me however why my powers were struggling like this when the trait copy went to pass from her to me. It was like I had an entire planet pressed against my hand and slowly getting forced through a hole the size of a straw. -

I grit my teeth in agony as merely bringing the trait into my body caused my tattoos and eyes to shine blindingly and pain wracked my body. It was like I was a balloon long since filled to capacity yet getting more and more air forced into it without bursting somehow, pure agony. My veins bulged in exertion and sweat dropped off of me in vast amounts as I fought my hardest not to clench my hand that was holding Maya's. Hindsight is a bitch because it was only after I was too far into the process that I realized I might have fucked up.-

Clearly the siren power traits were different than all the rest as even legendary traits barely felt like more than swallowing a pool ball. Compared to this it was nothing as it was as if I had choked down an entire planet. The moment the process finished I collapsed in relief while Maya looked horrified. She probably remembered the last time I took one of her traits and understood that what just happened was NOT normal.-

"Are you okay!?" she asked panicked next to me.

"I'll live." I wheezed out painfully.

My whole body ached like I had torn every muscle I had and been awake for four whole ass days. Just keeping myself from passing out when I blinked was a herculean task in and of itself. Now that I had the trait though I understood WHY I had such trouble taking the thing in, concepts. As I had previously theorized the siren powers held concepts of the universe which was why they couldn't be destroyed and why there was a limit to how many could exist at once. Maya's [Phaselock] held the concepts of [gravity], [time] and a part of the [space] concept.-

In simple terms my powers created a copy of these concepts along with the structure of her powers and gave them to me. In other words I had basically just been force fed a tiny fraction of the universes many parts. Honestly I wasn't even surprised that the process was so agonizing as a result given the sheer vastness those concepts held. Unfortunately I could also tell that the creators of Maya's powers had sort of crippled them, whether intentional or not I didn't know, but it was true.-

If she could fully wield the powers of these concepts it would be no exaggeration to say that she would easily be considered a god. Seriously just imagine that she points her hand out the window of a ship in orbit and a blackhole forms from out of nowhere and destroys the planet in mere moments while entirely unaffected by the holes gravity yourself. That was what a single concept of her powers were capable of without these limitations on them, just one concept without mentioning the other two. The kicker though was I identified the part that was the biggest limitation for her but wasn't for me, energy.-

The powers had an inbuilt feature to make sure the host of them had a pool of energy to draw from in order to use them. I directly stripped this part of the trait away as I already knew what it was, [Energy reservoir-Epic grade]. It cost me another 273,489 units to remove that part of the mythic trait and shunt it into the copy I had that directly caused the copy I had to jump a grade to legendary. I did this because I didn't need a new energy source for the power as I already had one, lifeforce.-

And unlike Maya's amount of energy my pool was theoretically infinite in size so long as I killed enough. I thought about trying to loosen the other restrictions on the concepts but understood that I both lacked the "funds" for that and that it was a VERY bad idea for my body. One such limitation was that Maya could use her concepts fully ONLY if she had enough energy to do it as a failsafe to make sure that the powers host didn't have to experience the concepts with their body. In other words it was a safety mechanism to keep the siren from killing themselves accidentally.


https://www.pa treon.com/user?u=81578854#:~:text=pa treon.com/pa treon_loskro


Alexander Drake

Lifeforce: 155,901

Integrated Traits: [Gun expertise-Uncommon grade], [Clever mind-Uncommon grade]X3,[Enhanced senses-Epic grade], [Omega body-Rare grade]x4, [Supreme armored hide-Epic grade]X2, [Bone regeneration-Uncommon grade], [Corrosion resistance-Uncommon grade], [Energy projection-Epic grade]x2, [Superior vitality-Epic grade],[Flame breath-Uncommon grade],[Regeneration-Epic grade], [Disease resistance-Epic grade],[Amphibious lungs-Uncommon grade], [Thermal sensing-Uncommon grade], [Water resistance-Common grade],[Active camouflage-Epic grade], [Eridian engineering expertise-Mythical grade], [Quick thinking], [Efficient lungs-Rare grade]x2, [Fire resistance-Epic grade], [Elemental body(fire)-Legendary grade], [Shock resistance-Epic grade]X3, [Energetic sustenance(shock)-Epic grade]X2, [Radiation resistance-Epic grade]X3, [Energetic sustenance(radiation)-Epic grade]X2, [True omnivore-Rare grade], [Biometallic bones-Epic grade],[Elemental body(shock)-Rare grade]X2,[Quick thinking-Rare grade], [Hyperflexibility-Rare grade], [Strong circulation-Epic grade], [Minor spatial awareness-Epic grade], [Buzzaxe expertise-Uncommon grade]

Stored traits: [Energy reservoir-Legendary grade], [Clever mind-Uncommon grade]x3, [Dexterous hands-Common grade]X6, [Strong nose-Uncommon grade]X6, [Strong body-Common grade]X3,[Siren(Phaselock)(Altered)-Mythical grade]